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East Coast facts

While investigating facts about East Coast Wings and East Coast Radio, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The National Weather Service's chief meteorologist suspected Hurricane Sandy would be a devastating storm 6 days before it struck the east coast, and included his personal phone number in the warning for anyone to call and complain if he was wrong. It was the 2nd costliest storm in US history.

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Notorious mafia boss "Lucky" Luciano aided the WWII effort from his prison cell by ordering his men to protect the East Coast from foreign invasion and convincing his Italian mafia contacts to help the Allies during their invasion of Sicily

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what east coast is florida. Here are 50 of the best facts about East Coast Map and East Coast Trains I managed to collect.

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  1. There's a random island off of the east coast of Canada called Random Island.

  2. A single landfill in Kentucky takes garbage from states all over the East Coast. Originally planned to take 7,000 tons over its lifetime, it now takes 3,500 tons per day

  3. In 2013, Britney Spear’s music was used by British Naval Officers to ward off Somali Pirates in the east coast of Africa. According to one officer: “As soon as the pirates get a blast of Britney, they move on as quickly as they can."

  4. NASCAR rose in popularity in 1979 after the first nationally televised race ended with the leaders crashing on the last lap, and then proceeding to fight in the muddied infield grass. With only 3 channels, and much of the the East Coast snowed in, it quickly became nationally known

  5. 2009 with movies like "Beverly Hills Chihuahua", "Legally Blonde" and stars like Paris Hilton, California animal shelters were overpopulated with Chihuahuas. Several rescue organizations took these Chihuahua, flew them to cities in the East Coast where there was a Chihuahua deficit.

  6. In the USA, sticks of butter from the East Coast are different dimensions than butter from the West Coast

  7. The land in Finland is rising faster in the coastline than further East, causing rivers to tilt and flood towns, since the rivers flow from the east to the coast

  8. The Purple Martins, on the US east coast, are 100% dependent on man made housing to breed and nest, made and maintained by communities of Purple Martin supporters.

  9. The east coast of the united states has better average internet connection speed than the west coast

  10. In spring of 1942 German U-boats terrorized east coast of US sinking fuel tankers and cargo ships with impunity and often within sight of shore and in less than 7 months destroyed 22 percent of the tanker fleet and sank 233 ships killing 5,000 ...more than 2X number who perished at Pearl Harbor.

east coast facts
What's east coast?

East Coast data charts

For your convenience take a look at East Coast figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

east coast fact data chart about Two weeks of marine traffic on the East Coast
Two weeks of marine traffic on the East Coast

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You can easily fact check why flight delays on east coast by examining the linked well-known sources.

Disney isn't legally allowed to develop Marvel attractions based on X-Men, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and the Avengers, and their "families" on its East Coast theme parks, nor use the Marvel name in both of its West/East Coast parks due to the 1994 contract Marvel signed with Universal Studios

It is possible to sail in a straight line from Pakistan to the east coast of Russia without ever hitting a land mass or changing directions, nearly 20,000 miles. - source

A live coelacanth (fish) was discovered in 1938 off the east coast of South Africa, 66 million years after it was believed to have gone extinct. - source

In the last 25 years, while playing at night and at home, West Coast football teams have beaten East Coast football teams 70 percent of the time. The reason? Circadian Rhythm.

In 1995, Canada and Spain nearly went to war over illegal fishing caused by Spain that occured right outside of Canada's waters in the East coast. It was named the Turbot War. - source

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The world's only pirate cemetery is located on Ile Sainte-Marie, an island off the east coast of Madagascar. It is said to be the final resting place of infamous pirates such as William Kidd and Thomas Tew.

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If Alaska were superimposed over the 48 contiguous states, it would stretch from the west coast to the east coast.

The US Navy, knowing the New York Mafia’s influence over the fish market, enlisted a handful of mob bosses, including Joe “Socks” Lanza, to help track Nazi submarines trying to infiltrate the East Coast

Butter comes in different shape and size sticks between the east and west coast of North America. East coast comes in long, narrow sticks called the Elgin. West coast comes in short, thick sticks called the Western Stubbie.

One of the most destructive, deadliest storms of the past century had no name and caught everyone by surprise when it slammed into the East Coast of the U.S. late at night in March 1993, months after the end of Hurricane Season. It's still known simply as "The No-Name Storm"

Seattle gets less rain than almost every city on the East Coast.

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There is a bike path from Canada to the Florida Keys that is over 3,000 miles long, Its called the East Coast Greenway.

In 1916 that 5 people were bitten by a great white shark on the coast of New Jersey (4 killed). Before this, it was widely believed that sharks were harmless on the US East Coast, with an expert saying ""it is beyond the power even of the largest Carcharodon to sever the leg of an adult man."

The World's shortest flight celebrates its millionth passenger. The two-minute hop – 47 seconds on a good wind day – takes travellers between Westray and Papa Westray in Orkney islands, off Scotland’s north-east coast

There are no islands located in the East Siberian Sea. There are a few islands near the coast including the Medvyezhi island group and Ayon Island.

Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. were actually friends before the East Coast/West Coast battle broke out.

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West coast beaches have very cold water compared to East coast, San Diego is colder than NYC

Buzzards Bay is bordered by Cape Cod to its east, Elizabeth Islands to its south, Plymouth and Bristol's southern coasts to its northwest, and connected to Rhode Island South to its southwest.

New Bedford Harbor, located in Buzzards Bay, is home to one of the East Coast's largest fishing fleets - estimated at 270 fishing vessels.

East Coast Chow Mein is known as Hong Kong or Crispy Style elsewhere, West Coast Chow Mein is known as Lo Mein elsewhere, and off the coasts Chow Mein is likely to be Chop Suey.

The West limit of the Labrador Sea is at the east coast of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Northeast limit of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Pre-WW1 Germany had plans to reduce U.S economic and political influence by invading the east coast of the United States. "Plan 3" involved roughly 100,000 soldiers with the objective of capturing New York and Boston.

The East Greenland Current, which is located off Greenland's east coast and cuts through the Nordic Seas, also runs through the Denmark Strait. As it moves through the strait it carries icebergs southbound from the Arctic to the North Atlantic.

The US interstate system is organized numerically by routes with odd numbers running north-south (starting with I-5 on the west coast to I-95 on the east coast) and routes with even numbers running west-east, (with I-10 in the south and I-90 in the northern US).

About Frank “Black Caesar” Matthews, a drug lord who controlled the heroin and cocaine trades across the entire east coast from the 60’s-70’s, made tens of millions of dollars, jumped bail in 1973 and was never caught or seen again

In 1501 Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed the Caribbean coast. He was traveling east of Panama toward Cabo de la Vela, northeast of South America.

Fundy National Park is one of the smallest national parks in Canada at only 50,900 acres, but it contains eight of the most beautiful miles of shoreline along Canada's east coast.

When divers exploring the historic royal shipwreck "Kronan" off the south-east coast of Sweden they discovered 340-year-old cheese buried in the sea bed below the wreckage.

Ship tracks can be seen from space as lines in these clouds over the East Coast of the United States, as an result of aerosols.

The East Siberian Sea coast was inhabited by the Yukaghirs and Chukchi people of northern Siberia. In the second century they were joined by the Evens and Evenks. Later they were also joined by Yakuts.

Sierra Leone's terrain includes wooded hilly country, upland plateaus, mountainous regions in the east, and mangrove swamps along the coast.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about East Coast. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is East Coast so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor