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Front Page facts

While investigating facts about Front Page Africa and Front Page Live, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The 8 year old Afghani skateboarder on the front page was killed in a suicide attack on September 8th, 2012. Here is the news update from the school.

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When Republican senator, Jesse Helms submitted a 300 page packet to the Senate alleging Martin Luther King Jr. had ties to Communists in an effort to oppose establishing MLK Day, Democratic senator, Daniel Moyniham responded to the "packet of filth" by stomping on it in front of the Senate.

What is front page mag?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is front page live. Here are 50 of the best facts about Front Page Design and Front Page News I managed to collect.

what is front page?

  1. To decide on letter distribution, Scrabble® inventor Alfred Butts studied the front page of The New York Times and did painstaking calculations of letter frequency. His basic cryptographic analysis of our language and his original tile distribution have remained valid for over 60 years.

  2. The day after Google took over Youtube, comedian Jessica Delfino's song "My Pussy Is Magic" got banned for being inappropriate (it has medical textbook images and crude drawings of vaginas). then featured the video on its front page.

  3. A freelance photographer for the NY post took a photo of a man climbing out of the way of a subway train, rather than helping him. The picture ran the next day front page with the title "DOOMED!" His excuse was that he was trying to warn the driver with his camera's flash.

  4. The Des Moines Register printed pictures of the 168 victims of the Oklahoma City bombing on its front page the day Timothy McVeigh was executed and didn't name him.

  5. The phenomenon of "Rickrolling" became so popular that that on 1 April 2008, YouTube pranked its users by making every single featured video on its front page a rickroll.

  6. On 1st April,2008 Youtube rickrolled its viewers by redirecting every featured front page video to the original song video, 'Never gonna give you up'

  7. There's an app disguised as a news app, but when you go to the "help" section, it leads you to domestic violence resources. When your abuser is near, you can press X and it will take you back to the "front page".

  8. Fans reacted badly to Arthur Conan Doyle killing off Sherlock Holmes. It was front-page news around the world; 20,000 people cancelled subscriptions to 'Strand' magazine and sent hate mail; thousands wrote to the author begging him to undo the death. Doyle resurrected Holmes a decade later.

  9. When Agatha Christie killed off detective Hercule Poirot in 1975, he became the only fictional character to receive a front-page obituary in the New York Times.

  10. On April 1, 2008 YouTube rickrolled the world by linking every video on the front page of YouTube to Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up."

front page facts
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Front Page data charts

For your convenience take a look at Front Page figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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In response to the front page post today, mood data collected showing the difference before and after my first magic mushroom trip and the help it has given me with my bipolar diso

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Most common HTML elements on the front pages of top 500 websites

Why is the front page closing?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Arizona Gazette ran a front page article in 1909 on two "Smithsonian-funded archaeologists" who discovered a massive underground cave city beneath the Grand Canyon. The city allegedly contained Egyptian hieroglyphics, mummies, and a Buddha-like statue. The Smithsonian refutes the claims.

In 2003, as a response to Prime Minister John Howard's attitude towards peace protests, the Australian satirical newspaper The Chaser published his real home phone number on their front page. The headline read "Howard ignores the people. So call him at home on (02) 9922 6189". - source

Hercule Poirot was so well known when his last case, which includes his death, was published, his obituary made the front page of the New York Times - source

The Lewiston Tribune once published two pictures on its front page, one of a thief who had stolen a wallet at a store, and the other of a man named Michael Millhouse. Readers quickly recognized that the thief and Millhouse were identical and called the police, who arrested Millhouse for theft.

British rock singer Rod Stewart is a very talented model train builder. His "Three Rivers City" layout has been featured on the front page of Model Railroader magazine three times. In the 2007 article, he said that he "would rather be in a model railroad magazine than a music magazine." - source

When is front page closing?

The Disney movie Operation Dumbo Drop (1995) was based on a true story and the reason it wasn't on the front page of the news was because it happened the same time as the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

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In 1989, New York cancelled their statewide chemistry test after the NY Post published the answer key on the front page. Copies of the answer key were so widespread that it took 15 minutes for the reporter to get a copy.

On January 29, 1934, the Los Angeles Times published a front page article about a geophysical mining engineer's search for a lost civilization of Lizard People and their buried treasure beneath the streets of Los Angeles.

Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot was so popular that the New York Times published a front-page obituary when he died.

Hercule Poirot was the first fictional literary character to receive an obituary on the front page of the New York Times.

Dick Bong was the most decorated ACE of WWII. He died on the same day that the Hiroshima Nuclear Bomb was dropped, and still made it to the front page of the day's papers. His middle name was Ira.

Front page infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Front Page numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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I scraped Reddit and made a website to determine that posting right around now gives me the best chances of making it to the front page

front page fact infographic about Graphs of the best time of day to post in order to make it t

Graphs of the best time of day to post in order to make it to front page

Interesting facts about front page

Most British newspapers used to run advertisements on front pages, with even the most important news starting inside. American influence and the desire for higher circulation slowly changed this; The Guardian did not do so until 1952, for example.

The front page of the script for The Martian was included in the payload of the Orion spacecraft for its first test flight on December 5th 2014.

In 1935 a picture of a jewish Girl won the nazi propaganda contest for the most perfect Aryan baby. She was put on the front page of a popular nazi magazine as well as post cards which were distributed all over Germany.

Babe Ruth was only captain of the New York Yankees for 5 days early in his tenure with the team (before his MVP season, batting title, his 60 home run season, and 4 World Series titles). He was canned for trying to attack a heckler in the stands, which made the front page of the NY Times.

A post on TIL's front page can bring 45,000 people to a wikipedia article in one day.

How to scan front and back on same page?

You have more chance of hitting the front page with a repost than an original post.

In airplanes the front, business class, is the position with the lowest survivability rate (page 20)

On July 20, 1969, as the Apollo 11 astronauts prepared for the moon landing, they shared the front page with news about Ted Kennedy's plunge off of a Massachusetts' bridge that killed his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne.

Before the New England Patriots’ comeback in Super Bowl LI, the early edition of the Boston Globe featured a front page that suggested the Patriots had lost to the Atlanta Falcons.

In 2010, The Sun newspaper ran a front-page headline claiming that a recent live episode of Coronation Street (the UK’s longest-running soap) was under threat of an Al-Qaeda attack. This was completely unfounded.

Virginia Woolf once dressed up as an ‘Abyssian’ prince with some colleagues and fooled the British Royal Navy into giving them a private tour of a new flagship. The group of imposters were photographed with navy officers and put on the front page of several newspapers before they were found out.

On Jan. 19, 1977, it snowed in Miami Beach, FL. The story was on the front page of the Miami Herald for 3 days

It's actually possible to understand who is stalking you on facebook from the order of friends showing in front page.

You can get to the Front Page with basically anything.

PewDiePie Made Front Page As Wall Street Journal Lies to youtube

52% of the posts on Reddits front page are reposts

how to get to the front page of Reddit

How to easily get your content on the front page of TIL

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Front Page. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Front Page so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor