Bob Dylan facts
While investigating facts about Bob Dylan Songs and Bob Dylan Tour, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Bob Dylan introduced the Beatles to cannabis. He rolled a joint and passed it to Ringo, who didn't realize he was supposed to pass the joint and smoked the whole joint to himself
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In 1964, when Bob Dylan first met The Beatles, he had misheard the lyrics to “I Want to Hold Your Hand” as “I get high” instead of “I can’t hide”, and showed up to meet them ready to smoke. He gave a joint to Ringo, who didn't realize he was supposed to pass it and smoked the whole thing himself
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's bob dylan worth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Bob Dylan Albums and Bob Dylan New Song I managed to collect.
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American Singer-songwriter Bob Dylan has been touring non-stop since June of 1988 on what is now called the “Never Ending Tour”. He played his 3,000th show of the tour on April 19, 2019.
When Hunter S. Thompson died, his ashes were fired out of a cannon by Johnny Depp to the tune of "Mr. Tambourine Man" by Bob Dylan
After Bob Dylan offered The Beatles marijuana when he first met them in 1964 he was shocked to find out they weren't regular smokers. Dylan had misheard the lyric 'I can't hide' from 'I Want To Hold Your Hand' as 'I get high'.
Bob Dylan has been on a tour since 1988. Aptly named, The "Never Ending Tour" has had over 2,700 shows around the world, almost 100 per year for 28 years straight.
A group of Swedish scientists have included Bob Dylan lyrics in every scientific paper they wrote for the last 17 years
Bob Dylan, on their first meeting, introduced The Beatles to marijuana
Bob Dylan never visited Elvis because he wanted to uphold the image of "the powerful mystical Elvis that had crash-landed from a burning star onto American soil. After Elvis died he didn't speak to anyone for a week.
The hit song "House of the Rising Sun", covered by The Animals, Bob Dylan, and others, was written in London in the 1700's, and historians have no idea as to its origin, or who wrote it.
The song "Wagon Wheel" was partially written by Bob Dylan. He wrote the chorus in 1973 and Ketch Secor, the lead sing of Old Crow Medicine Show finished the verses 25 years later.
Bob Dylan holds the record for having the most quoted music lyrics by lawyers and judges in legal documents, The Beatles, Springsteen and Rolling stone hold the next 3 places.
Bob Dylan data charts
For your convenience take a look at Bob Dylan figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why did bob dylan die by examining the linked well-known sources.
According to Dave Grohl, Bob Dylan was so impressed with his song "Everlong", that once after a show, Dylan asked Grohl if he could teach him the song, so he could start playing it himself.
The magazine “Rolling Stone”, the band “The Rolling Stones”, and the Bob Dylan song “Like a rolling stone” are all named after the 1950 song “Rollin’ Stone” by Muddy Waters. - source
Bob Dylan wrote song and recorded the song Wagon Wheel in 1973 but never released it. Critter Fuqua from Old Crow Medicine picked up a bootleg while growing up in London. Old Crow Medicine would later release the song in 2004. Darius Rucker famously covered the song about a decade later. - source
Bob Dylan has never had a number 1 single in the US.
Electronic organs were used by a variety of musicians and bands in the 1960s including Iron Butterfly, The Doors, Bob Dylan, and Lawrence Welk, and in styles ranging from acid rock to gospel music.
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Bob Dylan had his musicians swap their instruments and get completely hammered before recording the song "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35" to get the unpolished effect he wanted
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Jimi Hendrix initially was going to cover Bob Dylan's "I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine", but felt it was too personal to Dylan. Instead, he covered "All Along the Watchtower".
John Fogerty & Bob Dylan were part of a jam in 1987. Dylan asked John to play Proud Mary, but he said he didn't play it anymore. Dylan said, 'John, if you don't start singing Proud Mary, everybody's gonna think it's a Tina Turner song." Seconds later, Fogerty introduced it with "Holy Mackerel!"
In the early 60's Bob Dylan travelled across the nation while Woody Guthrie lied on his death bed in order to play "Song to Woody" to Guthrie before his death
Neither Bob Dylan nor Bruce Springsteen have reached number one on Billboard Hot 100, but Mark Wahlberg has!
The Jimi Hendrix cover of "All Along the Watchtower" was released only 6 months after the original Bob Dylan version