High Doses facts
While investigating facts about High Doses Of Vitamin C and High Doses Of Prednisone, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Scientists have been giving MDMA to Octopuses to see what effect it has on their sociability. "At first they used too high a dose, and the animals “freaked out and did all these color changes,”
how to get high doses of vitamin c?
Concorde flew so high passengers received twice the dose of radiation from flying in a conventional aircraft, which was believed to increase cancer risk. The flight deck contained a radiometer so they could descend in case of a solar storm.
Which vitamin is not toxic at high doses?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering which vitamins are more likely to be toxic at high doses. Here are 50 of the best facts about High Doses Of Prednisone Side Effects and High Doses Of Vitamin A I managed to collect.
which vitamins are toxic at high doses?
Diphenhydramine, sold under brand names Benadryl, Nytol, ZZZQuil, Unisom, and others can cause extremely realistic hallucinations and confusion at high doses. Most users report hallucinations of spiders, conversations with people that aren't there, and a lingering impending sense of doom.
The FDA tried to regulate vitamin supplements in high doses (>150% DV) due to potential health risks. Regulations were fought by the Vitamin Industry, who then funded a bill preventing all FDA regulation of supplements, which has been law since in 1976.
Dennis Quaid’s face appeared on warning labels of vials of blood thinner Heparin to remind nurses not to accidentally inject patients with high concentration doses after Quaid’s newborn twins almost died of an accidental overdose
Dolphins get high off puffer fish by holding the fish in their mouths and passing it around between them, causing the fish to release defense toxins which are euphoric in low doses. After they get high, they let the puffer fish go.
"Arsenic Eaters" - a group of Austrians who ingested doses far beyond the lethal dose of arsenic trioxide without any apparent harm. They used to eat up small doses initially and gradually built up to 300-400mg as a mithridate to help enable strenuous work at high altitudes in the Alps
The first man to climb Nanga Parbat (9th tallest mountain in the world) pushed through the final 4300 feet alone by taking a high dose of amphetamines and drinking tea brewed from coca leaves. He then stood on a ledge overnight before heading down.
Regular marijuana users are less likely to be obese, even after adjusting for other factors that could influence body fat and health. (Pot is an appetite stimulant, but an ingredient in marijuana has been shown to aid in dieting; at high doses it nearly tripled weight loss versus placebo.)
A researcher has conjectured that the pineal gland releases the psychedelic compound DMT when near death. High doses of DMT caused subjects to enter into non-corporeal, independent realms of existence inhabited by beings of light who were expecting the volunteers.
Xylitol, a sugar alcohol rapidly growing in popularity for it's benefits to human health, is highly toxic to dogs and several other animals. A dose of only a teaspoon can be fatal to even large breed dogs.
Common sorrel should be consumed in moderate doses due to high content of oxalic acid that can aggravate existing kidney problems, rheumatism, gout and arthritis.
High Doses data charts
For your convenience take a look at High Doses figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do supplements have such high doses?
You can easily fact check why is b12 sold in such high doses by examining the linked well-known sources.
The cosmic-radiation dose rate on airplanes is so high that airline flight crew workers receive more dose on average than any other worker, including those in nuclear power plants.
While selenium is toxic in high doses, it appears to be a necessary nutrient in plants and animals.
Chocolate is actually poisonous to humans, but the minimum lethal dose is so high (22 lb / 10 kg) that it's considered safe. - source
An African midge (P. vanderplanki) is capable of anhydrobiosis (survival after losing 97% of its body water). They can also survive extreme temperatures from 90°C to -270°C, vacuums and high doses of radiation, and have the ability to make structural repairs to their DNA after rehydration.
Even though high doses of hydrogen cyanide can be deadly for humans, small amounts of this compound can act beneficially on digestion and respiration.
High doses of vitamin c when sick?
Researchers found that cells in the retina need to be 'bathed' in relatively high doses of vitamin C, inside and out, to function properly. Because the retina is part of the central nervous system, this suggests there's likely an important role for vitamin C throughout the brain.
How to take high doses of vitamin c?
Due to high dose of certain proteins (enzymes called thiaminase), animals (such as horses) can experience poisoning after consumption of large quantity of horsetail.
While homeopathy is commonly believed to be relatively harmless, there have been cases where homeopaths put too high a dose of arsenic in their “medicine” and poisoned their patients.
Horsetail is not susceptible to viral or bacterial infections and it tolerates high doses of pesticides.
There is growing evidence for the use of high dose intravenous vitamin C to treat patients with sepsis
Street food in India has been found to contain high doses of fecal matter