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Cincinnati Ohio facts

While investigating facts about Cincinnati Ohio Weather and Cincinnati Ohio News, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The city of Cincinnati, Ohio has an subway system that was built, never used, and left abandoned

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Columbus, Ohio has a larger population than Cincinnati and Cleveland combined and yet they have no NFL, NBA or MLB teams. Cleveland and Cincinnati have 5

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what county is cincinnati ohio in. Here are 21 of the best facts about Cincinnati Ohio Zip Code and Cincinnati Ohio Obituaries I managed to collect.

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  1. Hooker was interred in Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati, Ohio.

  2. The town of Cincinnatus, NY, and the city of Cincinnati, Ohio (among other things) are named after Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, a farmer elected as the Roman dictator during an invasion. He achieved swift victory within 15 days of appointment, and relinquished power to return to his farm.

  3. Several former U.S. Presidents were born in Ohio including: 18th President Ulysses S. Grant (born in Point Pleasant and served from 1869 to 1877), 19th President Rutherford B. Hayes (born in Delaware and served from 1877 to 1881), 20th President James A. Garfield (born in Orange and served in 1881), 23rd President Benjamin Harrison (born in North Bend and served from 1889 to 1893), 25th President William McKinley (born in Niles and served from 1897 to 1901), 27th President William H. Taft (born in Cincinnati and served from 1909 to 1913), and 29th President Warren G. Harding (born in Corsica = now Blooming Grove - served from 1921 to 1923).

  4. Thomas Kuhn was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, where his father Samuel Kuhn was an industrial engineer.

  5. The first professional baseball team was the Cincinnati Reds.

  6. Jerry Springer was not only the mayor of Cincinnati in the 70s, but also ran for Governor of Ohio in '82.

  7. Jerry Springer was once the mayor of Cincinnati. He ran for governor of Ohio, but lost (in part) because he admitted to hiring a prostitute

  8. TV host Jerry Springer served two terms as mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio, beginning when he was just 33 years old

  9. The first police cars were used in Akron, Ohio and Cincinnati had the first professional fire department.

cincinnati ohio facts
What time is it in cincinnati ohio?

Why are the cincinnati bengals called the bengals?

You can easily fact check why are the cincinnati bengals bad by examining the linked well-known sources.

Cincinnati, Ohio is named after a Roman statesman.

Cincinnati, Ohio is named indirectly after a 5th century BC Roman Consul - source

Jerry Springer once wrestled a bear named Victor while serving as Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio to help raise money for charity - source

On its last mission, the SR-71 Blackbird flew from St. Louis, Missouri, to Cincinnati, Ohio, a distance of 311.4 miles (501.1 km), in 8 minutes and 32 seconds.

The party game, Seven Minutes in Heaven, originated in Cincinnati, Ohio during the early 1950s - source

When is the jazz festival in cincinnati ohio?

The body of John Scott Harrison, father of President of Benjamin Harrison, was stolen by grave robbers and sold to Ohio Medical College in Cincinnati for use as a training cadaver. The body was eventually recovered and reburied.

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The grandfather of former Mexican President Vincente Fox was born in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Having anal sex is illegal in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The world's first space based nation has a population equal to the current population of Cincinnati, Ohio and 40% of the population are from Turkey, China, and the US. I also learned it has a satellite that just passed NASA's safety check.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cincinnati Ohio. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cincinnati Ohio so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor