Housing Prices facts
While investigating facts about Housing Prices Dropping and Housing Prices Toronto, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The cost of college textbooks in the US have risen more than 1,000 percent since 1977, even faster than tuition, health care costs and housing prices, all of which have risen faster than inflation.
how housing prices are determined?
About Blockbusting, a method used during the "white flight" era, where real-estate agents would fake a black person moving into a white neighborhood to scare the rest of the residents into hastily selling their houses at a loss. They then charged high prices selling the houses to black families
What happens to housing prices in a recession?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what causes housing prices to fall. Here are 39 of the best facts about Housing Prices Uk and Housing Prices Chart I managed to collect.
what happens to housing prices during a recession?
Blockbusting, a business practice used by real estate brokers to buy a house in a white neighbourhood, rent it to a black family, and buy the rest of the neighbourhood at a discounted price after urging nervous white families to leave the neighbourhood.
Alan Greenspan once tried to have his dissertation banned from New York University. When a copy was obtained by Barron's, it was found to be "a discussion of soaring housing prices and their effect on consumer spending; it even anticipates a bursting housing bubble."
The Million Program is an ambitious public housing initiative implemented in Sweden between 1965 and 1974. Aiming to give everyone a home at a reasonable price, it was the most ambitious building program in the world – adding one million new homes in a nation with a population of eight million.
In the early 1960s, The Price Is Right gave away prizes like an airplane, a submarine, a swimming pool, and a house in Florida.
Mathematician, George Price, proved the kindness doesn't exist. However, he hated his equation so much he set out to prove it wrong by converting to Christianity, giving away all his belongings, and letting homeless sleep in his house. He failed and slashed his throat with scissors in 1975.
In Wyoming it is a misdemeanor to disclose the final sale price of real property (house, farm, etc). There is an effort to change this but it is being resisted by state politicians, with one stating that it "would show what a dummy I was when I bought my house"
Chester Bennington's final purchase before his death was a new house in Los Angeles with five bedrooms and four bathrooms, priced at £2 million. Many people believe this may have been him trying to make sure his family were secure before his passing.
George R Price, one of the most important geneticists, was so disturbed by the implications of his mathematical theory of altruism that he converted to Christianity, opened up his house to the homeless, and eventually committed suicide
A house remix of the theme song from "The Price is Right" reached #1 on the Billboard dance charts in 2001.
Alan Price receives all royalties for The Animals' "The House of the Rising Sun" as there wasn't room for all 5 band members' names on the record label ("Alan" was first alphabetically). When Chas Chandler proposed that they all split the royalties equally, Price told him to go fuck himself.
Housing Prices data charts
For your convenience take a look at Housing Prices figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why housing prices will drop?
You can easily fact check why housing prices are rising by examining the linked well-known sources.
The main reason rent prices are skyrocketing in US cities is due to 1950s single-family home zoning laws and Baby Boomer homeowners who obstruct affordable housing from being built for reasons like "wrong aesthetic" or "blocking the sun" because they don't want their property values to go down
British psychic researcher and author-Harry Price who had exposed many fake spiritualists suffered mental breakdown when visited the england famous haunted house 'Borley Rectory' and nobody knew the reason - source
There is a growing trend of billionaires buying high-end realty in bulk that they never intend to live in or even visit. They are essentially a form of currency, and they are driving global housing prices up. - source
London house prices are 14.5 x average earnings making it the most unaffordable city in the world to buy a home
While all of The Animals took part in arranging their version of The House of the Rising Sun, there was no room for five names on the label, so only keyboardist Alan Price was credited. As a result, he became the only one receiving royalties for the song. - source
When housing prices go down?
Back during the housing crisis banks bulldozed houses to limit supply and stabilize prices
How much will housing prices drop?
The U.S. sugar industry is subsidized so that the price cannot fall below 21 cents per pound. This is 3x the global sugar price. Unsurprisingly, 46% of House representatives received contributions from American Crystal Sugar.
Alan Greenspan wrote a thesis about "a discussion of soaring housing prices and their effect on consumer spending; it even anticipates a bursting housing bubble."
Blockbusters' would use tactics like hiring black women to be seen pushing baby carriages to scare the rest of the residents into hastily selling their houses at a loss. They then charged black families high prices for the same houses.
25% of the world's hard disk drive production is housed in Thailand. In 2011, major floods destroyed many hard disk drive factories, which had the effect of doubling the price of HDDs.
Bond Street, the third most expensive street in the UK edition of Monopoly, is now (according to 2016 house prices) the second cheapest, after Whitechapel Road.
Housing prices infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Housing Prices numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

House prices to earnings ratio by local authority, England & Wales, 2002 - 2018,