July 4th facts
While investigating facts about July 4th, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There is a city in Washington named 'George'. Every year, George, Washington celebrates the 4th of July by baking the world's largest cherry pie.
An animal shelter in Maricopa County, Arizona, has a program where you can spend your 4th of July comforting the animals and keeping them calm during the loud fireworks.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about July 4th I managed to collect.
Although we picture the Founding Fathers as old men, many were quite young. By July 4th, 1776, Aaron Burr was 20, Alexander Hamilton, 21; James Madison, 25; John Jay, 29; and Thomas Jefferson, 33.
3 of the first 5 US presidents died on July 4th.
There is a 42% decrease in air quality throughout the US on 4th July as a result of firework displays
The White House didn't have a 4th of July celebration until 1801. Cherokee chiefs were invited and cock fighting was part of the celebration.
On July 4th 1852, Frederick Douglass was asked to give a speech about Independence. He got real pissed, saying it was a sham, since slaves had no independence. "This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn."
On July 4th, 2012, San Diego had planned a 17 minute firework show but it lasted less than a minute when all the fireworks discharged simultaneously.
On July 4, 1999, more than 100 people gathered in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia to appear in a photo. All of the people were born on the 4th of July. Birthdays for every 4th of July in the 20th Century were represented, including a baby for 1999, who was born that morning.
A man found a copy of the declaration of independence in an old picture frame he bought for $4 at a yard sale. It turned out to be a first print from 4th July 1776, the same day as the original was signed. It later sold for $2.42 million, then $8.14 million.
John Adams, the 2nd President of the United States, died on the 4th of July. His last words were "Oh, yes; it is the glorious Fourth of July. It is a great day. It is a good day. God bless it. God bless you all."
Denmark celebrates American Independence Day on July 4th, holding large festivals.
July 4th data charts
For your convenience take a look at July 4th figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about july 4th?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4th 1826 within hours of each other. This was 50 years to the day after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers iconic heartland rock single "American Girl" was recorded on July 4th, 1976 - the Bicentennial of the United States. - source
The US Declaration of Independence was actually not signed on July 4th. It was only approved by congress on July 4th and was not signed until August 2nd. - source
Stars are added to the American flag for new states on July 4th
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were best friends and the last two living signers of the Declaration of Independence. They both died on the same day, July 4th, exactly 50 years after the Declaration of Independence was adopted. - source
56 men representing 13 colonies signed the Declaration of Independence.
The 4th of July was declared a holiday for federal employees in 1870.
It is estimated that on the July 4th long weekend more than 155 million hot dogs are consumed in the United States.
On July 4th, 1850 Zachary became ill while at a fund-raising event at the Washington Monument.
Calvin Coolidge was the only president to be born on Independence Day in the U.S. - July 4th.
When Michelangelo was 21 he went to Rome. On July 4th, 1496 that same year he began a commissioned piece for Cardinal Raffaele Riario. It was a larger-than-life-size statue of Bacchus, the Roman wine god.
July 4th infographics
Beautiful visual representation of July 4th numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.