Uc Berkeley facts
While investigating facts about Uc Berkeley Academic Calendar and Uc Berkeley Extension, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A 2011 study from UC Berkeley found that Mercedes and BMW drivers were nearly 5 times as likely to cut others off compared to drivers in non-luxury cars.
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A UC Berkeley study found that drivers of luxury cars such as BMW and Mercedes are less considerate of others on the road.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the average class size at uc berkeley. Here are 36 of the best facts about Uc Berkeley Acceptance Rate and Uc Berkeley Tuition I managed to collect.
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After meeting a homeless veteran in 2011, a UC Berkeley Student created an app called Feeding Forward that connects events with surplus food to those in need. One IT convention had enough leftovers to feed more than 4,279 people at eight different shelters and food banks.
Scientists at UC Berkeley were able to take atomic-scale pictures of a molecule before and after a chemical reaction. The images looked EXACTLY like the classic molecular structure diagrams shown in text books.
A 2014 UC Berkeley survey found that Arts and Humanities majors have most sex, while Science and Engineering majors had least sex, over HALF of the engineering major respondents were virgins
A restaurant named "Smart Alec's" near UC Berkeley once offered free french fries to students that could prove they earned As on their most recent college exams.
Ted Kaczynski (The Unabomber) was extremely intelligent/gifted, becoming a math professor at UC Berkeley by 25, and that his participation in project MKUltra may have lead to his future behavior.
Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, enrolled at UC Berkeley under the name "Rocky Raccoon Clark". He did so to keep a low profile after his position at Apple gained him a large amount of recognition. [See paragraph #4]
William Hung, who became famous for being really terrible at singing and being rejected by American Idol, dropped out of engineering school at UC Berkeley to pursue a career in music and released 3 albums, the first of which sold 200,000 copies
The actor that played "Chunk" in the Goonies, Jeff Cohen, went on to attend UC Berkeley and successfully ran for Student Body President with the slogan "Chunk for President"
In 2011, scientists at UC Berkeley were able to reconstruct images seen by a patient by scanning their brain with an fMRI scan and running the data through a program.
Ishi, who was likely the last Native American to have lived entirely outside modern culture. He emerged from the wild in 1911, became a research assistant at UC Berkeley, and died of tuberculosis in 1916.
Uc Berkeley data charts
For your convenience take a look at Uc Berkeley figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why uc berkeley law by examining the linked well-known sources.
Scientists at the Berkeley Lab and the University of California (UC) Berkeley have devised an ultra-thin invisibility "skin" cloak that can conform to the shape of an object and conceal it from detection with visible light.
UC-Berkeley professor and AIDS denialist Peter Duesberg used his standing and credentials to convince SA president Mbeki against allowing life saving HIV medication, leading to thousands of preventable deaths. He is still a tenured biology professor there. - source
In the mid-1970s, Alexander Shulgin heard from his students at UC Berkeley about the effects of MDMA; Intrigued, he synthesized MDMA and tried it himself in 1976 - source
A study conducted at UC Berkeley and Notre Dame found that there is no scientific evidence for the phenomena of "Catholic guilt", noting that Catholicism both causes and relieves less guilt than other religions.
UC Berkeley faculty and alumni have been awarded 72 Nobel Prizes and that 16 elements on the periodic table were discovered at Berkeley including californium and einsteinium, more than any other university. - source
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Steve Wozniak enrolled at UC Berkeley under the name Rocky Raccoon Clark to avoid attention. It is the name on his diploma.
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CMU, MIT, Stanford and UC-Berkeley are the four co-equal #1 US computer science departments because JCR Licklider, also known as Lick, directed ARPA $millions to them in the 1960’s to create their CS departments for his vision of an “intergalactic computer network” -> ARPANet -> Internet.
In one of the most embarrassing moments in football history, UC Berkeley center Roy Riegels ran 69 yards in the opposite direction, resulting in a safety and a loss against Georgia Tech.
UC Berkeley's paleontology department stores its collection of over 300,000 fossils from the La Brea tar pits in the campus' bell tower. The fossils are stored on private levels, so few visitors outside of the paleontology department have ever seen them.
David Prowse accidentally revealed Vader's "I'm your Father." shocker in Empire in a 1978 speech at UC Berkeley—two years before the film was to be released.