Dating Site facts
While investigating facts about Dating Sites and Dating Sites Uk, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Stanford University developed Artificial Intelligence which can guess if a person is gay, based on a photo of their face, with 91% accuracy on dating sites.
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In 2007 a married couple unknowingly met each other on a cheating site. They then went on a date and realized, horrified, they were both cheating - with each other.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what dating site is the best. Here are 50 of the best facts about Dating Sites For Singles and Dating Sites In Kenya I managed to collect.
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China discovered multiple ancient tombs dating back 1,800 years in the city of Nanjing, only to destroy them by building an IKEA over the site.
Wearing a red shirt will get you more attention in online dating sites, as it signals to the viewer you are sexually receptive, and also help you to hitchhike
According to research conducted by OkCupid, black women are the least popular on online dating sites even though they are the most likely to respond
There are many untouched plane wrecks in the UK dating from WWII, and that removing anything from the wreckage site is an offence under law
Over 2,000 historic Armenian sites were purposely destroyed by the Turkish state between 1923 and 1974; this happened during Turkey's so-called "secular" era. In addition, a lot of literature was lost: Turks used paper from science books to wrap cheese and dates in the bazaars.
One of the world’s leading researchers in computer-human interactions exchanged messages for months with a dating site bot thinking it was human.
a distinguished professor of physics and astronomy at UNC-Chapel Hill was tricked by someone he met on an online dating site into smuggling 2 kilos of cocaine into Argentina
In 1943, on the site of a farm called Gjermundbu located in the proximity of the little village of Haugsbygd, southern Norway, several pieces of Viking equipment (dating to the 10th century) were excavated. Among the artefacts discovered there was also the only surviving Viking Age helmet.
The earliest undisputed human burial site dates back 100,000 years. It's located in Qafzeh, Israel.
The Lebanese city of Byblos is the oldest continuously inhabited site on earth, with plaster floors dating back 10,000 years, and tombs dating to over 7,000 years old. One of the oldest Egyptian words for an oceangoing boat was "Byblos ship".
Dating Site data charts
For your convenience take a look at Dating Site figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why am i getting spam emails from dating sites by examining the linked well-known sources.
YouTube was originally intended to be a dating site with the slogan “Tune In, Hook Up” - however its creators couldn’t find anyone willing to submit videos, even when they were offered cash.
It's thought that a German business man discovered Machu Picchu in 1867 and removed artifacts from the site. There are maps that show Machu Picchu dating back to 1874, which means that Hiram Bingham was not the first to see the magnificent site.
The Viking site in northern Newfoundland called L"Anse-aux-Meadows, found in 1963 is believed to be the oldest settlement in North America by Europeans. To date there have been more than 2000 Viking artifacts recovered on the site.
There is a site with remnants of a house built from petrified wood dating back to AD 1100-1150. It is called Agate House and is located within Petrified Forest National Park. It is a popular tourist attraction.
If women on dating sites would ask men out, the women get more responses, and they would be having conversations with more attractive guys (12% more attractive). - source
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Chocolate has been prepared as a drink for nearly all of its history. A vessel found in an Olmec site dates chocolate preparation by pre-Olmec peoples as early as 1750 BC. On the Pacific coast of Mexico, another site provides evidence of cacao beverages dating even earlier, to 1900 BC.
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The UNESCO recognized World Heritage archaeological site Göbekli Tepe which is located in Turkey. Some of the structures and stone carvings there date back to 10,000 BCE.
YouTube was originally destined to be a dating site designed for singles to upload videos of themselves talking about what they were looking for in a partner.
A site recently dug out in the Indus Valley Civilisation has been dated back to 7500 BC.
About IAC, a company that owns most dating sites in America (including and Tinder) as well as Vimeo, College Humor, and Angie’s List
Göbekli Tepe, an archaeological site in Turkey, is a structure that predates all known ancient structures (dating puts it around 9000 BCE) and is causing scientists to rethink what hunter-gatherers were capable of