Highest Paid facts
While investigating facts about Highest Paid Actor and Highest Paid Athletes, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The highest paid public official is not a legislator or head of state. With a salary of 7.09 million dollars it is actually Nick Saban the head football coach for The University of Alabama.
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In 1970, when she was the highest paid woman on television with 42% of the viewing audience, Debbie Reynolds quit her show because NBC was running cigarette commercials during its airtime
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the highest paid doctors. Here are 50 of the best facts about Highest Paid Nfl Player and Highest Paid Nba Player I managed to collect.
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The highest paid official of the United States government is Bill Johnson, the chief executive officer of the federally owned power and utilities company, the Tennessee Valley Authority. His annual salary is $5.9 million dollars.
The highest paid athlete of all time was a Roman Charioteer. If he had lived today he would have been worth $15 billion.
In 1774 colonial Americans had the highest standard of living on earth and paid an average of 1.5% in taxes
Jason Brown, the highest paid center in NFL in 2009, quit after making $25M to become a farmer and donates his crops to food pantries.
The current US Postmaster General started out as a letter carrier 30 years ago, gradually working her way up to the 2nd highest-paid job in the US government
Alabama football coach is the highest paid public employee in the United States.
TV sitcom stars from Friends were paid $100,000 per episode in season five, $125,000 in season six, $750,000 in seasons seven and eight, and $1 million in seasons nine and ten, making Jennifer Aniston, Courtney’s Cox, and Lisa Kudrow the highest paid TV actresses of all-time.
The Postmaster general is the second highest paid government official after the President
The highest paid state employee in the USA is Nick Saban, the Alabama football team head coach, making $7.09 million a year
Highest Paid data charts
For your convenience take a look at Highest Paid figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
About Joseph Pujol, professional farter and highest paid performer at the Moulin Rouge. For his grande finale he would play "La Marseillaise" through his anus and then blow out candles from yards away. Corseted women in the audience were known to pass out from laughter.
The top 3 highest paid persons on the Department of Defense payroll are the Football Coaches of the 3 Military Academies. - source
In 2015 Judge Judy negotiated a contract through 2020 worth $47 Million a year, making her the highest paid person on TV.
The highest paid across all U.S. Department of Defense employees are three football coaches of the service branch teams - source
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Friend stars were paid $75,000 per episode in season three, $85,000 in season four, $100,000 in season five, $125,000 in season six, $750,000 in seasons seven and eight, and $1 million in seasons nine and ten, making Aniston, Cox, and Kudrow the highest paid TV actresses of all-time.
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The Poorest States Have The Highest Paid Megachurch Pastors
An entire season of Judge Judy is filmed in just 52 days. Judge Judy herself is also the #1 highest paid TV star, making $45 million per year.
The US Postmaster General is the 2nd highest paid US government official behind the president.
There was a renowned deaf-mute baseball player in the early 20th century named "Dummy" Taylor. He was the highest paid deaf person of the 1900's and was also known as the comedian of the Giants, coaching at third base in rubber boots when an umpire refused to call a game due to rain.
Adam Sandler is the 5th highest paid actor in Hollywood. He earns more per film than Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, and Leonardo Dicaprio.
Highest paid infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Highest Paid numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Top 10 Highest Paid Political Leaders in the World