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Kings Queens facts

While investigating facts about Kings & Queens Of England and Kings & Queens, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Queen of England once "terrorised" Saudi Arabia's King by driving him around. In Saudi Arabia women are not allowed to drive.

how many countries have kings and queens?

At a time when Saudi women were not allowed to drive, Queen Elizabeth II (an avid driver) took King Abdullah for a ride in the royal Land Rover at her Balmoral estate, driving so fast that he implored his translator to tell her to slow down and concentrate on the road.

What countries still have kings and queens?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what countries have kings and queens. Here are 50 of the best facts about Kings & Queens Lyrics and Kings & Queens Ava Max Lyrics I managed to collect.

what is the order of kings and queens in england?

  1. Jeanne De Clisson, a 14th century Pirate Queen who took to the seas out to get revenge on the French king for executing her husband. She sold her estates and raised an army, raiding French ships with no mercy. She had 3 ships; they were painted black and their sails were red.

  2. Patton Oswalt once stood absolutely motionless during an entire 3 minute opening scene on the sitcom "King of Queens," and no one noticed it until years later.

  3. The British king or queen has two birthdays: their real birth date and one assigned to them during the summer, to ensure better weather for the parade

  4. When Queen Elizabeth's children were pressured to evacuate to Canada during WWII, she declared, "The children won't go without me. I won't leave without the King. And the King will never leave."

  5. Mulan is currently the only official member of the Disney Princess franchise who is technically not a legitimate princess "in the traditional sense," as she was neither born the daughter of a king or queen, nor does she become princess consort by marrying a prince.

  6. During WWI, King Albert I of Belgium personally led the defense against the Germans, while the Queen served as a nurse, and their son enlisted in the infanty.

  7. Humans are the kings and queens of the planet when it comes to long-distance running. We can outrun every animal on the planet, and run in conditions that no other animal can run in.

  8. King Amanullah Khan of Afghanistan (1919-1929) once gave a public speech in which he said "Islam did not require women to cover their bodies or wear any special kind of veil". At the conclusion of the speech, Queen Soraya tore off her veil (hejab) in public.

  9. At the time of WW1, the King of Britain, Russia, and Germany were all first cousins. When asked about WW1, Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany sarcastically remarked, "If my grandmother [Queen Victoria] had been alive, she would never have allowed it."

kings queens facts
What countries have kings and queens today?

Kings Queens data charts

For your convenience take a look at Kings Queens figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

kings queens fact data chart about Kings and queens of Britain in one graph and how they are re
Kings and queens of Britain in one graph and how they are related

Why do we have kings and queens?

You can easily fact check why are there still kings and queens by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 2001 the Crown Prince of Nepal shot dead 9 members of his family at a dinner party, including the King and Queen. He then shot himself and died three days later.

King Harald of Norway vowed to remain unmarried for life unless he could marry his true love, the daughter of a cloth merchant. She became the Queen of Norway. - source

During WWI, the Belgian King personally led the army, the Queen served as a nurse, and the 14 year old Prince enlisted as a private and fought in the ranks. - source

A queen named Olga buried Nobles alive, burned the royalty, slayed everyone at her husbands funeral, and set their remaining town on fire, with birds, because they killed her king.

The first known pizza delivery was delivered by the most famous pizza chef in Italy to the king and queen in 1889 - source

When did kings and queens stop ruling?

King Harald of Norway vowed to remain unmarried for life unless he could marry his true love, the daughter of a cloth merchant. She became the Queen of Norway.

How many kings and queens are there in the world?

The custom of the ace being over the king and queen originated after the French Revolution, to symbolize the lower classes overthrowing the nobility.

Upon the arrival of the Saudi king to Buckingham palace on a state visit, the Queen's Guard band played Darth Vader's theme as he entered the palace.

About Ariana Austin, an American woman who became an African princess in Oct. 2017. She married Yoel Makonnen, grandson of the last Emperor of Ethiopia & direct descendant of King Solomon & the Queen of Sheba. Prince Yoel, who met Ariana at a club in DC, initially kept his royal status a secret.

Queen Elizabeth (an experienced Army driver during WWII) once took King Abdullah for a drive in her Land Rover. As she accelerated through narrow Scottish roads while talking the King was so nervous that he implored the Queen to slow down and concentrate on the road ahead.

About Amy Beechey, a British mother who lost five of her eight sons during WWI. When she was presented to King George V and Queen Mary in April 1918, the Queen thanked her for her sacrifice. She replied: "It was no sacrifice, Ma'am - I did not given them willingly."

When were kings and queens around?

Julius Caesar was mocked by his opponents as "the Queen of Bithynia" over an alleged homosexual relationship with King Nicomedes IV. The scandalous part wasn't that the relationship was homosexual, but rather that Caesar was supposedly the sub

Abuse of the smoke signal is known to have contributed to the fall of the Western Zhou Dynasty, 8th century BCE. King You of Zhou had a habit of fooling his warlords with false warning beacons in order to amuse his queen. When an actual rebellion occurred, no one came to the aid of the king.

In the U.S. a king bed is bigger than a queen but in the U.K. a queen bed is bigger than a king!

In 10th century Burma, King Theinhko was killed by a farmer when he took a cucumber from his farm. The farmer was accepted as king by the queen to prevent unrest in the kingdom and became known as the "Cucumber King".

Queens of the Stone Age chose the name because they felt "Kings of the Stone Age" was too macho. "Rock should be heavy enough for the boys and sweet enough for the girls. That way everyone's happy and it's more of a party. Kings of the Stone Age is too lopsided."

How many countries still have kings and queens?

Historians found European queens have been associated with a 27% increase in wars compared to European kings.

You are likely descended from royalty, but that doesn’t make you special. Everyone of European descent alive today can claim ancestry from medieval kings and queens based on statistical analysis of their ancestry

In 1861,a woman named Helga de la Brache attained an annual royal pension by convincing the authorities that she was the secret daughter of King Gustav IV of Sweden and Queen Frederica of Baden

King James VI, who famously sponsored the modern translation of the Bible, was open about having several homosexual love affairs and was thus sometimes known as 'Queen James' by subjects

Except for the dutch all current european monarchs (Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK) are descendants of Queen Victoria and King Christian IX (Denmark). At the start of WW1 their grandchildren occupied the thrones of Germany, Russia, the UK and 5 other countries.

For centuries Scottish kings were crowned will sitting upon the Stone of Destiny also know as the Stone of Scone, a 500 lb rectanglar stone slab. It was captured by a British king in 1296 and has subsequently been used in the corination of many British royals, most recently Queen Elizabeth II.

The wet-nurse chosen by Queen Victoria to nurse her son, the future king Edward VII, years later would use her husband’s razor blade to slit the throats of her six children.

After the death of Swaziland's King Sobhuza II in 1982, the reigning queen enforced a 75-day mourning period that only allowed commerce essential to the life of the nation. During this time, the queen outlawed sexual intercourse and those caught were punished by flogging.

The 109-carat Diamond set in the British Royal Crown was mined over 700 years ago and is one of the world's largest known Diamonds. It was stolen from India by Queen Victoria in their surrender to Britain in the 19th Century and shall be worn by Kate Middleton should Prince William become King.

The major world leaders of WWI were all cousins. Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, King George V of England, and Czar Nicholas II of Russia. Their grandmother was Queen Victoria.

The Queen owns all the sturgeons, whales, and dolphins in the waters around the UK, in a rule that dates back to a statute from 1324, during the reign of King Edward II

King James II of Scotland was killed when one of his prized siege cannons blew up, severing his leg at the thigh. He had ordered his cannons to fire a salute for his queen.

The same person, Desmond Henley, embalmed King George VI, Queen Mary, Judy Garland, Jimi Hendrix and Bon Scott

James Earl Jones and Madge Sinclair, who portrayed the King & Queen of Zamunda in Coming to America, also provided the voices of Simba's parents Mufasa & Sarabi in The Lion King

Portuguese king John II was called "The Man"/"The Dude" (El Hombre) by queen Isabella of Castile (Spain)

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Kings Queens. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Kings Queens so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor