Today Dollars facts
While investigating facts about Today Dollars Rate and Today Dollars Rate In Pakistan, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A guy made $1,000,000 by selling each pixel on a 1000 x 1000 pixel web page for $1 a pixel. The Million Dollar Homepage was created in 2005 to raise money for his university fees. The inventor went on to create a company today valued at $250m.
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In 1980 Weird Al Yankovic turned down a 5 million dollar (worth 14 million today) beer endorsement stating "a lot of my fans were young and impressionable, so ethically I believe I did the right thing"
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is today's exchange rate for us dollars. Here are 50 of the best facts about Today's Dollars and Today Dollars In Rupees I managed to collect.
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The Atari 2600, adjusted for inflation, cost $790 in today's dollars
A Brazilian invented caller ID technology more than 25 years ago. Today he is in 40 lawsuits claiming for his royalties that, in total, are more than 25 billion dollars
Central Park had an estimated property value of $528 billion in 2005; In today's market that would be $810,801,446,400.00 - nearly a trillion dollars. If it were in Detroit, instead of NY, it's value would be $4.5 million.
Al Capone was taking in about $105,000,000 a year in the 1920's, or about 1.4 billion in today's dollars
A man named Jacob DeHaven lent $450,000 to the Continental Congress to rescue the troops at Valley Forge and the government never paid it back. So his descendants took the US to court to collect $141.6B in today's dollars. They were unsuccessful.
In 1962, a programmer omitted a single hyphen in the code for the Mariner I rocket, causing it to explode shortly after take off. This typo cost NASA the equivalent of $630 million dollars today.
American steel magnate Charles M Schwab died a pauper with over $300k in debt after blowing through a fortune that was worth $500-$800 million dollars today
The US two dollar bill is still being produced today. It's apparent rarity is in part due to the common misconception that it is no longer being produced, causing people to collect them, thus pulling them out of circulation.
Jimmy the Greek Snyder bet $10,000 at 17–1 odds on Harry Truman to defeat Thomas Dewey in the 1948 election, because Dewey had a mustache and "American women didn't trust men with a mustache". In today's dollars, that bet netted him over $1.7 Million.
A British man threw away a hard drive containing 7500 Bitcoin, worth around 54 million dollars today
Today Dollars data charts
For your convenience take a look at Today Dollars figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is today a palindrome date by examining the linked well-known sources.
A man bought 2 pizzas in 2010 using 10,000 bitcoins, worth over 10 million dollars today.
Forrest Gump's networth would be 7 billion dollars due to his initial investment in Apple Computers - source
The original Volkswagon Beetle would temporarily float on water because of a sealed steel bottom with nothing exposed beneath it. Volkswagen even created a 1972 television commercial which demonstrated its ability to float. It sold for $1999 US dollars (roughly equivalent to 12k today). - source
At the height of his power, drug lord Pablo Escobar was worth more than 30 billions dollars. That's equivalent to 58 billion today, which would have made him the 5th richest person in the world.
Back In March of 2010, Someone Posted a Listing To Sell 10,000 Bitcoin for $50. No One Took The Offer. Today That Would Be Worth About 97 Million Dollars. - source
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The first US billionaire and richest person in modern history, John D. Rockefeller (1839–1937), had a top net worth around US $409 billion (in 2018 dollars). That is almost four times the net woorth as today's richest person, Jeff Bezos.
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The yellow cab of NYC were started in 1907 when a businessman, outraged at being charged $5 dollars ($122 today) for a 1/4 mile horse and carriage trip, decided to start his own taxi "service in New York and charge so-much per mile
In their twilight years, Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller gave away millions of dollars to hospitals, schools, and libraries. That would be equivalent to several billion today.
The richest man in history was Mansa Musa, an West African King who ruled in the early 1300's. His fortune is estimated at around $400B in today's dollars.
The last emperor of the Incas offered the Spanish a room full of gold (~60 Billion dollars today) in exchange for his life.
A first class ticket on the Titanic cost $4,350 in 1912 which would be approximately $106,200 per person in today's dollars