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Highly Prized facts

While investigating facts about Highly Prized Game Fish Crossword Clue and Highly Prized Game Fish, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Ronnie O'Sullivan, considered one of the greatest snooker players of all time, once purposely missed a maximum score of 147 by one point because he didn't think the £10,000 prize was high enough.

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Hungarian chemist Georgy de Hevesy dissolved Max von Laue and James Franck's Nobel Prize medals in a highly corrosive mix of acids, aqua regia, to hide from the Nazis. After the war, he precipitated the gold out of solution and sent it to Stockholm where the medals were recast.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what roman god was highly prized in china. Here are 38 of the best facts about Highly Prized Game Fish Crossword and Highly Prized Tuna I managed to collect.

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  1. Sea silk is a highly prized unique material made from Mediterranean clams. The only person who knows the ancient craft is an elderly Italian woman.

  2. Ernest Hemingway survived,anthrax,pneumonia, dysentery,diabetes,high blood pressure,two successive plane crashes that resulted in ruptured kidney and liver, broken skull, second degree burns, and numerous other accidents, then won the Nobel Prize in Literature and eventually committed suicide.

  3. Psychologist Dan Ariely and others earned the 2008 Ig Nobel prize in medicine " for demonstrating that high-priced fake medicine is more effective than low-priced fake medicine"

  4. When visiting West Germany after the border opened, many East Germans spent their free 100DM 'welcome money' buying massive amounts of bananas, a highly prized rarity in the East.

  5. Game show winnings in the U.S., including non-cash prizes, are highly taxed. Taxes can surpass 50% depending on which state the winner lives in.

  6. Eight former students from Bronx High School of Science have received the Nobel Prize , more than any other secondary school in the world

  7. American chemist Linus Pauling finished high school two credits short of achieving a diploma, but the school decided to award him one 45 years later after he had won two Nobel Prizes.

  8. The Mosquito Alarm, an electronic "teenager repellent" device used to deter loitering by emitting sound at high frequency, that can only be heard by younger people. The invention won the Ig Nobel Prize for Peace in 2006.

  9. New York's Bronx High School of Science has produced so many Nobel Prize winners that, if Bronx were a country, it would be tied with Norway for 14th most.

  10. Vincent Van Gogh, famous Dutch artist, painted two pictures depicting irises. These pictures are very famous and highly prized in the art world today.

highly prized facts
What is a highly prized game fish?

Why is silk highly prized?

You can easily fact check why was clothing the most highly prized loot by examining the linked well-known sources.

Branchlets of casuarina are prized as excellent mulch due to high content of nitrogen.

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1931 for his contributions to high-pressure chemistry.

Black cherry has strong, orange-reddish wood that is highly prized in the industry of furniture, veneer, cabinets, toys and handles.

Bark and seed of elm were important source of food in the Europe during the famine at the beginning of the 19th century. Seed were especially prized due to high content of proteins and dietary fibers.

In 18th century England, wigs were highly prized, expensive status symbols. As a result, elaborate wig snatching schemes evolved, including training monkeys and dogs to steal them. - source

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Neurosyphilis was cured with malaria for a time in the early 1900s because it produces prolonged high fever in patients, a form of pyrotherapy. In 1927 Julius Wagner-Jauregg, the man who discovered this method of treatment, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

When Terman first used the IQ test to select a sample of child geniuses, two pupils were rejected because their IQ scores were too low. They grew up to be Nobel Prize winners in physics. Not one of the qualified children received so high an honor as adults.

The Bronx High School of Science in New York has produced 8 Nobel Prize winners. If it were a country it would be tied at 14th with Norway.

From 1908 to 1916 he attended Realiskola high school and in 1916 he won the Eotvos Prize, a national prize for mathematics.

Old Crow bourbon whiskey was once so highly prized that promising a drink from the remaining original stock helped secure the re-election for Kentucky senator, Joseph Clay Stiles Blackburn in 1890

The Bronx High School of Science has seven Nobel prize winners in Physics among its graduates, and one in chemistry, surpassing Australia and has tied with Norway

Interesting facts about highly prized

Chalcocite is a prized possession for mineral collectors and some will command extremely high prices, especially when in good crystals.

Lewis Terman selected teenage subjects on the basis of high IQ scores, then tracked and encouraged their careers. But to Terman's chagrin, his cohort produced only a few esteemed scientists. Among those rejected because their IQ of 129 was too low to make the cut was 2 nobel prize winners.

Pulitzer Prize winning musician Ornette Coleman was kicked out of high school band for improvising.

A high school in the Bronx has graduated 8 Nobel Prize Winners, the most of any high school in the world.

Neurosyphilis was cured with malaria for a time in the early 1900s because it produces prolonged high fever in patients, a form of pyrotherapy. In 1927 Julius Wagner-Jauregg, the man who discovered this method of treatment, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

The first issues of National Geographic from 1888 fetch sales up to $10,000 and is considered by collectors to be one of the most highly-prized of any magazine within the past 150 years and it is very difficult to find in anything better than good condition

Linus Pauling is the only man to have won 2 unshared Nobel Prizes for revolutionizing chemistry and molecular biology and a peace prize for activism opposing nuclear war testing. After retiring he also advocated Vit C in high doses as a partial cure for things from the common cold to cancer

The Alberger process is a method of producing salt which uses a open evaporating pan and steam energy. It is highly prized in the fast food industry and is produced only in St.Clair, Michigan.

Physicists Steven Weinberg and Sheldon Lee Glashow, high school classmates in 1950, shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in physics.

Alfred Nobel created the Nobel Peace Prize to clean his legacy up to that point only known as a weapons dealer and inventor of high explosives

A "Gota De Aceite" Emerald is the rarest of all Emeralds and is highly prized by some people in the world

Ambergris is a biliary secretion that is often vomited or passed in faecal matter by sperm whales and is highly prized by the perfume industry. If you are lucky enough to find an ambergris, you can sell it on this website and quite possibly take early retirement as a result.

Bernie Sanders, Chris Rock, Chuck Schumer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Andrew Dice Clay and 4 nobel prize winners all went to the same high school in Brooklyn

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Highly Prized. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Highly Prized so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor