San Antonio facts
While investigating facts about San Antonio Weather and San Antonio Spurs, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Sex toys are banned in some states, such as Alabama. Flirting is banned in San Antonio, Texas. Oral sex is banned in Indiana. And sleeping naked is illegal in Minnesota.
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A San Antonio news station had to call in a Bomb Squad after bring sent a suspicious cake with wires sticking out of it. A number was written on the box which made the cake vibrate when dialed. Attached was a note signed by the Joker. It was all part of a marketing campaign for The Dark Knight.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering where is enterprise at san antonio airport. Here are 50 of the best facts about San Antonio Zoo and San Antonio News I managed to collect.
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San Antonio, Texas has the highest percentage of gay and lesbian parents in the US
In San Antonio, TX, lynchings used to be held in front of the San Fernando Cathedral until the priest cut the trees in which the hangings took place
Ozzy Osbourne was arrested for urinating on an Alamo memorial, while drunk, and wearing his wife's dress, because she hid all his clothes so he can't buy liquor. He was banned from San Antonio for 10 years.
One night while touring in San Antonio, TX, Ozzy got hammered and Shannon took his clothes away to keep him from getting into trouble. Instead, Ozzy put on Sharon's clothes, went for a walk, and took a piss on The Alamo. He was banned from touring in San Antonio for a decade.
San Antonio Spurs superstar Kawhi Leonard Drives a 1997 Chevy Tahoe, and uses coupons to get free wings despite his $94 Million Contract
In 1982, while wearing his future wife Sharon's dress, Ozzy Osbourne drunkenly urinated on a cenotaph erected in honour of those who died at the Alamo in Texas. He was arrested and subsequently banned from the city of San Antonio for 10 years.
Osama bin Laden's eldest half-brother, Salem bin Laden, was killed in 1988 near San Antonio, Texas, in the United States, when he accidentally flew a plane into power lines.
There is a amusement park in San Antonio dedicated to the handicapped!
The Alamo is a historical site in San Antonio Texas, where the Mexican General Santa Anna defeated the Texan defenders.
The biggest markets for bacon in the United States are New York, Los Angeles, San Antonio, Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Houston.
San Antonio data charts
For your convenience take a look at San Antonio figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why visit san antonio by examining the linked well-known sources.
The five ships on Ferdinand Magellan's voyage were the Trinidad, the San Antonio, the Santiago, the Conception, and the Victoria. Ferdinand Magellan's ship was the Trinidad.
If George Washington had been America's king instead of its first president, an 82-year-old retired regional manager from San Antonio, Texas would likely be King of America today - source
The Alamo was originally called Mission San Antonio de Valero.
At one time there were as many as 30 adobe buildings in the Mission San Antonio de Valero (later the Alamo) complex.
3 people stole a small shark from the San Antonio Aquarium in Texas, by grabbing it with a net and transporting the animal in a stroller. Police tracked down and returned the shark known as Miss Helen, who was unharmed. - source
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The last great armed train robbery in Texas was the zoo kiddie train in San Antonio
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The killer whales at SeaWorld San Antonio as of 2016 included Kamea, Tuar, Sakari, Takara, and Kyuquot.
Sidney Catts, Governor of Florida from 1917/21, who claimed that German monks were planning to arm Florida's Black community in a revolt for Kaiser Wilhelm, after which Pope Benedict XV would take over Florida, move the Holy See to San Antonio and close all of the Protestant churches
Camp Stanley in San Antonio, TX; possibly one of three known CIA sites in the U.S. said to house countless untraceable Soviet-style weapons.
Dr. Charles Cambell Helped to Eradicate Malaria in the San Antonio Area by Enticing Bats to Move to the area
The San Antonio Police Department evacuated a neighborhood and called in their bomb squad when less than two boxes of ammo were found at a deceased veteran's house. It was the second time the bomb squad had been called to that address... the first being when some shotgun shells were found.