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Coats Arms facts

While investigating facts about Coats Arms Logo and English Crests Coats Arms, I found out little known, but curios details like:

..There is a church in the Czech Republic where 40,000 skeletons decorate the church. Skeleton chandeliers, coats of arms, bone garlands etc

how to identify coats of arms?

When Turkey objected to the inclusion of Mount Ararat located on Turkish territory on Armenian's soviet coat of arms Nikita Khrushchev replied "Why do you have a moon depicted on your flag? After all, the moon doesn't belong to Turkey"

What do the symbols on coats of arms mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does coats of arms mean. Here are 50 of the best facts about Red Coats Arms and New Coats Arms I managed to collect.

what are coats of arms?

  1. Australia have the kangaroo & emu on their coat of arms because both animals can not walk backwards. Thus presenting themselves as a forward moving nation.

  2. Kangaroo rarely hops backward due to its anatomy, thus the reason it and an emu are on the Australian Coat of Arms, symbolizing a nation should only move forward.

  3. Sir Terry Pratchett's coat of arms contain the Latin phrase, "Noli Timere Messorem," translated as "Don't Fear the Reaper."

  4. The Sun seen on many South American flags and coat of arms, such as Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, is a reference to the Incan god of the Sun, Inti.

  5. In 1923 Enzo Ferrari won a race in Ravenna where he met the Countess Paolina, mother of Francesco Baracca, an ace of the Italian air force who died during WW1 and used to paint a horse on the side of his planes .In his honor, Enzo Ferrari decided to take the rampant horse as his coat of arms

  6. The Australian coat of arms uses the kangaroo and emu, the 2 native animals that physically can’t move backwards

  7. The official coat of arms for the US 40th Cavalry Regiment features a dinosaur wielding a flaming sword

  8. The Australian Coat of Arms has the kangaroo and the emu because these animals can't move backwards.

  9. The motto on the United Kingdom's coat of arms is in French

  10. Poor aristocratic families in France used to "re-gild the coat of arms" by marrying off a daughter to a rich commoner. In exchange for the dowry, the commoner would get to add the aristocratic name of his bride to his own.

coats arms facts
What estates had coats of arms?

Why do we have coats of arms?

You can easily fact check why are they called coats of arms by examining the linked well-known sources.

John Hancock's coat of arms features a hand and several cocks

Vermont's state flag, with their coat of arms featuring sheaves of wheat, bales of hay, a cow and a large pine tree, was officially adopted in 1923.

The coats of arms of the islands Åland and Öland are almost identical because the islands got mixed up in the 16th century since their names are so similar. - source

Sir Elton John's coat of arms features piano keys and records, and a motto: "el tono es bueno," which translates to "the tone is good."

Families are not represented by a Coat of Arms. A Coat of Arms is granted only to an individual and displaying a Coat of Arms, which has not been granted individually to you, is in poor taste and is in a way considered to be impersonating another person. - source

When were coats of arms first used?

Jack Fisher, the man responsible for the creation of the first modern battleship, the HMS Dreadnought, put "Fear God and dread nought" on his coat of arms when he was made Baron.

How are coats of arms awarded?

The coins of the United Kingdom can be arranged to create the Royal coat of arms.

Before founding Jamestown and meeting Pocahontas, John Smith was a knight in the service of the Prince of Transylvania. His coat of arms showed three Turkish heads, representing three men he killed and beheaded in single combat.

The coat of arms of Appenzell, Switzerland depicts a bear with brightly colored penis. When a printer from another canton forgot to print the penis in 1579, it nearly started a war.

Maryland has the only U.S. state flag derived from British heraldry; it features the coat of arms of Lord Baltimore, the colonial proprietors of the state.

When did coats of arms begin?

Maine's state flag, with a farmer and seaman on its coat of arms, was adopted in 1909.

In 1579 a war almost started due to a bear's penis being accidentally omitted from a coat of arms.

Washington DC's flag is based upon George Washington's ancestral coat of arms.

The coat of arms of the Galapagos Islands contains the Galapagos tortoise, volcanic cones, blue sea, and a sail boat.

Without the Mexican coat of arms the Mexican flag looks similar to the Italian flag, although the shades of colors are darker. The proportions of the two flags are also different, with the Mexican flag being longer.

Who designed the coat of arms?

The current version of Greenland's coat of arms, adopted in 1989, depicts a polar bear raising its left forepaw. This breaks with the heraldic tradition of showing the right forepaw raised and is a tribute to the traditional Inuit belief that polar bears are left-handed.

Terry Pratchett's Coat of Arms Motto is Noli Timere Messorem (Don't Fear the Reaper)

American citizens can apply to the British Crown to be granted an honorary coat of arms - if they meet the standard criteria of eligibility, and demonstrate their descent from a subject of the British Crown. This could include British ancestors dating back to before 1783.

Maryland's state flag is the only U.S. state flag to be based on the coats of arms of noble British families. It was adopted in 1904.

A village in the Czech Republic, Dohalice village, has Medusa's image on their municipal coat of arms.

In the Quebec Parliment Building, there is the coat of arms for The Netherlands and Belgium and Nobody Knows why

There are 413 different Heraldic coats of arms described in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire.

Haiti and Liechtenstein had the same flag (sans coat of arms) upon entering the 1936 Olympic Games, which caused Liechtenstein to add a crown to their flags design.

The Maryland Flag represents a union between the north and the south — “The black and gold design on the flag is the coat of arms from the Calvert line ... The red and white design is the coat of arms of the Crossland line, the family of Lord Baltimore's mother, and features a cross bottony...”

Icelanders turned Viking ships away whenever they approached with dragons on their ships. Iceland's coat of arms has a dragon depicted on it.

The Berlin coat of arms was possibly established as a pun of the German word for bear. It is literally Bearlin.

The flag of Washington, D.C. is based on George Washington's family coat of arms.

The coat of arms of Russia depicts an eagle holding a scepter tipped with ... the coat of arms of Russia

The Mexican coat of arms is symbolic of an Aztec legend that the gods told the Aztecs that they should make their home where an eagle was perched on a cactus eating a serpent.

There's a micronation called "Aerican Empire" that has a smily face on their flag and on their coat of arms. They have "a colony on Mars, the northern hemisphere of Pluto, and an imaginary planet."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Coats Arms. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Coats Arms so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor