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Lower Classes facts

While investigating facts about Lower Classes Told What To Do and Lower Classes Synonyms, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1907, French waiters went on strike for the right to have mustaches. In France prior to 1907, mustaches were a symbol of class and stature, while waiters were seen as lower class and thus - not mustache-worthy.

how did expanding literacy impact lower classes?

A "blind pig" was a lower-class establishment that sold alcohol during Prohibition (in contrast to a higher-class "speakeasy"). The owner would charge customers to see an attraction (such as an animal) and then serve a "complimentary" alcoholic beverage, thus circumventing the law.

Lower classes told what to do?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what classes can i take to lower my insurance. Here are 43 of the best facts about Lower Classes Meaning and Lower Classes During French Revolution I managed to collect.

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  1. The custom of the ace being over the king and queen originated after the French Revolution, to symbolize the lower classes overthrowing the nobility.

  2. The names for domestic food animals while they're alive, come from the lower class Anglo-Saxons who tended them, and the word for their meat come from the upper class Norman French who could afford to eat them.

  3. Modern Romance languages come from a "non-classical" version of Latin called "Vulgar Latin" that had no orthography, was written in graffiti, and spoken by the lower-class. Basically, Romance languages evolved from Latin slang.

  4. In the early Roman Republic, when the lower class got fed up they all left the city until the upper class was willing to negotiate

  5. Geoffrey Chaucer’s contemporary use of lower-class Saxon English to write his works. rather than conventional Latin or upper class spoken French, has perplexed scholars for centuries. He was the first to truly begin to develop English into a highly flexible literary language.

  6. In the Middle Ages, European dishes were much more rich with complex flavors and spices. This only changed when those spices became available to the lower class and the upper class decided that said spices and dishes were no longer “fashionable”.

  7. Despite the Ford Pinto's reputation as a deathtrap, it actually had accident death rates on par with competitor cars, and its risk of "fatal accidents accompanied by some fire" was average for all cars and lower than average for its class.

  8. Nordic citizens have chosen to use a “day fine” system. It bases fines like traffic violations on the offender's personal income to motivate moneyed citizens to act equally lawful as middle and lower class citizens.

  9. Huffing gasoline is a real form of substance abuse and that it causes actual highs and hallucinations. It is also one of the most commonly abused household items for lower class people and also one of the most dangerous.

  10. From 1683 to 1871, British men typically purchased their commissions to serve as Army officers. It was a cash bond that helped guarantee good conduct, as well as acting as a filter to keep out lower classes, and the money was returned after an honorable retirement.

lower classes facts
What is the effect of social stratification on the lower classes of society?

Lower Classes data charts

For your convenience take a look at Lower Classes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

lower classes fact data chart about First time in US history, billionaires paid a lower tax rate
First time in US history, billionaires paid a lower tax rate than the working class

Why do lower social classes smoke more?

You can easily fact check why did christianity appeal to the lower classes by examining the linked well-known sources.

In ancient Egypt, bread was one of the most important food staples; it was eaten daily by both rich people and the lower classes. Following ancient recipes, the bread has a rough texture with a shiny exterior and tastes nutty

A study found that use of laptops in classes lowered grades. Students who multitasked performed much worse on the final test and those who were seated around peers who were multitasking also performed much worse on the final test - source

Most lower class people associate themselves with the middle class. - source

When first invented the fiddle/violin was traditionally played at events such as funerals, weddings, birthdays, and other important occasions in the lower classes.

There were two different types of knights. There were the Knight Bachelors who were of lower class and fought under other men's banners, and there were the Knight Bannerets who fought under their own banner and commanded men in war. - source

When it comes to religion the lower classes tend to be attracted to?

In traditional Christian angelology, archangels are actually NOT the "highest" order of angels. They're technically one of the "lower" orders, beneath classes of beings such as seraphim and cherubim, which are arguably a bit less humanoid and/or humanly comprehensible.

How did the corn laws affect the lower classes?

