Incredible and fun facts to explore

Reddit Posts facts

While investigating facts about Reddit Posts, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Sears used its influence over Reddit to get a post removed that showed how to manipulate the sites interface

Many pro Israel Reddit comments are posted by people paid to spread propaganda.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 43 of the best facts about Reddit Posts I managed to collect.

  1. Reddit is able to claim legal immunity from what its users post based on a ruling concerning the Star Trek: DS9 actress who played Leeta

  2. Comment threads only became available on Reddit after three years, when a random Redditor 'hacked' the interface by linking to his own post, creating the first Self Post.

  3. This company is getting sued per Reddit and this video.. I know because I got a subpoena for posting it

  4. Reddit's founders posted content under lots of fake usernames during the early days to attract investors and new users

  5. Reddit wants to suspend me, because I posted this link


  7. In the earliest days of Reddit, the founders created hundreds of 'fake users' to post their content, so the site looked busy until real users started filling it up. When they posted, they had 'URL', 'title', and an extra text field for 'user'.

  8. You (or corporations) can manipulate votes on posts in Reddit and people have been banned for revealing it in the past.

  9. Within a 17 day period 52% of the front page posts on Reddit were actually reposts whereas the remaining 48% were original or reposts that fell outside of the given time frame

  10. Youtubers are now making money from Reddit Posts.

reddit posts facts
What are the best facts about Reddit Posts?

Reddit Posts data charts

For your convenience take a look at Reddit Posts figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

reddit posts fact data chart about Let's hear it for the lurkers! The vast majority of Reddit u
Let's hear it for the lurkers! The vast majority of Reddit users don't post or comment.

reddit posts fact data chart about A Reddit Post's Upvotes and Downvotes Over Time
A Reddit Post's Upvotes and Downvotes Over Time

What is true about reddit posts?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Reddit joke where a serious comment on a post not marked [Serious] that ends with some version of “it turned out they were a large monster and asked for tree-fity” comes from the South Park episode called, “The Succubus.”

People are over 10x more likely to upvote a post on Reddit, if there's wholesome comments, in the comment section. The vibe of the comments determins greatly whether people leave the post enjoying themselves or not, especially if there's comments commented with a great deal of effort. - source

I'm a meme in Russia - this channel takes popular English Reddit posts, translates them to Russian, and makes videos narrating them, including this one of an AMA I did several years ago - source

In the earliest days of Reddit, the founders created hundreds of 'fake users' to post their content, so the site looked busy until real users started filling it up. In an online training video, Steve Huffman said the creators had 3 text boxes when they posted content - URL, Title and Username.

a short movie is made behind the "today you, tomorrow me" reddit post - source

reddit will hide downvote button from a specific user's post or comment if you continuously downvote posts of an individual user(maybe limit is 28 including post and comments) and also disable you to upvote his/her posts or comments. ""NOTE: Ignore link""

A motivational talk from Eric Thomas. Btw, it is my first time on Reddit. I am very sorry if I post at the wrong session. Any guidance? Thank you!

The Pareto principal that dictates that 80% of the upvotes on Reddit are on 20% of the posts.

Reddit deleted all their backups of the stonetear posts Four Days After receiving the congressional Subpoena.

52% of the posts on Reddits front page are reposts

Rapper Froggy Fresh, formerly known as Krispy Kreme, was threatened with legal action from Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and was forced to change his name after his popularity surged, in part due to highly visible posts on Reddit.

Reddit posts infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Reddit Posts numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

reddit posts fact infographic about Is Reddit overly bitter? A preliminary sentiment analysis of

Is Reddit overly bitter? A preliminary sentiment analysis of the top 220 comments on top 20 posts of the last month in /r/relationship_advice.

reddit posts fact infographic about I scraped Reddit and made a website to determine that postin

I scraped Reddit and made a website to determine that posting right around now gives me the best chances of making it to the front page

Interesting facts about reddit posts

Reddit's TIL can be learned by a machine. A bot, trained from previous posts, was created to mine Wikipedia for new content and has been on the front page multiple times.

Pressing "A" while viewing a Reddit post upvotes it while pressing "Z" downvotes

You can take the url of any Reddit post and replace ‘Reddit’ with ‘Removeddit’ to see deleted/removed comments.

The Downing Street Memo was the first website linked to a post on Reddit.

U/Spez can change the content of any Reddit post on a whim.

When you post on Reddit actually might affect your upvotes

How to get a post to the front page of Reddit.

The Prime Minister of Tuvalu has an obscure Reddit account - u/PMofTuvalu. However, it has not posted for two years.

The highest gilded post in Reddit history is a random post about Dana White with over 2000 gold.

A Russian Reddit user got Reddit banned in Russia by posting a tutorial to grown mushrooms.

52% of front page Reddit posts have been submitted at least once before and were almost always completely overlooked [Study]

Everything in Reddit's TIL section is basically a repost of a wiki article posted elsewhere. Everything in Reddit's TIL section is basically a repost of a wiki article posted elsewhere.

There's a hill in New Zealand called Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu. I'd post the translation, but it's too long for Reddit.

The first ever post on Reddit was link to the Downing Street Memo from co-founder Alexis Ohanian. It was immediately downvoted by Steve Huffman, fellow co-founder. (23:47)

The first post to Reddit, a link to the Downing Street Memo, submitted by co-founder, Alexis Ohanian, was downvoted by the only other member at the time, cofounder Steve Huffman.

Reddit Users Don't Get Karma For Self-Posts

There is a site to break down your Reddit stats graphically (comment and post karma distribution according to sub, etc)

Almost all of's content is just recycled Reddit posts and topics

The first link ever posted to Reddit, a story about the Downing Street memo shared by Alexis Ohanian, was downvoted by Steve Huffman. (Reddit's Co-Founders)

Someone took a picture of me at work and posted it on Reddit. And now I'm very uncomfortable and have been getting calls at work from people telling me they saw a picture of me online.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Reddit Posts. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Reddit Posts so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor