Lil Wayne facts
While investigating facts about Lil Wayne Songs and Lil Wayne Net Worth, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Lil Wayne was saved at 12 years old by a white police officer named Uncle Bob. "He was white as life was saved by a white man. I don't know what racism is. I know a good mother fucker named Uncle Bob though"
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Lil Wayne worked as a suicide prevention aid for 50 cents an hour, 10pm - 6am everyday, during his stay at Rikers.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering where you at lil wayne lyrics. Here are 43 of the best facts about Lil Wayne Funeral and Lil Wayne 2019 I managed to collect.
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When Lil Wayne attempted suicide by a handgun at age 12, he was personally rushed to the hospital by a homicide detective he calls "Uncle Bob." He still keeps in regular contact with him.
Lil' Wayne's original stage name was Shrimp Daddy.
People who prefer to listen to U2, Radiohead, and Beethoven tended to score the highest on their SATs. In contrast, their consistently lowest scoring counterparts preferred listening to Lil Wayne and Nickelback.
Lil Wayne's debut album at age 17 contained almost no explicit lyrics from Wayne himself at his mother's request
Lil Wayne was saved at 12 years old by a white police officer named Uncle Bob. "He was white as life was saved by a white man. I don't know what racism is. I know a good mother fucker named Uncle Bob though"
Lil Wayne, while serving his year-long jail sentence at New York's Rikers Island, had the job of keeping watch over suicidal inmates.
Auto-tune's modern use by rappers like T-Pain, Lil Wayne, Future, etc, originated with Cher's "Believe." The song's use of auto-tune became known as the "Cher Effect."
Charter private jets offer custom catering. When plans changed at the last minute and Rod Stewart got a rapper's charter plane, "Stewart got stuck with Lil Wayne's order of fried chicken, popcorn, cotton candy and Welch's strawberry soda. Who knew they even made strawberry soda?"
Lil Wayne entered a bowling competition, and is nearly a professional.
People who listen to Lil Wayne on average score the lowest on the SAT's, whereas people who listen to Beethoven on average score the highest on the SAT's.
Lil Wayne data charts
For your convenience take a look at Lil Wayne figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why lil wayne was in jail?
You can easily fact check why lil wayne and blink 182 by examining the linked well-known sources.
Lil Wayne was signed to a record label before both Jay-Z and The Notorious BIG
Lil Wayne met his former wife Antonia Wright when they were 13 and 12 years old respectively. They had a child together 3 years later, and Lil Wayne decided to pursue his rap career to support the child. Despite their divorce in 2006 they continue to be friends and raise their child together - source
Lil Wayne stole a sample from a South African artist, and with pending legal action, released the track to p2p networks. - source
In the 2011 Super Bowl both teams came out to a version of the same song. The Pittsburgh Steelers came out to Wiz Khalifa’s ‘Black and Yellow' and the Green Bay Packers came out to the Lil' Wayne remix ‘Green and Yellow’.
Lil Wayne is a practicing Roman Catholic. - source
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Before he was Lil Wayne , Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. Went by the name Shrimp Daddy and Baby D.
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Lil Wayne personally thanked a group of Marines stuck on the tarmac at the same time as his plane in Indiana
On September 27, 2012, Lil Wayne passed Elvis Presley as the male with the most entries on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, with 109 songs.
Lil Wayne was saved at 12 years old by a white cop named Uncle Bob. "He was white as life was saved by a white man. I don't know what racism is. I know a good mother fucker named Uncle Bob though"
It wasn't Uncle Bob but Uncle John who saved Lil Wayne's life.
Lil’ Wayne is 35 years old and has been active in the music business for 25 years.
Lil wayne infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Lil Wayne numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Word Speed Analysis by Artist: Song "Forever" by Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Eminem