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Kit Kats facts

While investigating facts about Kit Kats In Japan and Kit Kats Flavors, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Kit Kat is produced globally by NESTLE, except in the US where it's made by their competitor HERSHEY

how kit kats are made?

Kit Kat is so popular in Japan that it is sold at high-end department stores, Kit Kat only specialty shops, and post offices. Nearly every region has a signature flavor sold only in that part of the country, and there are nearly 300 flavors of Kit Kat.

What are kit kats made of?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are kit kats made out of. Here are 48 of the best facts about Kit Kats Ingredients and Kit Kats Are Made Of Kit Kats I managed to collect.

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  1. The filling between the wafers in Kit-Kats is made from other mashed up Kit-Kats that didn't get past the quality assurance due to minor imperfections

  2. Kit Kats became so popular in Japan because of a literal translation of "kitto katsu", which means "Surely win" and lead to the implication of the bar giving good luck (making it a popular snack, especially before exams.)

  3. In 2012, Nestlé used a picture of a bear using Kit Kats as drumsticks to announce their Instagram account. They almost immediately had to take it down due to its resemblance to Pedobear.

  4. The "chocolayer" between Kit Kat wafers is crushed up Kit Kat bars

  5. Kit-Kat made an edible 24-karat gold leaf–enrobed Kit Kat bar flavoured with rare Feng Huang Dan Cong Oolong tea and sold wrapped in silk. $88 bucks.

  6. The Mandela Effect, where well known words, brands, or historical facts are misremembered in the same way by many people: Kit-Kat is actually spelled KitKat, Fruit Loops is actually Froot Loops, and JCPenny is actually JCPenney.

  7. As part of a marketing campaign in 2012, Nestle posted a photo on Instagram of a person in a bear costume playing drums, using Kit Kats as drum sticks. Nestle removed the photo shortly afterwards amid controversy that it looked like "Pedobear"

  8. A Nestle store in Japan sold Kit Kats coated with edible gold. Limited to 500, they were sold for the US equivalent of $16.

kit kats facts
What is the filling in kit kats?

Why kit kats are the best?

You can easily fact check why kit kats are the best candy by examining the linked well-known sources.

Nestlé has produced over 300 limited-edition Kit Kat flavors in Japan, one of the most popular being "soy sauce."

Kit Kat candy bars are so popular in Japan that there have been over 200 different varieties since 1973 including green tea, purple yam, adzuki bean, and lemon vinegar. - source

Kit Kat was a political club in 17th century London, and a Kit-kat portrait is a particular type of portrait used for members of the club - source

The Kit Kat chocolate bar can trace its origins to a worker at the chocolate bar factory who put a note in the suggestion box saying the company should invent a chocolate bar that “a man could take to work in his pack up”.

There are 15 Kit Kat flavors in Japan including baked potato, soy sauce, cherry blossom, blueberry cheesecake & more! - source

When were kit kats invented?

Thanks to its wildly successful Asian flavor experiments, Kit Kat has offered over 350 different varieties of its candy bars.

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The shapes to Kit Kat bar, Hersey's Kisses and Pringles are legally protected.

In Japan, Kit Kats come in a variety of unusual flavors, including Wasabi, Edamame, Green Tea, and Purple Sweet Potato

In 2012, Nestlé used a picture of a bear in a marketing ad for Kit Kat, they took it down quickly due to how much it looked like Pedobear.

Kit Kats come in a variety of unique flavors in Japan, such as miso soup, baked potato, soy sauce, and cough drop.

Kit Kat bars are produced by different companies in different locations. In the United States they are made by Hershey, while in Europe they are produced by Nestle.

When did kit kats come out?

The filling between the wafers of a kit-kat is actually kit-kats.

The filling used in Kit Kats are mashed up Kit Kats

Kit-Kats can taste vastly different depending on which country they produced in. US Kit-Kats (produced by Hershey's, unlike the rest of the world where they are produced by Nestle), are generally regarded as the worst tasting.

Nestle partnered with Japan Post to sell Kit Kats in 20,000 post offices across Japan. Marketing of Kit Kat is believed to have benefited from the phrase "Kitto Katsu," meaning "You will surely win" and the bars are commonly mailed as a good luck charm to university students before exams.

Kit Kat was originally the name of a seventeenth Century literary and political club that met in the pie shop of a pastry cook called Christopher Catling; Mr Catling’s names being more easily shortened to Kit and Cat.

Video of how kit kats are made?

As of 2007, the major brands of the Hershey Company (including the flagship milk chocolate bars, Kisses, Kit Kat, Reese's and Heath Bars) have not included cocoa processed in-house. Since then, their chocolates have been purchased from other manufacturers and melted in their factories.

Japan have Kit-Kat boutique's with over 200 flavors. The range include flavors such as "special chilli" and soy sauce.

Inside a Kit-Kat bar are crushed up Kit-Kat bars

Kit Kats are made of Kit Kats. Every time you eat a Kit Kat, you’re basically eating layers of Kit Kats within Kit Kats within Kit Kats.

The Kit Kat bar got its name from the Kit Kat Club in London’s West End, a joint famous for bringing dance-band music to the city in the 1920s.

There have been more than 200 flavors of Kit Kat sold in Japan in the past 15 years.

Following the acquisition of traditional British sweetie firm Rowntree, by Nestle, it is possible to buy Kit Kat in Japan in a number of exotic flavours: Wasabi, Strawberry Cheesecake, Matcha Green Tea, Ogura Toast, Shichimi 7 Spice Blend and Rum Raisin.

There have been over 250 different flavors of Kit Kat sold in Japan

There are wasabi (Japanese horseradish) flavored Kit Kat candy bars in Japan

Kit Kats are super popular in Japan because "Kitto Katsu" roughly translates to "surely win." This has inspired Nestle to introduce over 200 Kit Kat flavors in Japan

In Japan kit-kats are often bought as good luck charms for students taking university exams because the name has similarities to the Japanese phrase meaning "to surely win".

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Kit Kats. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Kit Kats so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor