Ip Address facts
While investigating facts about Ip Address Lookup and Ip Address Tracker, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A newspaper posted a poll asking readers if watching Blackfish -- a documentary critical of SeaWorld for keeping orcas captive -- changed their opinions of SeaWorld. The results were "No." It was later revealed that 55% of the votes came from a single IP-address . . . hosted by SeaWorld
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An 82 year old woman in Kansas is regularly harassed by the FBI, police, IRS and others just because she lives in the central point of the US. Her property is automatically noted as the default location for 600 million IP addresses, including many used by online scammers.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what ip address location. Here are 43 of the best facts about Ip Address Calculator and Ip Address Classes I managed to collect.
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The entire nation of Qatar has the same IP address
Wikipedia has banned edits from any IP address owned by the Church of Scientology
Nigerian startups and digital entrepreneurs often hide or change their IP addresses so prospective foreign clients and funders can’t immediately identify that they’re working from Nigeria due to its negative scam reputation
A newspaper posted a poll asking readers if watching Blackfish -- a documentary critical of SeaWorld for keeping orcas captive -- changed their opinions of SeaWorld. The results were "No." It was later revealed that 55% of the votes came from a single IP-address . . . hosted by SeaWorld
There is a farm in the middle of Kansas to which 600 million IP addresses are registered due to a glitch in the IP mapping software which maps them close to the geographical centre of the USA.
While hacking a Fortune 500 company, 16 year old Sean Parker was unable to log out after his father unplugged and confiscated his keyboard. Because his IP address was exposed, F.B.I. agents tracked him down and arrested him
For several years a company that kept a database of US IP address locations used a point near the geographical center of the US as the default location when the IP address locations were hidden. As a result a farm in Kansas had been targeted by the FBI, IRS, and angry vigilantes.
A data company incorrectly mapped 600 million IP address to one farmhouse in Kansas, causing the 82-year-old owner years of harassment and even break-ins
A Sonic fan game came with malware DRM that sent the user's IP address to the creator, then used browser history and admin privileges to brick the game if the user tried to use cheat engines. Simply searching the name of the game followed by "cheat" would close the browser window.
In 2002, police and the FBI identified a serial killer because of a map showing the location of one of his victims that he printed from Expedia.com and sent to a newspaper. Expedia were able to link the coordinates searched to an IP address. His ISP identified him as Maury Travis.
Ip Address data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ip Address figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why ip address is unavailable by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 2013, two adult film actors discovered that their scenes were being downloaded by an IP address in Vatican City
Until ICANN was founded in 1998, all top level domains and IP addresses were assigned by one man - Jon Postel. This earned him the nickname "God of the Internet". - source
There are around 386 billion times more IP addresses available in IPv6 than there are metres in the diameter of the observable universe - source
In 1998, one man acting on his own authority asked US gov't controlled operators of the Internet's root domain name servers (which map human web addresses to IP addresses) to transfer full control to an NGO. They complied, but were ordered by the USG to reverse the decision a week later.
In 2005, BellSouth refused to identify a user based on their IP address without a court order as a result of the user posting fabricated Wikipedia edits about Senator John Seigenthaler. BellSouth suggested that Seigenthaler file a John Doe lawsuit against the user, which he declined to do. - source
When ip address conflict?
A US congressional IP address was banned by Wikipedia for trying to edit the article on "Orange is the New Black"
How ip addresses are assigned?
There are 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 IP addresses available.
IP addresses associated with the Church of Scientology are banned from editing Wikipedia.
An IP Address mapping service returned default coordinates when it couldn't find an IP Address in their database causing the people who lived at those coordinates hell.
People like me are affected unknowingly by IP address' viruses which you can easily find and remove in less than a minute! I decided to make a video, hoping at least some will check it out and benefit from it
For over two decades, one man was in charge of the allocation of all IP addresses
Ip address infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Ip Address numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

I logged all the IP addresses which tried to bruteforce one of my servers for three months, then I mapped them to figure out who the baddies are...