Profit Margin facts
While investigating facts about Profit Margin Formula and Profit Margin Calculator, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The TI-84/83 calculators have comparably higher profit margins than apple due to their monopoly on the school system
how profit margin is calculated?
Time Warner Cable has a 97 Percent Profit Margin on High-Speed Internet
What profit margin should i aim for?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's profit margin. Here are 23 of the best facts about Profit Margin Ratio and Profit Margin Definition I managed to collect.
what profit margin is good?
The vast majority of auto insurance claims are processed through a software called Colossus, created by McKinsey, was systematically designed to increase a company's bottom line profit margins and to screw out consumers...
An Italian mob pulled an elaborate heist involving olive oil, using adulterated and chemically treated oils and labelling their containers as extra virgin. The profit margin of this heist was said to have "three times the profit margin of cocaine."
Amazon has an average profit margin of 00.35% and has often run negative margins in the past 5 years
The prescription pill Xanax only costs $0.024c (2.4c) to produce 100 pills, yet is sold for $136 in the pharmacy. That is a 569,958% profit margin.
Bayer once gave thousands of people AIDS to preserve their profit margins
Despite massive increases in revenue, health insurers' profit margins are razor-thin, averaging 3.3%, and that no insurance carrier is on the top 100 firms with highest-paid CEOs.
RadioShack's Market cap is $38 Million but CEO gets paid $8 Million despite a negative 24% profit margin
In the U.S., the average net profit margin for an insurance company is 3% to 8%
The profit margins for fountain beverages are extremely high. 5 gallons of post mix (fountain syrup), enough to make 30 gallons of soda, costs restaurants just $13.49 - enough to get the customer about 192 oz, or 1.5 gallons, of soda.
We have all almost certainly eaten horse meat. Investigations showed that most beef products were, or are, contaminated at some point with anywhere from 1% to up to 40% horse meat. Horse meat was/is used as a much cheaper filler to boost profit margins for beef companies.
Profit Margin data charts
For your convenience take a look at Profit Margin figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why profit margin increase?
You can easily fact check why profit margin low by examining the linked well-known sources.
The creator of Sea Monkeys, despite being Jewish, used a margin of his profits to fund the KKK and Aryan Nations
An iPhone 6 Plus has a $710 profit margin, per phone. - source
U.S. automakers could enjoy profit margins of $10,000 per SUV, while losing a few hundred dollars on a compact car. - source
When Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1792, he turned cotton farming from a marginally profitable business into a highly profitable enterprise. This led to an explosion of slavery in the American South, which was ironic since Whitney himself had been morally opposed to slavery.
Budget airlines actually have higher profit margins than traditional airlines - source
Profit maximization occurs when marginal revenue equals?
Airlines operate on small margins, with an average profit of just $8.27 per passenger
How to calculate gross profit margin?
WinRAR makes the bulk of their profit from companies that need to buy software legally. WinRAR knows home users rarely, if ever, buy the software, but they are fine with it since home users couldn't make up the profit margins of businesses anyway.
US automaker Tesla ranked as having the worst dealerships in the country as the main measure was sales person's push for selling car with highest profit margin.
Hyundai has the highest profit margin of any car company (%10) while General Motors has the lowest (3%)
Honda has never sold any of its cars to rental companies because doing so lowers profit margins and hurts resale values.
The profit margin selling fake Extra Virgin Olive oil can be three times better than the profit margins selling cocaine.