Columbus Ohio facts
While investigating facts about Columbus Ohio Weather and Columbus Ohio News, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1944 a sixteen-year-old black student in Columbus, Ohio, won an essay contest on the theme ‘What to Do with Hitler after the War’ by submitting the single sentence, "Put him in a black skin and let him live the rest of his life in America."
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In 2009 a woman caused a riot at a Columbus, Ohio, Burlington Coat Factory after it became clear to customers, whom she had offered store-wide to purchase all orders up to $500 from her lottery winnings, that she had no money.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's columbus ohio zip code. Here are 25 of the best facts about Columbus Ohio Airport and Columbus Ohio Obituaries I managed to collect.
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Columbus, Ohio has a larger population than Cincinnati and Cleveland combined and yet they have no NFL, NBA or MLB teams. Cleveland and Cincinnati have 5
Thomas Midgley was born in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania but grew up in Columbus, Ohio.
Windows were broken in Norway and Finland when the biggest nuclear bomb ever(Tsar Bomba), was detonated by russia 560 miles away. That would be the distance from Atlanta Georgia to Columbus Ohio.
Lee County, Virginia is physically closer to eight state capitals other than its own capital in Richmond: Raleigh, North Carolina; Columbia, South Carolina; Atlanta, Georgia; Nashville, Tennessee; Charleston, West Virginia; Frankfort, Kentucky; Columbus, Ohio, and Indianapolis, Indiana.
My hometown of Sandusky, Ohio, has made Election Day a holiday, swappint out Columbus Day. (via NPR)
Kids' cable network Nickleodeon originally started off as a small free "community access" station in Columbus, Ohio
Ohio's capital city and its largest city is Columbus.
It took an additional 23 years after Brown v. Board of Education for Columbus Public Schools (Columbus, Ohio) to Desegregate.
There is a prominent Somali-language film industry in Columbus, Ohio. It is known as Somaliwood.
Columbus, Ohio is the 15th most populous city in the U.S., larger than Detroit, Washington D.C., Boston, Baltimore, and many other major cities.
Columbus Ohio data charts
For your convenience take a look at Columbus Ohio figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why change columbus ohio name by examining the linked well-known sources.
A 38-year-old housewife from Columbus, Ohio, named Jerrie Mock, accomplished what Amelia Earhart is famous for having failed to do.
There is an annual show chicken event in Columbus, Ohio. It's the Westminster Dog Show for chicken people. - source
John Kasich had a talk show ten years ago on Fox News, "Heartland with John Kasich," based in Columbus, Ohio. - source
Cornhenge, a field of 109 6 foot tall concrete stalks of corn in a suburb of Columbus Ohio.
In Columbus, Ohio the FOX and ABC affiliate are owned by the same people. The Sinclair Broadcasting Group who also own stations in markets that cover 38.7% of Americans. - source
When is red white & boom in columbus ohio?
In 1944 a sixteen-year-old black student in Columbus, Ohio, won an essay contest on the theme ‘What to Do with Hitler after the War’ by submitting the single sentence, “Put him in a black skin and let him live the rest of his life in America.”
How safe is columbus ohio?
The emergency room in Columbus, Ohio is named the "Abercrombie and Fitch Emergency Room"
The first woman to fly solo around the world was a housewife in Columbus, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio had a pro football team called the panhandles and were charter members of the NFL
Fifty percent of the United States population lives within a 500-mile radius of Columbus, Ohio.
The first automatic bowling alley pin-setting machines were invented and installed in Columbus, Ohio.