Posts Comments facts
While investigating facts about Posts Comments And Edits and Facebook Posts Comments Twice, I found out little known, but curios details like:
NPR posted a link "Why doesn't America read anymore?" to their facebook page; the link led to an April Fool's message saying that many people comment on a story without ever reading the article & asking not to comment if you read the link; people commented immediately on how they do read
how to disable comments on facebook page posts?
NPR posted a link "Why doesn't America read anymore?" to their Facebook page; the link led to an April Fool's message saying that many people comment on a story without ever reading the article & asking not to comment if you read the link; people commented immediately on how they do read.
What postpartum depression feels like?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's postpartum depression mean. Here are 44 of the best facts about Instagram Posts Comments and Facebook Public Posts Comments I managed to collect.
what's postpartum depression?
Shaving your pubic hair increases the risk for STD's because shaving causes many fine cuts in the skin near your genitals, giving more access points for viruses and bacteria to enter your system (cross-post from the comments of r/WTF)
Every person in the "Serbia Strong" video is a convicted war criminal of the Bosnian Genocide (Individual trials posted in the comments)
Passive internet use (looking at stuff but not posting) affects your well-being in a more negative way than active internet use (commenting and posting).
There is a fake propaganda news agency probably funded by the Russian government at ~USD 400k per month. Called the "Internet Research Agency", it is run out of Russia and makes millions of fake posts and comments round the world against enemies of Russia..... (including the USA).
The Aral Sea (near Kazakhstan) has been receding due to Soviet irrigation projects, where old ships and desert environment make the area look like a scene from a post-apocalyptic movie. (Some pictures in comments)
Many pro Israel Reddit comments are posted by people paid to spread propaganda.
A user on the /pol/ board of 4chan commented on how art used to be cherished and how now it's anything. "This post is art" the anonymous user mentioned. In the same hour, the user printed out that post, framed it, and sold it on eBay for an eventual $90,900.
An overcrowded trailer carrying 70 people to a wedding party in India was struck by a train in India, killing 55. The crossing had no attendants or barriers. The Transport Minister commented after the tragedy, "we will consider posting a guard".
Most rules proposed by federal agencies have to be posted online where the public generally has 30-60 days to comment on the proposed rule before it is implemented
A German man once posted an ad looking for someone to voluntarily be slaughtered and eaten. Someone responded. (more WTF in comments)
Posts Comments data charts
For your convenience take a look at Posts Comments figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why can't i make comments on facebook posts?
You can easily fact check why can't i see comments on instagram posts by examining the linked well-known sources.
30 million comments, 7 million photos, and 453 years of video footage are posted on social media every hour.
South Korea and the US typically try to post the largest military members at the DMZ for extra intimidation. This typically wouldn't make a huge difference, but it works well here because of how small the North Korean soldiers are due to malnourishment. Pic in the comments - source
Users who comment "F" on post are making a reference to a scene in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (on PC) where you have to press "F" to pay respects during a funeral. It became an internet meme. - source
The Russia government has a "Troll Army" to criticise Ukraine and the West on social media and post favourable comments about the leadership in Moscow.
The snake known as the Spider-tailed horned viper. Its tail tip is waved around to lure insectivorous birds within striking range. (GIF from other post in comments) - source
When your ex comments on your posts?
People are over 10x more likely to upvote a post on Reddit, if there's wholesome comments, in the comment section. The vibe of the comments determins greatly whether people leave the post enjoying themselves or not, especially if there's comments commented with a great deal of effort.
How to disable likes and comments on facebook posts?
reddit will hide downvote button from a specific user's post or comment if you continuously downvote posts of an individual user(maybe limit is 28 including post and comments) and also disable you to upvote his/her posts or comments. ""NOTE: Ignore link""
After xkcd posted a what-if QA about google's storage capacity on puch cards, google sent punch cards filles with puzzles. The answer to the puzzles were "no comment".
The person to post the first comment on YouTube ("interesting...."), COBALTGRUV, also posted the first video of a back flip on YouTube
Facebook - How to get more likes and comments on a Facebook Posts
You Need 10 Comment and Link Karma to post in r/videos
Posts comments infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Posts Comments numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Revisioned map of population distribution in Australia (based on comments from previous post)