Market Capitalization facts
While investigating facts about Market Capitalization Formula and Market Capitalization Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The fall of Nokia has decimated Finland's economy: "By 2000, Nokia accounted for a mindboggling 4% of Finnish GDP, 70% of Helsinki's stock exchange market capital, 43% of corporate R&D, 21% of total exports and 14% of corporate tax revenues. It was and still is unprecedented."
how market capitalization is calculated?
China had not been exposed to chocolate until the 1980s when they finally implemented market reforms and capitalism to allow foreign private businesses to sell in their country.
What's market capitalization?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does market capitalization mean. Here are 26 of the best facts about Market Capitalization Definition and Market Capitalization Calculator I managed to collect.
what market capitalization means?
Even though Vietnam is a socialist country, 95% of the Vietnamese population believe in free-market capitalism -- a higher percentage than Americans.
The "free market" economy of capitalism was introduced in 1776 by Adam Smith, a Scottish economist who wrote a book called The Wealth of Nations. He described an economy in which the government would leave the economy to the people.
It soon became a financial capital and when the stock market crashed in 1929 none of San Francisco's banks failed.
The stock markets help to raise money for companies when they need capital to expand, and this in turn creates the potential for investors to make money on stocks.
Stock markets have been around since the 13th century and that the first company to have capital stock traded was the Dutch East India Company in 1602.
Neoliberalism is the contemporary resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism and free market capitalism. Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade and reductions in gov't spending.
Karl Marx saw recession and depression as unavoidable under free-market capitalism as there are no restrictions on accumulations of capital other than the market itself. Boom and bust patterns are inevitable and will be increasingly severe until the final point of failure.
Maryland's antique capital is considered to be New Market.
The Texas social studies curriculum was rated 'D' by the conservative Fordham Institute for its "politicized distortion of history" that "suppresses less triumphal aspects" while exaggerating religious influences and free-market capitalism
Hebden Bridge, a small market town in West Yorkshire that is called 'the lesbian capital of the UK'.
Market Capitalization data charts
For your convenience take a look at Market Capitalization figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about market capitalization?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
There are 740 different cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin but not all of them are accepted by trading companies. Only 8 of them has around 10 million $ market capitalizations.
In 2012, a software issue resulted in a major stock market disruption, which resulted in a loss of over $400 million for Knight Capital Group and it's subsequent aquisition by Getco LLC. - source
In 2012 US market maker Knight Capital lost over $400m (£261m) in 30 minutes because of a computer glitch. - source
Difference between Primary vs. Secondary Capital market | ApnaCourse
About OG Ma, a Chinese Immigrant living in Chinatown in Manhattan, who fell in love with Supreme, and was one of the first to capitalize on the Resale Market - source
When is capital market?
Das Kapital was marketed as a self-help book on how to *make* capital - and it was a bestseller
How market capitalization affects stocks?
F A Hayek disapproved of the notion of 'social justice'. He compared the market to a game in which 'there is no point in calling the outcome just or unjust'. He generally regarded government redistribution of income or capital as an unacceptable intrusion upon individual freedom.
In 1982 Kuwait's unofficial stock market had the 3rd highest market capitalization globally until it crashed due to high levels of speculation, unsecured post-dated cheques, and shell companies
Economist Milton Friedman, one of the staunchest advocates of free market capitalism in the 20th century, was also the architect of the most successful social welfare program of all time - the earned income tax credit.
The name of the Tajik capital Dushanbe translates to "Monday" because it grew from a village that had a popular market on Mondays
Market capitalization infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Market Capitalization numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.