Live Performances facts
While investigating facts about Live Performances Near Me and Live Performances Tonight, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Just before Live Aid, Freddie Mercury was told by his doctor not to do the show because of some vocal trouble. He of course, ignored it, and went on to deliver a 20 minutes show that, according to a BBC poll, is the greatest live performance of all time.
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When Ed Sheeran was just starting out and had no place to stay, Jamie Foxx let him live at his house for 6 weeks and then invited Sheeran to perform for an all-black crowd of 800. "He went up there on that ukulele and got a standing ovation in 12 minutes, and the rest is history," Foxx recalled.
What were the best performances at live aid?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best keyboard for live performances. Here are 50 of the best facts about Live Performances Nyc and Live Performances Grammys 2020 I managed to collect.
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The screaming at Beatles concerts was so loud that no one could hear them play—not even the Beatles themselves. It led them to stop playing live performances entirely, retreat to the studio, and ultimately create albums like Sgt. Pepper with no concern for performing any of the songs live.
The 90s sketch comedy show “In Living Color” drew away 22% of Super Bowl XXVI’s viewers during its halftime show by doing a special live episode of their own, which is why subsequent Super Bowls got A-List performers and dropped the previous themed marching band format.
The Nightman Cometh," the musical Charlie writes in It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, was adapted into a live-action performance for two nights at the Troubadour theater in 2009. It starred the original cast and began with title cards reading "7:15, On a Friday, Philadelphia PA."
Before performing in Japan, the Beatles received an anonymous message: "Do not go to Tokyo. Your life is in danger". 35,000 police officers were tasked to protect the group. The Japanese audience was so polite and quiet, they were able to hear how bad the live performance really was.
A man sued Blue Man Group claiming he suffered permanent damage to his esophagus when the performers shoved a camera down his throat. It was revealed that it was a camera trick and nothing entered the mans mouth as the live footage was actually a pre recorded medical video
British actor Gareth Jones died of a heart attack while performing in a live televised play in 1958 – in which his character was scripted to have a heart attack. The rest of the cast improvised around his death and finished the play.
When in 2007 Minnesota passed an anti-smoking law that banned smoking in public buildings, there was a line that said only actors who had to smoke were allowed to do so. Thus, the Barnacles Bar declared that everyone in the bar is an actor in a live performance.
When the Beatles were performing 'Twist and Shout' live, John Lennon would change the lyrics to 'I'm pissed with gout', and due to the screaming crowds, no one ever noticed.
Dolly Parton's husband of 48 years runs an asphalt business in Tennessee and has only seen her perform live once.
Both George Lucas and Don McLean were fans of Weird Al Yankovic's "The Saga Begins" (a Star Wars parody of "American Pie"). McLean said that the parody's lyrics sometimes enter his mind during live performances and a Lucasfilm representative said "You should have seen the smile on Lucas's face."
Live Performances data charts
For your convenience take a look at Live Performances figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are live performances better?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The scene in Kill Bill in which The Bride cut a thrown baseball in two with a sword was not done with special effects. Zoe Bell (Uma Thurman's stunt double) performed the trick live on set.
In 2008 there was a music festival called 'Festival of the fuck bands' where bands such as Fucked Up, Holy Fuck and Fuck buttons performed live. It was held in Fucking, Austria. - source
Early toxicity tests of Penicillin were performed on live mice. Had the tests been run on the other animals at hand (guinea pigs), we might not be using the antibiotic today, because Penicillin is toxic to guinea pigs. - source
In 2002, after performing a full live set, Dream Theater did an encore cover of Metallica's "Master of Puppets." No, not the song. The entire album.
In the 1950s, psychologist Milton Rokeach performed an experiment in which three men with Messianic delusions lived together for two years. He wanted to study how they would reconcile their delusions with the existence of two others with the same irrational belief. - source
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Brendan Small, co-creator and voice actor of Metalocalypse, performs the vocals, lead guitar, rhythm guitar, keyboards, and (most) bass guitar for all the studio recordings for the Dethklok music heard in the show, and is frontman for live Dethklok concerts.
How many live performances did the beatles do?
Orson Welles was a lifelong practitioner of magic, and that in 1953 he filmed a short where he pretended to interact from the screen with a live magic performer, and that David Copperfield used this film to interact with him posthumously on television in 1992.
The infamous crocodile jump by James Bond in Live and Let Die was performed with real crocodiles. The only person willing to attempt the stunt was the owner of the croc farm. Writers named the film's villian after the owner - Kanaga.
When the Beatles wrote the song "With a Little Help from My Friends", the first line ended with 'What would you think if I sang out of tune? Would You Throw Ripe Tomatoes at Me?', but Ringo changed it so that fans would not throw tomatoes at him should he perform it live.
Radio was broadcast live until the late 1940s because of how bad recorded phonograph discs sounded. Prime time shows had to be performed twice in the U.S., once for each coast.
Freddie Mercury had a throat infection at the time of Live Aid and was advised by his doctors to not risk performing at the festival. He defied their orders, and Queen's set went down in history as one of the best performances that day.