Paid Athlete facts
While investigating facts about Paid Athlete Crossword and Paid Athlete Crossword Clue, I found out little known, but curios details like:
During Islam's Golden Age, scientists were paid the equivalent of what pro athletes are paid today.
how do athletes get paid?
The highest paid athlete of all time was a Roman Charioteer. If he had lived today he would have been worth $15 billion.
What athletes get paid the most?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do gymshark athletes get paid. Here are 36 of the best facts about Paid Athlete Crossword Puzzle and Paid Athlete Abbr Crossword Clue I managed to collect.
what is the highest paid athlete?
During the Islamic Golden Age scientists were paid the equivalent of what pro athletes are paid today.
The Hershey Company runs a free private boarding school for underprivileged students. The endowment is backed by the full faith and credit of The Hershey Company and every part of the student experience from athletics to college visits is paid for by The Hershey Company
The highest-paid athlete of all time is an Ancient Roman charioteer, Gaius Appuleius Diocles, who is said to have earned the equivalent of 15 billion US dollars over his 24-year career. Second is Michael Jordan, with an estimated earnings of 1.9 billion US dollars.
The highest paying athlete in history was a Roman charioteer named Gaius Appuleius Diocles, who got paid $15 billion in his lifetime.
There was an ancient Greek man named Gaius Appuleius Diocles whom was a famous chariot racer whose winning, adjusted for inflation, total $15,000,000,000 making him the highest paid athlete ever.
Avery Brundage, the head of the Olympics for decades, was so hostile to civil rights and letting athletes get paid that he picked up the nickname "Slavery Avery".
Paid Athlete data charts
For your convenience take a look at Paid Athlete figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why college athletes should not be paid?
You can easily fact check reasons why college athletes should be paid by examining the linked well-known sources.
Allen Iverson went financially from being one of the highest paid athletes to being seen outside a mall in Atlanta begging for money
In 2017, Roger Federer only made $6 million in winnings. He was still however, the 4th best paid athlete with $58 million in endorsements. - source
Floyd Mayweather has been the Forbes and Sports Illustrated's highest paid athlete in the world from 2012. - source
When will college athletes get paid?
The highest paid athlete ever was Gaius Appuleius Diocles. He made more than $15 billion USD over a 24-year career
How much do college athletes get paid?
In ancient Greece, athletes who cheated in the Games had bronze statues of Zeus erected and inscribed with their names, and each statue was paid for by the respective athlete's fines.
Chris Berman (NFL commentator on ESPN) makes 3 Million a year... he's paid more than star NFL athletes Andrew Luck (2.4M) and Julio Jones (2.6M).
Floyd Mayweather, Ronaldo and LeBron James are the highest-paid athletes
The highest paid athlete the world over in 2014 was boxer Floyd Mayweather with $105m. That equates to $8.75m per month, $2.01m per week, $287671.00 per day and an hourly rate of £11986.29 (even when he sleeps). Being good at knocking people out pays very well.