Racing on ice skates began as a spectator sport among the lower class and laborers.

Margarine was invented when Napoleon offered a prize for anyone who developed an affordable butter alternative for the army and lower classes.

When Sesame Street was debating on whether to include an episode about divorce, executive producer Dulcy Singer vetoed the idea, saying "Divorce was a middle-class thing" and wanted to focus on lower socio-economics issues instead

Simply identifying as lower class could be enough to make people eat more food, as well as eating food with higher fat content

In a capitalist economy there is risk of poor labor conditions and lower wages. This results in members of the working class struggling to survive in many situations.

Lower classes tend to resort to when money is available?

The Parc-aux-Cerfs, literally "Stag Park," a harem kept by King Louis XV in Versailles, which kept young, lower-class, virginal girls for the enjoyment of the king

The Korean alphabet Hangul was created by king Sejong the Great in the 15th century to promote literacy among the lower class.

Scientists discovered a new class of molecules-produced in human and mouse fat-that protects against diabetes.The researchers found that giving this new fat, or lipid, to mice with the equivalent of type 2 diabetes lowered their elevated blood sugar.

Japan Airlines serves KFC to economy class travellers during Christmas season. In-flight KFC has 15% more salt to compensate for the lower pressure and humidity.

The expression humble pie is derived from a meat pie made of animal organs, called umble, which were considered inferior and served to lower-class people. It is a coincidence humble has a related meaning; it is etymologically unrelated.

How did the enlightenment affect the lower classes of europe?

A Japanese samurai could kill anyone of the lower class if they compromised their honour (insults them). They needed a witness to show that the victim actually insulted the samurai otherwise he could get severely punished.

Women in the middle and lower classes of the Song Dynasty were able to run businesses. Women were also given with large dowries (wedding gifts of money and property). This gave them more property rights.

In early 20th century, pro-abortion movements in the US were used by wealthier classes as a method of suppressing the population growth of the lower class and immigrants.

Wheat market deregulation in 18th century France led to huge price increases, rampant speculation, riots, constant fear of starvation, and in the end French revolution as the lower classes believed the upper classes conspired to kill them by denying grain

The proper response to "How do you do?" was to reply "How do you do?" back. The phrase was used to indicate that you were upper class, while a simple "hello" was used by the lower class.

Missing White Woman Syndrome - the phenomenon of the media's extensive cover on missing upper middle class white women who disappear compared to missing men, women of color or lower class

Movies used to be classed as "A Movies" or "B Movies", with B Movies being lower budget, less popular films that had cheaper ticket prices than A Movies.

The political terms "Left Wing" and "Right Wing" are traced back to the French Revolution. It referred to the side of the assembly politicians sat. The Right was supportive of the King and upper class while the Left was supportive of the Revolution and the Lower Class.

High Heels were originally worn by men in the 1600's as a signal of high status, to differentiate themselves from the lower class folk.

Legacy admissions. Applicants to highly selective and prestigious US universities have a 20% greater chance of acceptance if one or both parents are alumni. Legacy admissions typically have lower GPA/SAT scores than the rest of the incoming class

Tea in England wasn't introduced as a drink by an English but was actually introduced by a Portuguese Princess that was considered very fashionable. Thanks to her the upper class started drinking it and then lower classes followed suit

Living in a lower class area warrants frequent behaviour like this

In the 1700's, Parisian wet nurses received low wages and paid high rents. This forced many lower-class Parisian mothers to leave their own children and work as wet nurses, which meant they sent their own babies away to be cared for by wet nurses poorer than themselves

Gopnik is a racial slur for Russians for aggressive young lower-class suburban male dwellers, who often wear Adidas tracksuits and flat caps

In the last 50 years the percent of upper class households has tripled, while the percentage of lower and middle class households has grown smaller (based on U.S. Census Bureau rates of inflation and their $25k-$100k class defining income levels.)

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Lower Classes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Lower Classes so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor