Linkin Park facts
While investigating facts about Linkin Park Songs and Linkin Park In The End, I found out little known, but curios details like:
After vocalist Chris Cornell committed suicide, Linkin Park's Chester Bennington performed "Hallelujah" at his funeral. 2 months later, following Bennington's death, Cornell's twelve-year-old daughter (who was also Bennington's goddaughter) performed "Hallelujah" as a tribute to the both of them
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Linkin Parks' debut album 'Hybrid Theory' is the highest selling debut album of the 21st Century with 30 million+ sales.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what linkin park album is numb on. Here are 30 of the best facts about Linkin Park Albums and Linkin Park In The End Lyrics I managed to collect.
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Due to the success of their debut album, Linkin Park played 324 concerts in 2001 alone.
In the Linkin Park track Foreword, the intro track on the Album Meteora, the sound is actually of a CD burner being beaten and smashed with a baseball bat, not of a window or anything glass breaking - Linkinpedia
Instead of combining the existing tracks on Jay-Z and Linkin Parks album 'Collision Course', they actually had to re-recorded most of the tracks after they realized it's better to re-perform the rap vocals to the new beats because the vibe changes.
Mike Shinoda, of the group Linkin Park, is a third generation Japanese-American. Some of the artworks he has painted are featured in the Japanese American National Museum.
Joe "Chairman" Hahn, the DJ for the rock group Linkin Park, is the first Korean-American to win a grammy.
Chester Bennington, co-vocalist of Linkin Park, did not initially like the song "In the End" and did not want to include it on their debut album Hybrid Theory. In the End has since gone on to become the signature song of Linkin Park.
Someone remixed the entire Linkin Park Album "Hybrid Theory" with PSY - Gangnam Style. Calling it "Psybrid Theory". Results were extremely impressive.
The rap-rock band Linkin Park runs a venture capital firm that invested in Spotify, Lyft, Robinhood and Blue Bottle.
Linkin Park data charts
For your convenience take a look at Linkin Park figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why the name linkin park by examining the linked well-known sources.
"Hybrid Theory", Linkin Park's Debut album, only made it to #2 on the Billboard charts, and was beat out by Creed and a J-Lo remix album.
Rick Rubin's mansion, a reportedly haunted recording studio which has been used by RHCP, Linkin Park, Marilyn Manson, and many others. Any musicians to stay there have made claims of paranormal occurrences. - source
In dedication to Linkin Park's Chester Bennington, Jay-Z performed an emotional solo version of their collaboration song 'Numb/Encore' in which he pays his respects during Chester's sequence.
There is an alternate (demo) version of Linkin Park – In The End - source
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In dedication to Linkin Park's Chester Bennington, Jay-Z performed an emotional solo version of Numb/Encore in which he points and looks to the sky during Chester's part of the song.
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Stone Temple Pilots replaced Scott Weiland with Chester Bennington from Linkin Park.
In 2004 Jay Z and Linkin Park created a mash up album called Collision Course
Linkin Park - Numb, and Luis Fonsi- Despacito use the same chords sequence.
The first name of the band "Linkin Park" was "Xero" and that they released a demo called "Xero"
Chester Bennington, Lead vocalist of Linkin Park, was sexually abused for ~6 years, which caused him depression and later on drug addiction
Linkin park infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Linkin Park numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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