State Capitals facts
While investigating facts about State Capitals List and State Capitals Quiz, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Montpelier, Vermont is the only United States capital without a McDonalds.
how state capitals are chosen?
7 months after Russia declared war on Germany in 1914, a small band of Georgian warriors from a remote part of Georgia clad in medieval armor rode into the capital of Tiflis and up to the governor's palace, reporting for military duty, stating: "We hear there's a war" "Where's the war"
What state capitals are on the mississippi river?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what state capitals are not served by the interstate highway system. Here are 50 of the best facts about State Capitals Map and State Capitals In Alphabetical Order I managed to collect.
what state capitals are not served by the interstate system?
The present-day Washington State was originally called "Columbia", but Congress forced the name change to "Washington" in honor of George Washington and to avoid confusion with the nation's capital, the District of Columbia
At 0.21% of the total population, the United States has the lowest percentage of its population living in its capital city in the world
North and South Dakota are two different states because they couldn't agree on where the capital should be.
Since 1981, Mexico does not extradite to countries that are seeking the death penalty, and has successfully defended 400 of its citizens charged with a capital offence in the United States.
The town of Dalhart, Texas is closer to 6 other state capitals than it is to Texas's state capital.
Montpelier, VT is the only US state capital with no McDonald's
There is only one U.S. state capital without a McDonald’s: Montpelier, Vermont
Hitler disguised English-speaking soldiers as Allied troops and used them to cut telephone wires, change road signs, and cause general confusion. They were trained in American general knowledge, such as who Mickey Mouse's girlfriend was, and what the capitals of states were.
Distributionism, an alternative to both Capitalism and Communism. Distributionists criticize the centralization of assets either under a state or private individual, and instead advocate for the redistribution of the means of production themselves, rather than the wealth they produce.
Guangzhou, the "Capital of the Third World" is the largest city by metropolitan area and that at 44 million is larger than the entire state of California
State Capitals data charts
For your convenience take a look at State Capitals figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why state capitals are small?
You can easily fact check why state capitals are by examining the linked well-known sources.
Santa Fe, New Mexico is the highest capital city in the United States at 7,198 feet. It beats Denver, Colorado by 1,918 feet.
Louisiana's capital city is Baton Rouge, and its largest city is New Orleans.
The capital city of Oregon is Salem and its largest city is Portland.
Maryland's capital city is Annapolis, and its largest city is Baltimore.
A couple hundred metalheads with kazoos showed up at Virginia's State Capital to counter protest the a Kansas-based hate group (Westboro Baptist Church. ) - source
When maia had to learn the state capitals?
The tribal capital of the Cherokee Nation is Tahlequah, Oklahoma.
How to remember state capitals?
On April 30th, 1789 George Washington was inaugurated as the President of the United States in New York City. New York City was the new country's first capital city.
Perjury can be a capital crime in the state of California if it results in the execution of an innocent person.
North Carolina's capital city is Raleigh and its largest city is Charlotte.
The Wheat Capital of the World is considered to be Sumner County in Kansas.
Because of the high number of diners in New Jersey it is considered to be the diner capital of the world.