Middle Class facts
While investigating facts about Middle Class Song and Middle Class Income, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Meth is so common in North Korea that suited elites in Pyongyang restaurants offer each other a “nose” after dinner, the middle classes take it as a cold cure or remedy for back pain, and the poor take it to ease the emptiness in their stomach.
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A revolt of textile workers in 14th century Florence led to the son of a washerwoman becoming president when he entered the palace barefoot and overthrew the oligarchic government. For 4 years the republic was ruled almost entirely by middle class artisans and shopkeepers
What's middle class income?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what middle class income in america. Here are 50 of the best facts about Middle Class Song Download and Middle Class Definition I managed to collect.
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62.1% of bankruptcies in the US are due to medical bills. Most medical debtors were well educated and middle class; three quarters had health insurance. Unaffordable medical bills and income shortfalls due to illness were common causes.
Each of the suits on a deck of cards represents the four major pillars of the economy in the middle ages: heart represented the Church, spades represented the military, clubs represented agriculture, and diamonds represented the merchant class
Ryan White, an HIV/AIDS spokesman in the 80s, was expelled from middle school after contracting HIV from an infected blood transfusion. 117 parents and 50 teachers campaigned for his ban, after being told that the students would catch HIV if they were in the same class as he was.
Pepsi was one of the first to advertise directly to African-Americans, with advertisements in the 1940s portraying them as "self-confident middle-class citizens", as well as the hiring of an all-black sales team to promote Pepsi around the country.
Queen was competing with Wham! to become the first Western pop group to perform in China. Wham!'s manager made 2 brochures - one featuring Wham! fans as pleasant middle-class youngsters, and one portraying Queen frontman Freddie Mercury in typically flamboyant poses. The Chinese opted for Wham!.
China was the first country in the world to produce steel preceding Europe by over 1000 years but failed to reach an industrial revolution due to the absence of a middle class
A study by British sociologists found 7 distinct social classes: Elite, Established middle class, Traditional working class, Technical middle class, Emergent service workers, New affluent workers and Precariat. Whom people know and what they do contribute to their class as much as income.
Dwight D. Eisenhower graduated West Point in the middle of the class of 1915, which became known as "the class the stars fell on" because 59 members eventually became general officers.
Meth is so common in North Korea that suited elites in Pyongyang restaurants offer each other a “nose” after dinner, the middle classes take it as a cold cure or remedy for back pain, and the poor take it to ease the emptiness in their stomach.
97% of French Cognac is exported to the USA, where the majority of consumers are African-American. WWII soldiers stationed in France returned to America with a taste for it - and by the 50s, Cognac companies marketed directly to the Black middle and upper classes through Jet and Ebony magazine.
Middle Class data charts
For your convenience take a look at Middle Class figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why middle class is important?
You can easily fact check why middle class is disappearing by examining the linked well-known sources.
The educated middle class are now considered the working poor
In the Middle Ages, European dishes were much more rich with complex flavors and spices. This only changed when those spices became available to the lower class and the upper class decided that said spices and dishes were no longer “fashionable”. - source
After the battle of Waterloo in 1815, scavengers pulled so many teeth from the 50,000 dead soldiers, they caused the price of false teeth to fall in Britain to an affordable rate for the middle class. - source
Seneca Village, a predominately middle class black neighborhood, was demolished to make room for Central Park
The largest Chinese community in Europe is found in the Tuscan city of Prato. Prato's Chinese community consists of an estimated 20,000 legal and 30,000 illegal migrants, many working in sweatshops that provide affordable "Made in Italy" textiles for China's emerging middle class. - source
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About the Iroquois Theatre fire of 1903, in which over 602 people died. It gained a lot of attention as the victims were mainly women and children from an upper-middle class background. The theatre had been falsely billed as “absolutely fireproof”, but lacked basic safety infrastructure.
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Due to a hospital error, two pairs of Colombian identical twins were raised as two pairs of fraternal twins. One set was raised in rural farm setting, the other in a middle class urban setting
1986, a world-class runner dropped out of the middle of a 10,000 meter race and jumped off a bridge. She did not die, but she became quadriplegic. "All of a sudden, I just felt like something snapped inside of me"
In 2016 Stephen Hawking said that “we are at the most dangerous moment in the development of humanity” and that the “rise of artificial intelligence [was] likely to extend job destruction deep into the middle classes, with only the most caring, creative, or supervisory roles remaining.”
Nordic citizens have chosen to use a “day fine” system. It bases fines like traffic violations on the offender's personal income to motivate moneyed citizens to act equally lawful as middle and lower class citizens.
Durham, once known as America's 'Capital of the Black Middle Class' and home to the first African-American bank. From the 19th century, the city was known nationally for the unusual integration and business investments between White and Black elites and the resulting prosperity.
Middle class infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Middle Class numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Do Democratic Countries have a Bigger Middle Class?