Taylor Swift facts
While investigating facts about Taylor Swift Songs and Taylor Swift Boyfriend, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Taylor Swift was born into wealth. Her father is "a descendant of three generations of bank presidents" and worked for Merrill Lynch. At the age of 14 her family moved to Nashville where her father purchased a stake in Big Machine, the label to which Swift first signed.
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In 2012 when Taylor Swift held a public vote for where she would visit and preform a free concert 4chan users voted for a childrens school for the deaf and won the vote.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's taylor swift's real name. Here are 50 of the best facts about Taylor Swift Lover and Taylor Swift Me I managed to collect.
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Taylor Swift once released (mistakenly) an 8-second song which was just white noise called "Track - 3" which instantly became No. 1 on iTunes in Canada
After Kanye's interruption of Taylor Swifts acceptance speech, Comedy Central played a South Park episode mocking Kanye's ego, four times in a row, back to back.
In 2014, Taylor Swift accidentally released 8 seconds of white noise on iTunes for $1.29. It became #1 in Canada almost immediately before being removed.
Scott Swift is a wealthy Merrill Lynch banker who purchased a 3% stake ($120,000 ) of the independent label Big Machine Records, the label that first signed his daughter Taylor Swift.
2 people (Max Martin and Dr. Luke) are the hidden talents crating virtually every single huge pop song. They define the biggest hits of Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, Katy Perry, Pitbull, Miley Cyrus, P!nk, Ariana Grande, Taio Cruz, Kelly Clarkson, Britney Spears, and Ke$ha.
After Kanye interrupted Taylor Swift, Comedy Central replayed the episode "Fishsticks" four times consecutively.
When Facebook users voted for Taylor Swift to perform at a school for deaf students as a prank, the school was removed from the contest, but Swift donated $10K to the school, 4 companies matched her donation, VH1 gave $10k in instruments, & Swift gave the students tickets to her Boston concert.
After Kanye's interruption of Taylor Swifts acceptance speech, Comedy Central played a South Park episode mocking Kanye's ego, four times in a row, back to back.
In 2012 when Taylor Swift held a public vote for where she would visit and preform a free concert 4chan users voted for a childrens school for the deaf and won the vote.
Taylor Swift data charts
For your convenience take a look at Taylor Swift figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why taylor swift and katy perry by examining the linked well-known sources.
That, following Kanye West's infamous interruption of Taylor Swift at the MTV VMA's, Comedy Central aired the South Park episode "Fishsticks", which prominently lampoons West's ego problems, four times back-to-back.
Taylor Swift accidentally released an 8 second track of white noise onto iTunes. It reached the top of the Canadian charts almost instantly. - source
Taylor Swift once accidentally released 8 seconds of white noise and topped the Canadian iTunes charts
After Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift at the VMAs, Comedy Central played South Park's "Fishsticks" episode four times back-to-back - source
When taylor swift was born?
Kanye West did an SNL skit about interrupting award shows two years BEFORE the Taylor Swift incident
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A website had fake nudes of Taylor Swift and when she confronted the site they said they would take the pictures down if Swift converted to Islam and sacrificed a goat.
Chinese goverment banned Taylor Swift's merchandise during her 1989 tour, because the reference to that year conjured images of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest. Also, Swift's initials. T. S., printed on some of her merch, happen to be initials for Tiananmen Square
Eric Church was fired from being Rascal Flatts opening act for playing too long, and was replaced by Taylor Swift, which started her career. She gave Church her first gold record as a thanks for getting fired.
While Taylor Swift made $2.4 million through music streaming in 2018, she made $266 million in touring revenue that same year.
In 2014 Taylor Swift accidentally released 8 seconds of static on iTunes, topping Canadian charts
Taylor swift infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Taylor Swift numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Taylor Swift's success on the US charts from 2008 to 2019