Highest Percentage facts
While investigating facts about Highest Percentage Of Neanderthal Dna and Highest Percentage Alcohol, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Despite supporting one of the highest human population densities, Japan is the first developed country with the highest percentage (74%) of forest-covered land. Japan's forest management policy began over four centuries ago.
how high is the highest peak in africa?
Red hair occurs naturally in 1-2% of the human population. However, In Ireland, the percentage of population with red hair is estimated to be around 10%, making it the world’s highest concentrated population of red heads.
What is the highest percentage of alcohol?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what alcohol has the highest percentage. Here are 50 of the best facts about Highest Percentage Beer and Highest Percentage Wine I managed to collect.
what state has the highest percentage of black population?
San Antonio, Texas has the highest percentage of gay and lesbian parents in the US
Vermont is the US state with the highest percentage of people claiming no religion
Reese's Hearts have the highest percentage of peanut butter per cup.
Singapore has the world's highest percentage of millionaires, with 1 in 6 households having at least 1 million USD in disposable wealth.
Around 20% of Poland's population died in WW2. The highest percentage of any nation.
Iceland has the highest population percentage of pot smokers at 18.3% of their country smoking weed.
A shotgun to the head has the highest suicide lethality percentage at 99.0% from a study done in 1995 that ranked suicide methods by lethality percentage, time until death, and amount of pain/agony
The English town of Easington has the highest percentage of white residents in England and also the UK's lowest population of Jedi Knights.
Chile has the highest percentage of people belonging to one singular blood group. 85% of the population are O +ve
Out of all commonly used street drugs, alcohol has the highest percentage of harm inflicted to others while intoxicated compared to harm to yourself.
Highest Percentage data charts
For your convenience take a look at Highest Percentage figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why august has the highest percentage of births?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Mississippi has the highest percentage of citizens without internet. 41% of Mississippi has no internet access at all, and an additional 8.7% don't have any home internet.
Scotland has the highest percentage of consumptuion of cocaine in the world! - source
Rhode Island has the highest percentage of Italian-Americans in the U.S at 18.9% while Arkansas has the lowest percentage at 1.6% - source
Among all Mexican states, Yucatan has the highest percentage of indigenous language speakers at over 30% and the highest number of Yucatec Maya speakers. More than 65% of the state's population is listed as indigenous, which is the second highest among all Mexican states.
That, as of 2017, the US State that has the highest percentage of registered organ donors is Montana, with 93%. The lowest is New York at 23%. The overall number of American citizens registered to donate is 42% (2018.) - source
When was the highest percentage of smokers?
The country with the highest percentage of native English speakers is Ireland, followed by UK and New Zealand. Canada ranks as only 56% due to the prevalence of French and First Nations languages.
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A NASA experiment found that 6% of drivers will swerve to hit an animal crossing the road. Of the tested creatures (rubber models at the side of a highway), the highest percentage of strikes were for the tarantula, with the least for the turtle.
Swaziland has the highest prevalence of HIV as percentage of population 19-49 in the world, 26.5%
Russia has the highest percentage (45%) of women in senior management out of any country
This was one of the deadliest battles of the war. There were over 23,000 casualties, giving the Battle of Stones River the highest percentage of casualties of any battle in the war.
Tonga has the highest percentage of Mormons in the world, as much as 60% of the population