Annual Budget facts
While investigating facts about Annual Budget Template and Annual Budget Of India, I found out little known, but curios details like:
20% of Belarus' annual budget is spent on costs associated with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.
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The "ALS Ice Bucket Challenge" that swept the Internet in 2014 raised $115 million, of which 67% went to research, 20% to patient and community services, and 9% to public and professional education. In addition, the ALS Association has since tripled its annual budget for research.
What is the us annual budget?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the united states annual budget. Here are 32 of the best facts about Annual Budget 2019 and Annual Budget Of India 2019 I managed to collect.
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Alcohol is prohibited in the UK Parliament with one exception: the chancellor can drink while delivering the annual budget statement.
Alcohol is prohibited in the British Parliament with one exception: the chancellor can drink while delivering the annual budget statement.
In 2018, Ukraine spent 5-7% of its annual government budget on recovery and cleanup efforts related to the Chernobyl disaster.
The NYPD has an annual budget of $4.8 Billion; putting it about 150th if you rank countries by GDP.
In 1925, a recently independent Ireland spent the one fifth of it's annual budget on a Hydro-Electric Plant in efforts to modernize the country. At it's peak it provided 96% of Ireland's electricity - today it provides 2%.
75% of the annual $700 million budget of the FDA is funded by pharmaceutical companies due to the "Prescription drug user fee act".
The annual budget of San Francisco is larger than the budgets of 13 states.
By tradition the same red briefcase has been used for over 150 years to transport the annual UK budget speech to the House of Commons. After it became too fragile from age, a replica of the case was made. On important occasions though, the original 1860 case is sometimes still used.
The entrance fees of tourists visiting La Sagrada Familia reach approximately 25 million euros a year. This is the annual budget for construction.
President Bokassa spend one third of his country's annual budget on his coronation
Annual Budget data charts
For your convenience take a look at Annual Budget figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why prepare an annual budget?
You can easily fact check why do annual budget by examining the linked well-known sources.
NYC's Central Park has an annual operating budget of $65 million and receives 75% through donations and fundraising.
The U.S. Armed Forces have over 150 musical bands with an annual budget of $300 million - source
Burning Man has an annual budget of about $10 million, mostly from sale of tickets at $390 each. - source
UCLA’s student government was allotted an annual budget of $39,000,000 in 2013 (nearly $45 million now).
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The entire US-Canada border is defined by a meticulously deforested 20-foot-wide zone called "the slash", which spans forests, islands, and even mountains. The maintenance budget is $1.4 billion annually.
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Ukraine still spends five percent of its annual budget on the Chernobyl disaster
By 2030, 54.9 million US Americans will have diabetes, pushing related annual costs to 622 billion dollars (equivalent to 75% of today's US military budget)
The annual US defense budget is 4x larger than the amount of money it would take to end world poverty
In the US we still have a 23 million dollar annual budget for a draft (which we haven't done since the 70s) called the Selective Service System
The United States spends over $20 billion a year on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is more than NASA's entire annual budget.
Annual budget infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Annual Budget numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

NASA Space Shuttle Mission Launch Dates and NASA Annual Budget