Renewable Sources facts
While investigating facts about Renewable Sources Of Energy and Renewable Sources Of Energy Examples, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Termites are being researched as a possible renewable energy source as they can produce up to 2 litres of hydrogen from ingesting a single sheet of paper, making them one of the planet's most efficient bioreactors.
how are fossil fuels different from renewable energy sources?
Costa Rica is an uninterrupted democracy since 1948, has no army, is the 12th-happiest country in the world and produces 98% of its electricity from renewable sources.
What renewable sources of energy?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are some renewable energy sources. Here are 38 of the best facts about Renewable Sources Examples and Renewable Sources Of Energy Definition I managed to collect.
what renewable sources of energy are available?
Germany aims to abandon fossil fuels by 2050 and generate 100% of its electricity from renewable energy sources.
There is a fungus that digests waste products and produces diesel-like chemicals when provoked. It was found in the Patagonian rainforest by a scientist who believes this could become a renewable source of energy and change our understanding on what oil really is.
2018 is the fourth year in a row Costa Rica generated more than 98% of its electricity from renewable sources. Almost no fossil fuels were used.
In 1950, the US produced 30% of it's electricity from renewable sources. Today, it's 13.5%.
About the Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP-1), a geothermal system that supplies heat directly from molten magma. It can currently generate 36 MW of electrical power. Magma power is regarded as one of the more promising future renewable sources of energy.
Biomass is a renewable source of energy because it can always be regrown provided humans don"t destroy the planet through pollution and other activities.
About 16% of our total energy comes from a renewable source.
In terms of renewable energy, hydroelectric power is the leading provider at 97.9% of all renewable sources. Solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal account for 2.1%.
100% of Iceland's electricity, 85% of its total energy use, is from domestic, renewable sources.
Biodiesel is renewable as a fuel source. It is able to be produced locally in many countries around the world.
Renewable Sources data charts
For your convenience take a look at Renewable Sources figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why renewable sources of energy?
You can easily fact check why are renewable energy sources better by examining the linked well-known sources.
Iceland produces 99.8% of its electricity needs from renewable sources (hydro-electric or geo-thermal).
Kenya gets 65.8% of its electricity from renewable sources. - source
Iceland is the only country in the world that can claim to obtain 100% of its electricity and heat from renewable sources. - source
The sun, another source of renewable energy, provides enough energy every hour to provide power for the whole world for an entire year.
Wind energy is a clean power source. The pollution is so minimal that is considered a clean source of renewable energy.
When will non-renewable energy sources run out?
The City of Burlington gets 100% (+/-1%) of its Electricity From Renewable Sources
How many renewable energy sources are there?
Breeder reactors which are nuclear reactors capable of generating more fissile material then it consumes. They can provide enough energy to be considered a renewable source of energy and have existed since 1946.
In May 2016, Portugal ran on renewable energy for 4 consecutive days. The renewable energy came from various sources such as: Wind, Solar and hydropower. The run went from 6:45 am on Saturday May 7 to the following Wednesday until 5:45 pm.
Apple's new Campus is expected to be a "net-zero energy" facility, meaning it will generate 100 percent of its power from renewable energy sources, including 700,000 square feet of onsite solar panels. (That's enough to generate 8 megawatts of power. Enough to power roughly 4,000 homes.)
Almost 95% of Electrical energy generated in Uruguay comes from renewable sources.
Although electricity is neither a renewable nor nonrenewable source of energy, it often comes from both renewable and nonrenewable sources.
Renewable sources infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Renewable Sources numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Despite the shift to renewables, Germany's CO2 reductions remain mostly stalled due to expanding thermal sources and reductions in nuclear power. The net efforts equal out to no si