Largest Employer facts
While investigating facts about Largest Employer In The World and Largest Employer In The Us, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The largest embassy in the world is the U.S embassy in Iraq. It is nearly as large as Vatican City, employs 15,000 people, and cost $750 million to build.
how is the largest employer in the us?
WalMart and McDonalds are the 3rd and 4th largest employers in the world; only the armies of the United States and China employ more people.
What is the largest employer in the us?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the largest employer in the united states. Here are 31 of the best facts about Largest Employers In The Uk and Largest Employer In The World 2019 I managed to collect.
what is the largest employer in the world?
West Edmonton Mall attracts more than 30 million visitors a year, twice as many as Disneyland. The facility, which has more than 800 stores and services, employs almost 24,000 people, and is still the largest mall in North America
The Japanese Economic Miracle whereby Japan's GDP went from $91 billion in 1965 to $1.065 trillion in 1980 & was the world's 2nd largest economy. This was achieved through "shūshin koyō" or the guarantee of employment in big corporations & highly unionized blue-collar jobs.
IBM is Vermont's largest employer.
Walmart is the third largest employer in the world. The first largest is the United States Department of Defense and the second largest is the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
A Czech Republic firm, a holdover from Communist days, is now the world’s largest presser of vinyl disks. The company, once down to 500 employees, now employs 2,000, and business is growing to the tune of 25 million records this year.
In 1982 the number of people working for Kidd Mine was over 3,000. Kidd Mine is Timmins" largest employer.
Walmart is Arizona's largest private employer.
On 4 October 1993 Sanger opened the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus which employs over 900 people and is the largest genomic research center in the world.
The US Department of Defense is the single largest employer in the world. The DoD employs over 700,000 civilians, 1.4 million active duty military personnel and 1.1 million reservists.
The World's Largest Employer is the US Department of Defense
Largest Employer data charts
For your convenience take a look at Largest Employer figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Which sector is the largest employer in india and why?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Sierrra Pelada was the largest open-air gold mine in the world, and also the most violent one. It employed some 100,000 diggers.
With 3.2 million employees, the US Department of Defense is the world's single largest employer. - source
Wal-Mart is the largest single employer in 20 (mostly southern) states - source
The U.S. Department of Defense is the largest employer in America with approximately 2.3 million serving and 1.8 on active duty. Due to retirement or completed service the armed forces must recruit approximately 165,000 people each year.
The 10 largest private employers in the world, 3 are located in China, 2 in the US and the UK, and 1 in Taiwan, Germany and Denmark. - source
When site hazards are largely unknown?
The NHS in the United Kingdom is the fifth largest employer in the world. It is the only employer in the top 5 which does not have a global presence.
Walmart is the world's largest company by revenue, the biggest private employer in the world with over two million employees, and the largest retailer in the world. All still family owned by Sam Walton's descendants who have over $174.6 billion between them.
The second largest employer in the world is private military firm G4S
Walmart has 2.3 million employees, the largest employer in the US.
Wal-Mart is the largest employer in 19 states
Howie Hubler, a bond trader formerly employed with Morgan Stanley, who was responsible for single largest trading loss in history amounting to $9 billion.