Phd Student facts
While investigating facts about Phd Studentships and Phd Student Loan, I found out little known, but curios details like:
PhD students display twice as many symptoms of psychiatric disorders such as depression than other people.
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Stephen Hawking once sent his PhD student away with a very hard problem – finding exact rotating black hole solutions of Einstein’s equations with a cosmological constant – and was stunned when he came back a few days later with the solution
What is it like to be a phd student?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a phd studentship. Here are 20 of the best facts about Phd Student Salary and Phd Student Finance I managed to collect.
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PhD students are 2.5 times more likely to develop psychiatric disorders than highly educated general population
Dexter Holland, the front man of Offspring, is a PhD student helping study how... microRNA sequences can help fight against HIV. And while he was a young grad student at USC, he came up with the phrase "gotta keep 'em separated" while waiting for two petri dishes to cool off.
Kim Ung-Yong, a South Korean man who was a guest student at a university at the age of 3, was invited by NASA to conduct research at 8, and earned a PhD in Civil Engineering at 15. He also has the highest IQ ever recorded in history.
Three Stanford "rocket scientist" mechanical engineering PhD students invented a disease-detecting breath analyzer and were approved to test their prototype on human patients -- all in under one year, an almost unfathomable feat in the medical device realm
Graphene, a revolutionary, super conductive, flexible, translucent, highly efficient, and 100-300 times stronger than steel material, was discovered by a physics professor and his PhD student in a laboratory in Manchester using a piece of Graphite and some scotch tape.
In 1956 she and her PhD student, Kenneth Holmes, published their findings that the covering of the tobacco mosaic virus was a helix.
His first PhD student, Nick Holonyak invented the LED in 1962.
Dexter Holland, lead singer of The Offspring is Molecular Biology PhD student researching HIV
In 1995, 33 Iraqi PhD Students in London were arrested by Mi5 who kept them in a high security prison guarded by 100 soldiers and barbed wire - because they didn't know the deputy military attache at the embassy also administered student grants.
Phd Student data charts
For your convenience take a look at Phd Student figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do phd students get paid?
You can easily fact check why are phd students so arrogant by examining the linked well-known sources.
The creator of the smiley and frowny face emotion was an MIT PhD student, claiming they were for use in jokes and serious topics respectively.
A university professor (along with 2 PhD students) hacked into Washington D.C.'s official internet voting site and rigged write-in's to cast a vote for HAL 9000. - source
Prior to 2001, 18% of students taking the GRE Mathematics Test were earning a perfect score, making it difficult for competitive PhD programs to differentiate between students. As a result, the test was reworked. - source
Cuba has the best education system in Latin American. 13% of their national budget goes to education, the highest in the world. Students at all levels can go to school for free, all the way up to a PhD.
PhD student (and former amusement park employee) Julijonas Urbonas drafted designs for a project he calls "The Euthanasia Coaster,” a roller coaster engineered to humanely take the life of a human being - source
When can a phd student be called doctor?
Physicist George Gamow decided to add the name of his colleague Hans Bethe to a paper on Big Bang nucleosynthesis written by his PhD student Ralph Alpher so that the author list was Alpher, Bethe, Gamow.
How much do phd students get paid?
Software may have been able to predict this man's seizure, before he decided to go skydiving. Dr. Robin Gras and, PhD student, Abbas Golestani developed software that can accurately predict seizures 17 minutes before the onset with 100% sensitivity and specificity.
I learned a PhD student designed a new form of Euthanasia called the "Euthanasia Coaster", designed to kill its passengers by reaching a height of 1670 ft, and then experiencing a 1600 ft drop, reaching terminal velocity, with several loops following afterwards.
Phd student infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Phd Student numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

My budget as a PhD student. Comments and recommendations are welcome