Graduate Student facts
While investigating facts about Graduate Student Loans and Graduate Student Scholarships, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Rapper J. Cole graduated high school with a 4.2 GPA, accepted a scholarship to St. Johns University, was the president of a pan-African student coalition in college, and graduated with a magna cum laude in communication and business.
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In 2007, "Big Bang Theory" set designers toured the apartments being used by current graduate students to see how young scientists really live. They did a faithful re-creation of the apartments, but after CBS tested the show, the sets were scrapped because they were too depressing.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what graduate student undergraduate. Here are 50 of the best facts about Graduate Student Meaning and Graduate Student Definition I managed to collect.
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Though offered a scholarship to Princeton, Ralph Nader's father forced him to decline the offer on the grounds that the family was able to pay Nader's tuition and the funds should go to a student who could not afford it. Nader graduated magna cum laude in 1955.
Dartmouth (and a few other schools) makes all its students pass a swim test before the graduate, so that they won’t drown and waste their education.
The Milton Hershey School barred a student, Abbie Bartels was barred from graduating because of her depression and reported suicidal ideations. After learning that she is not allowed to attend graduation, Abbie committed suicide.
Betsy Aardsma, a graduate student who was stabbed at the Penn State University library. Because the wound was so small and the fact that she was wearing a red dress, no one noticed that she was stabbed until after she died, and EMTs thought she was suffering a seizure. The case is unsolved.
A japanese train station which stayed open for years so that its one commuter could get to school has shut down recently because the girl student graduated.
MIT students must pass a swim test to graduate. The director of phys ed said swimming is "...a self-survival skill. Research shows that most drownings occur in families where parents don’t know how to swim."
A Georgia Tech student was accidentally sent 2 enrollment forms, he filled out both, creating a fictional man named George P. Burdell. The student did work for George and George graduated with a mechanical engineering degree.
Nunavut has the lowest graduation rate in Canada and a student from Qikiqtarjuaq became the first high schooler to graduate in four years in 2016
Chemistry graduate student Barry Kidston gave himself Parkinson's disease after ingesting a compound he synthesized for a legal high. An impurity he neglected is toxic to dopamine neurons, which is responsible for the effect. He was treated, but died of a cocaine overdose 18 months later.
Graduate Student data charts
For your convenience take a look at Graduate Student figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why students don't graduate on time?
You can easily fact check why does graduate student mean by examining the linked well-known sources.
A graduate chemistry student tried to get high by synthesizing MPPP but accidentally made MPTP instead, which gave him permanent symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.
Splenda was discovered when a foreign graduate student was told to test a chlorinated sugar compound. He thought he was asked to "taste" it, so he did. It was later found to be safe to eat. - source
Canadians graduate with more student debt than Americans on average, despite far lower tuition rates - source
In 1893 the first graduating class of New Mexico State University had only one student - and he was murdered before graduation.
Math prodigy George Green, who operated a windmill for 20 years. Almost completely self-taught, he could not attend university until almost 40 years old. Green nonetheless graduated from Cambridge as one of the top math students; Einstein later said that he was 20 years ahead of his time. - source
When do college students graduate?
"Bobst Boy," an NYU student who lived in the basement of the campus library for eight months because he couldn't pay for campus housing. NYU offered him free housing and financial assistance until graduation, and he now has a Ph.D. in folklore from Indiana University.
How many students graduate every year in india?
New Mexico State's first graduating class in 1893 had only one student—and he was shot and killed before graduation
A freshman girl at Columbine escaped from the cafeteria when the shooting began. Eight years later she was a graduate student at Virginia Tech during the shooting there.
More students at University of Phoenix, ITT Institute schools default on their student loans than graduate
The first American woman to go to medical school was admitted as a joke. The students at Geneva Medical School thought it was joke when Elizabeth Blackwell applied to attend 1847. She graduated in 1849, started her own practice, and opened an infirmary for the poor.
In 1964, a bristlecone pine was killed after a graduate research student accidentally got his tree core stuck in it's trunk. The tree was cut down to retrieve the core only to find out it was the oldest known living organism known at that time. It was estimated to be over 5,000 years old.
Graduate student infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Graduate Student numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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