Incredible and fun facts to explore

Fashion Trend facts

While investigating facts about Fashion Trends 2019 and Fashion Trends 2020, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A "macaroni", as mentioned in Yankee Doodle, refers to a 1700s trend wherein some men would dress up in ridiculously over the top clothing and speak in a gender-ambiguous manner. The name came from young men who had toured Italy referring to fashionable things as "very macaroni".

how fashion trends have changed over the years?

In Tudor England, the teeth of the well-to-do frequently went black from sugar. This started a short-lived fashion trend of ladies blackening their teeth to give the impression they were rich enough to buy luxury goods

What fashion trends are in right now?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what fashion trends are popular now. Here are 25 of the best facts about Fashion Trends and Fashion Trends Fall 2019 I managed to collect.

what fashion trends are coming back?

  1. Tuberculosis was so romanticized during the Victorian era that fashion trends emerged to highlight and emulate the symptoms of the disease. This fashion movement is referred to as “Consumptive Chic”.

  2. The word dude originated in the 1800s as an insult to men overly concerned with the latest fashion trends.

  3. Powdered wigs started as a fashion trend partially due to syphilis.

  4. In 1869, a strange fashion trend was afoot among the hippest London ladies. With the assistance of canes and mismatched shoes or specialty pairs with different heel heights, they affected what was called the Alexandra Limp.

  5. Victorians had a bizarre fashion trend of wearing live insect jewelry including beetles, lizards, and fireflies.

  6. A two-day long secret meeting is held each year, attended by representatives from international color standards groups to decide "Color of the Year" - a key influence in global design and fashion trends.

  7. The "Macaroni" from the song "Yankee Doodle" refers to an eccentric English fashion trend, a kind of 18th century 'hipster' trend, and precursor to dandies. The song ridicules the Yankees, calling them naive for putting a feather on their hats and calling it macaroni.

  8. Suntanning was considered unattractive until the 1920's, when Coco Chanel accidentally got sunburned, causing her fans to begin suntanning as a new fashion trend

  9. The birth of the the dauphin (the heir to the French throne) Louis-Joseph in 1781 set a fashion trend using a new shade of brown, "caca-dauphin", the color of the baby's bowel movements.

  10. It was once a fashion trend for women to wear rouge...on their knees.

fashion trend facts
What fashion trends were popular in the 90s?

Why is nasa a fashion trend?

You can easily fact check why are old fashion trends coming back by examining the linked well-known sources.

Ganguro, a 1990s Japanese fashion trend where rebellious youths tanned their skin, bleached their hair and used a lot of colourful makeup in unusual ways to contradict traditional Japanese concepts of beauty.

In the 1920s, fashion-designer Coco Chanel accidentally got sunburnt while visiting the French Riviera. As a result tanned skin became a trend partly because of Coco’s status and the longing for her lifestyle by other members of society. - source

Orthodontic braces became a fashion trend in Asia, creating a market for fake braces that teens would wear strictly for the appearance - source

The term 'Macaroni' in the song 'Yankee Doodle' refers to a 17th century British high society fashion trend that later became ridiculed

You can correlate social trends in Movies, Music, Fashion, Politics and Media with the Stock Market - source

When a fashion statement has real meaning?

Pope Clement VII had grown a full beard in mourning of the Sack Of Rome during his 9 month imprisonment, despite the Catholic Canon Law. This then started a fashion trend with succeeding Popes. This trend had lasted well over a century, lasting 24 popes, ending with Innocent XII.

How to keep up with fashion trends?

A "Passion Gap" is a body modifcation trend in Cape Town, South Africa where the two front teeth are deliberately removed for fashion and status.

There is a fashion trend in Thailand in which young men emulate Mexican gangsters.

The byzantines so were so impressed by emperor Contantine's khazar princess that they started naming girls after her and her wedding dress launched a new,male fashion trend with the design also carrying her name

The word “OK” came from an 1800s trend of misspelling phrases into abbreviations. OK, standing for “Oll Korrect” was used in US President Martin Van Buren’s campaign, preventing the word from falling out of fashion and turned into a proper word.

There was a fashion trend in the 90's called heroin chic where the models looked like drug addicts

When i wear glasses it's a fashion statement?

A fashion trend becoming popular in Matehuala, Mexico and Texas where men wear exceedingly long-toed cowboy boots, sometimes extending three feet long.

Nipple piercings were considered a fashion trend during the Victorian era.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Fashion Trend. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Fashion Trend so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor