Helped Popularize facts
While investigating facts about Which Movie Helped Popularize Vans and , I found out little known, but curios details like:
Thomas Jefferson helped popularize mac and cheese in America by serving it to his dinner guests during his Presidency. He even had his own recipe
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Harry Yee, a Hawaiian bartender who created the Blue Hawaiian drink, was the first person to use paper parasols and orchids in mixed drinks, and helped popularize Tiki culture in the United States. He started bartending in 1952 and is still alive today at the age of 100.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what new form of entertainment helped to popularize ragtime. Here are 50 of the best facts about Helped Popularize I managed to collect.
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In the 1990s, Subaru realized that it was surprisingly popular with lesbians, and decided to develop a campaign subtly, but specifically, targeting that core group, helping to push gay and lesbian advertising from the fringes to the mainstream.
Coco Chanel sold her perfume recipe to Jews, then got the Nazis to try and help her get it back when it became popular.
While sitting down while peeing is getting more and more popular, it's also good and healthy for men. It helps emptying the bladder, and thus can prevent bladder stones and urinary tract infections. Claims that it could prevent prostate problems however are yet to be verified.
The tongue twister "She sells Seashells by the seashore' is about Mary Anning, a woman who sold "curios" which were small fossils at a popular seashore. She went on to discover the Ichthyosaurs and helped discover the Plesiosaurus.
God helps those who helps themselves" is commonly quoted from the Bible, but isn't actually a Bible quote. The idea behind it goes back to Aesop's time, but the English wording was first used by Algernon Sidney. The phrase's rise to popularity is thanks to it's use by Benjamin Franklin.
With the help of Dwight Eisenhower, Coca-Cola produced a secret "White Coke" variant of the popular drink. It was made specifically for a powerful Soviet Military Marshall who loved Coca-Cola but needed to hide the fact he was drinking it as it was seen as an American imperialist product.
Tattoos among sailors became popular in order to help Americans prove their ID to avoid impressment into the Royal Navy. They also helped to identify bodies lost at sea.
Thomas Jefferson helped to popularize "Mac 'n Cheese" by serving it to dinner guests during his presidency.
According to one study, contrary to popular belief, violent video games actually reduce real life violent crime. Researchers think these games may help preoccupy the few gamers with already existing violent tendencies and give them an outlet, so they are less likely to commit real world crimes.
One of the first science fiction stories, ‘Description of a New World, Called a Blazing World,’ was written in 1666 by the Duchess Margaret Cavendish. She helped popularize scientific advancements, like the telescope and microscope, and was considered the first female philosopher of her time.
Helped Popularize data charts
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Canada Dry's popularity as a mixer began during Prohibition, when its flavor helped mask the taste of homemade liquor. The "Dry" in the brand's name refers to not being sweet, as in a dry wine. it was far less sweet than other ginger ales then available; as a result, "Dry" was added to its name.
By the mid-70's, disco and the Bee Gees were both declining in popularity. "Stayin' Alive" helped both stay alive. - source
Before his death, Phil Hartman had expressed an interest in making a live action film about his popular Simpsons character Troy McClure. Many of The Simpsons production staff expressed enthusiasm for the project and offered to help. - source
Harry Houdini helped swing popular opinion on spiritualism, turning belief in psychic powers into a sign of gullibility or even madness that would spell doom for any political campaign.
Henry Ford helped finance the popularization of country music due to his fears over the "urban decadence" of jazz music. - source
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There's a website that informs you on how easy (or difficult) it is to delete an account from the most popular sites on the web, places them on either a white or blacklist, and even helps you facilitate the deletion.
In the 1840s, Lyell travelled to the United States and Canada, and wrote two popular travel-and-geology books: Travels in North America and A Second Visit to the United States. After the Great Chicago Fire, Lyell was one of the first to donate books to help the Chicago Public Library.
In 1982 Sean Penn played the stoner and surfer Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. He helped coin the popular term "dude" in that time.
Edward Bernays, the father of Public Relations. He used propaganda to make women smoke, make bananas popular, make bacon & eggs breakfast foods, and help overthrow a Guatemalan president. His work influenced the Nazis' campaign against the Jews.
Bananas are popular with endurance athletes because of their blend of vitamins, minerals, and low glycemic index. They help to keep energy levels steady and also help to prevent muscle cramps because of their high level of potassium.
One of the most popular software synthesizer software options in the 1990s was Steinberg's Virtual Studio Technology plug-in software which helped to make the technology more available to personal computer users.