Comment Section facts
While investigating facts about Comment Section Meme and Comment Section Python, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A woman who was being held at knifepoint by her boyfriend got help from authorities by typing "911hostage help!" in the comments section of a Pizza Hut online order.
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The comments section of online news sites were found to have a higher quality of discussion when the commenters had to use their facebook account rather than an anonymous name.
What happened to the comment section?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened to yahoo comment section 2018. Here are 23 of the best facts about Comment Section Html and Comment Section Art I managed to collect.
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About Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor, theologian, and staunch anti-Nazi dissident who was executed by the regime in 1945. Written shortly before his arrest in 1943, his famous reflection on "the view from below" is in the comment section.
Almost every chewing gum brand is part of the Wrigley Company and the Wrigley Company is a part of Mars Inc. (complete list of brand available in the comment section)
Digg is beta-testing a re-launch of their community / comment section
The 1987 film "Hard Ticket to Hawaii" won the "Best B movie of all time" title (other links in Comments section)
Finally, here I am with rather a satisfaction. Been searching and learning for a while. I wasn't able to get my head to something specific and good. Being a skeptic person differently makes it harder to find but surely get to know more. More I'll write in Comment Section. What I loved, sharing here.
Humans can write their own comments on a thread they started, and bots will then populate the comments section with those comments
An Indian Air Hostess sacrificed her life to save more than 300 lives on board a hijacked PanAm plane in 1986. A film is being made to tell her story. Wiki link is in the comments section.
YouTube is censoring the comments section of Obama's - Hillary endorsement video.
There's a guy on YouTube named Dark Tales Productions that takes every opportunity he can to shit on the new Ghostbusters movie in comment sections
People are over 10x more likely to upvote a post on Reddit, if there's wholesome comments, in the comment section. The vibe of the comments determins greatly whether people leave the post enjoying themselves or not, especially if there's comments commented with a great deal of effort.
Comment Section data charts
For your convenience take a look at Comment Section figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did youtube move the comment section?
You can easily fact check why can't i see the comment section on youtube by examining the linked well-known sources.
When you hit the full screen button on Youtube, although it appears full screen, you can still scroll down into the comments section and suggested videos.
YouTube's "add music" feature plays bits of Darude-Sandstorm in honor of people replying "Darude-Sandstorm" in the comments section of YouTube videos. - source
The comment section for Fleetwood Mac's 1987 hit "Little Lies" youtube video serves as a place for people to vent about being misled by the gaming industry. - source
Micro-transactions, how creativity is rewarded instantly without fees or middle men, with real money instead of "likes". It works for Twitter and Reddit also. (Look for the tips on the video comment section).
For regular users, while caffeine is beneficial for physical performance (for exercise/training), it can also reduce mental power/agility, alertness, concentration and manual dexterity (links to sections 2 & 3 of video available in comments) - source
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Darude raged in the comment section of a Sandstorm vs. Space Jam Mashup. History of the internet.
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Facebook is trying to switch to upvotes and downvotes in their comment sections
A wayward Beluga Whale was found outside the coast of Norway, shackled in a tight man-made harness. First suspected of being bred as a "Russian whale-spy" 'Whalimir' was later found to be a therapy-whale bred by the Russians.More info in the comment-section.
If you highlight part of a comment and then click reply on Reddit (with RES) it automatically quotes the highlighted section.
The battle in r/photoshopbattle is actually held in the comments section.... smdh
Almost every chewing gum brand is part of the Wrigley Company and it's a part of Mars Inc. (complete list of brands in the comment section)
Comment section infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Comment Section numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.