Post Offices facts
While investigating facts about Post Offices Near Me and Post Offices Open Today, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The most rural post office in the US; the Supai Post Office is at the bottom of the Grand Canyon and is serviced by a mule train that takes 2.5 hours to reach it. It services the Havasupai reservation and demonstrates the obligation of the US Postal System to service every community.
how many post offices in the us?
In 2010 a couple purchased the town of 'Wauconda', in Washington, for just $360,000. It came with a café, a gas station, a post office, a four-bedroom house and their own zip code.
What post offices do passports?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what post offices are open late today. Here are 50 of the best facts about Post Offices Open Near Me and Post Offices That Do Passports I managed to collect.
what post offices are open near me?
Every year in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, there's a two-week long mock medieval war that draws so many participants, it has its own mayor and post office for the weeks it is active
Kit Kat is so popular in Japan that it is sold at high-end department stores, Kit Kat only specialty shops, and post offices. Nearly every region has a signature flavor sold only in that part of the country, and there are nearly 300 flavors of Kit Kat.
Chinese leader Mao had relations with a 14 year old girl and the girl's father tried to write an outraged letter to him after learning about it. But the post office brought the letter back and warned that insulting the Chairman could lead to extreme retribution or death
About Nameless, Texas. After submitting six names in order to get a post office and having all six rejected, citizens responded by stating, "Let the post office be nameless and be damned!" The government accepted this suggestion and the town of Nameless was born.
In WW2, Nazis rigged skewed-hanging-pictures with explosives in buildings that would be prime candidates for Allies to set up a command post from. When Ally officers would set up a command post, they tended to straighten the pictures, triggering these “anti-officer crooked picture bombs”
The US Post office delivers mail to the people of Supai, Arizona by the only way possible, by mule
A French woman, Marie Belmont-Gobert, hid a British soldier in a cramped cupboard in her house from Jan 1915 to the end of WWI in 1918, despite German officers living in her home and socialising in the room the cupboard was in. She received an OBE post-war. Cupboard is in museum in U.K.
Chris Pratt dubbed himself “Douchemaster McChest” in his first headshot that got him on WB, which was taken for free by a gay photographer, who picked him up at post office and offered him his shirt and a shower
Shipping children through parcel post service was initially legal in the United States. The U.S. Post Office banned the practice in 1920.
In 2010 motorcyclist Anthony Graber was arrested under Maryland's wiretapping law for recording a traffic stop and posting it to YouTube. Charges were later dismissed in court because "a police officer on a traffic stop has no legal expectation of privacy"
Post Offices data charts
For your convenience take a look at Post Offices figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are post offices closed?
You can easily fact check why do post offices close so early by examining the linked well-known sources.
The post office in Bedrock, Colorado receives so much fan mail addressed to characters from 'The Flintstones' that they have a special stamp for rejecting the mail that says 'Return to Sender - Fictitious Cartoon Character'
There is a town in Alaska where almost everyone lives and/or works under one roof. A single 14-story high-rise is home "to most of the town’s residents as well as its post office, grocery store, health clinic, laundromat and church." - source
An underage drunk girl at Chilliest 2015 got herself out of a ticket by winning a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. The 3 police officers let the girl go after she beat scissors with rock but they ended up getting in trouble when witnesses posted Vines and the videos went viral. - source
The officer in charge of guarding Abraham Lincoln in Ford's Theater left his post to go drinking at the same bar where John Wilkes Booth was building up the courage to shoot the President.
In the early days of the Post Office, people would continue writing text on the same page at 90 degrees to the original text to reduce expensive postage costs. - source
When do post offices close?
In Dutch Harbor, Alaska there are helmets and hockey sticks left outside the post office so that customers can protect themselves from aggressive bald eagles.
How do post offices make money?
There's a Post Office at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. It serves the Havasupai Reservation and the town of Supai, and post arrives via mule on a 2 1/2 hour journey each day.
Chile has a town in Antarctica, complete with a school, hospital, hostel, post office, internet, TV and cell phone coverage.
DC police officer William West warned Ulysses S Grant, the sitting President of the United States at the time, about recklessly driving his horse-drawn carriage. The next day West saw Grant driving in the same manner and placed the POTUS under arrest. (Washington Post, NOV 7 1925)
The World's oldest Post Office is located in Dumfries, Scotland - opening in 1712 and operating continuously ever since.
Royal Mail, the postal service in the UK, operated a tiny underground metro just for shuttling letters between eight London post offices
Post offices infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Post Offices numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.