Upper Class facts
While investigating facts about Upper Class Income and Upper Class Income 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby gave himself the name "Jay" because he believed it sounded upper-class and sophisticated, while in reality, the term "jay" was used as an insult during the early 1900s (when the novel took place) to describe an ignorant or inexperienced person.
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It's A Wonderful Life" was classified as Communist Propaganda by the F.B.I. because it "deliberately maligned the upper class, attempting to show the people who had money were mean and despicable characters."
What's upper class?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's upper class in canada. Here are 50 of the best facts about Upper Class Definition and Upper Class Twit Of The Year I managed to collect.
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The International Debutante Ball. A biennial, invitation only event hosted in the NYC Waldorf Astoria hotel that presents well-connected young ladies from upper class families to high society. The participation fee alone starts from $22,000.
In 1700 King Louis XIV was the 1st king to tax the upper classes in French history as prior to this the rich would receive tax exemptions from previous kings
Little league sports were originally organized to keep poor kids off the streets but the Depression caused leagues to close down so poor children from urban areas lost opportunities for competitive athletics. Fee-based groups filled the void but only upper class kids could afford them.
Laughing gas parties, where the British upper class would get high off of nitrous oxide
The names for domestic food animals while they're alive, come from the lower class Anglo-Saxons who tended them, and the word for their meat come from the upper class Norman French who could afford to eat them.
In the early Roman Republic, when the lower class got fed up they all left the city until the upper class was willing to negotiate
Only the very lowest ranked ninjas actually did fieldwork and went on missions. Higher ranked ninjas, generally recruited from the upper classes, tended to keep their hands clean and acted as administrators taking contracts and meeting with clients.
97% of French Cognac is exported to the USA, where the majority of consumers are African-American. WWII soldiers stationed in France returned to America with a taste for it - and by the 50s, Cognac companies marketed directly to the Black middle and upper classes through Jet and Ebony magazine.
Geoffrey Chaucer’s contemporary use of lower-class Saxon English to write his works. rather than conventional Latin or upper class spoken French, has perplexed scholars for centuries. He was the first to truly begin to develop English into a highly flexible literary language.
In the Middle Ages, European dishes were much more rich with complex flavors and spices. This only changed when those spices became available to the lower class and the upper class decided that said spices and dishes were no longer “fashionable”.
Upper Class data charts
For your convenience take a look at Upper Class figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is upper class income?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Lentils have been a source of sustenance for humans since prehistoric times. They are the oldest pulse crop known to man and one of the earliest domesticated crops. Depending on location, lentils were either considered a poor man's food or a delicacy for the upper class
About the mid-Atlantic or transatlantic accent. It was not a natural accent; it was generally taught to actors and the upper class in north eastern American society. Many news reels from the 30s and 40s reek of it. Transatlantic accent fell out of vogue after World War 2. - source
Today's British accent first appeared among London's upper class around the time of the American Revolution. Before that, the British accent was similar to that of Americans. - source
About the Iroquois Theatre fire of 1903, in which over 602 people died. It gained a lot of attention as the victims were mainly women and children from an upper-middle class background. The theatre had been falsely billed as “absolutely fireproof”, but lacked basic safety infrastructure.
Pulling teeth was a typical way to treat toothaches in Charles Dickens' time and was a fairly common occurrence to members of the upper class (like Scrooge and Marley) due to their easy access to large amounts of sugar. In 'Disney's A Christmas Carol', Marley's ghost is missing a tooth. - source
When are you considered upper class?
Women's shirts have buttons on the left because upper class women would be dressed by mostly right handed servants but men's shirts button on the right because they would draw their swords with their right hand.
How the upper middle class is really doing?
When ice skating was still a new past-time in Europe it was limited to the upper class. This was true in China as well during the Song dynasty and the Qing dynasty.
In the early 17th century, men wore high heel shoes to imply their upper-class status; only someone who did not have to work could afford, both financially and practically, to wear such extravagant shoes
At 17 Florence refused a marriage proposal by an upper class gentleman. It was expected that Florence would marry someone of high social class, but she chose to pursue nursing, against her parent's wishes.
By the mid-1800s ice skating had become popular in Britain among the middle and upper class.
72% of Americans with a networth of $5 Million or more consider themselves middle class or upper-middle class