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Extremely Valuable facts

While investigating facts about Extremely Valuable Synonym and Extremely Valuable Coins, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Sea silk is an extremely fine, rare, and valuable fabric made from the long silky filaments which are secreted by a gland in the foot of a clam (Pinna nobilis) to anchor itself to the ocean floor. The material has been used since ancient times by Greek, Roman and Chinese cultures.

how to be extremely valuable?

When a sperm whale eats a giant squid and consumes its beak, its digestive tract secretes a substance called ambergris to ease its passing. Ambergris is extremely valuable (a 2.4lb lump sold for £11,000) and can be used to make perfumes and to flavor food.

What costs nothing but is extremely valuable?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does extremely valuable mean. Here are 15 of the best facts about Extremely Valuable Crossword Clue and Extremely Valuable Gov I managed to collect.

what costs nothing is extremely valuable?

  1. Wasps are extremely valuable in horticulture since they prey upon almost every pest insect and are used as a natural form of pest control

  2. In 1956, after Egypt nationalised its extremely valuable Suez Canal, Israel invaded. Britain and France then seized the Canal from the Israelis. It was later revealed that Israel, Britain and France pre-arranged the whole incident to gain control of the Canal.

  3. -Astronomically-high tulip bulb prices resulted in some equally astonishing anecdotes such as the sailor who mistakenly ate an extremely rare Semper Augustus tulip bulb thinking it was an onion. This "onion" was so valuable that it could have fed his whole ship’s crew for an entire year."

  4. Even though marked as pest, gopher is extremely valuable for other plants and animals that live under the ground. Process of digging increases oxygen content in the substrate, exposes valuable minerals and increases fertility of the soil.

  5. Some bottles of wine are extremely valuable and can sell for thousands of dollars to as high as small fortunes.

  6. Tulips in the 1600's became extremely valuable (as valuable as 12 acres/5 ha of land) before the price crashed in just a few weeks and they became worthless

  7. Of the original Stradivarius violins/fiddles made in the a8th century only a little over 600 still exist, making this instrument extremely valuable and coveted. In 1998 one made in 1707 sold for $3.5 million U.S.

  8. Whales have been referred to as "marine ecosystem engineers" because their feces are extremely valuable to the marine food chain due to the high amounts of nitrogen released.

  9. "vermilion" originally referred to pigment made from mercury ore (cinnabar). This was an extremely valuable color in ancient Rome, and was used as a face paint even though it was known to be dangerous.

  10. Pepper used to be extremely valuable. It was so valuable that, in Medieval Europe, a pound of pepper was enough to buy a surf his freedom.

extremely valuable facts
What is extremely valuable?

Why is pcr an extremely valuable tool for the molecular biologist?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Mapuche ponchos were extremely valuable in 19th century Chile. Spanish and Creole traders seeking one would usually trade several horses to acquire it.

Aluminum Extraction 1990 - Once an extremely rare and valuable metal, the Hall-Heroult process has allowed it to become cheap and ubiquitous. [18:57] - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Extremely Valuable. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Extremely Valuable so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor