Closest Planet facts
While investigating facts about Closest Planet To Earth and Closest Planet To The Sun, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Although Mercury is closest to the sun, it is not the hottest planet in our solar system. Venus is hotter due its atmosphere trapping the heat.
how far is the closest earth like planet?
Mercury is the closest planet to Earth and to every other planet in the solar system most of the time.
What closest planet to the sun?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what planet is closest to the moon. Here are 42 of the best facts about Closest Planet Fitness and Closest Planet Fitness To Me I managed to collect.
what's closest planet to earth?
Peoria IL has a 40 mile long scale model of the solar system. The Sun is 46 feet wide, and the closest planet Mercury is 2 inches tall and 1/3 mile away.
The Sagan Planet Walk - a 1.2km, 1:5bn scale representation of the solar system in Ithaca, NY - was expanded in 1997 to include Alpha Centauri (the closest neighboring star). It is located at the Imiloa Astronomy Center at the University of Hawaii, making it the world's largest exhibition.
It takes more fuel to reach the sun from Mercury (the planet closest to the sun) than from Earth (2.5 times as far away). In fact, early solar mission proposals suggested first flying to Jupiter and then back towards the sun to save fuel
The planet Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, has a nighttime temperature of -280°F as it has no atmosphere to retain the 800°F temperature during the day.
Even though Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, Venus is the hottest of all planets in the solar system because of its thick atmosphere. The atmosphere's thick, toxic environment enables it to trap the heat.
The rock planets are the four closest to the sun and the gas planets are the four farthest from the sun.
If the closest star to Earth is 4 light years away from our planet, the sun is 8 light minutes and the moon 1 light second away from us.
Mercury is the closest inner planet to the Sun, followed by Venus, Earth, and Mars.
Tribes on the Andaman Islands have evolved in isolation for so long that their languages are mutually unintelligible from their closest neighbors, and particular genes are unlike any other population on the planet.
The third closest dwarf planet to the sun is Haumea.
Closest Planet data charts
For your convenience take a look at Closest Planet figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is mercury the closest planet to the sun?
You can easily fact check why did the terrestrial planets from closest to the sun by examining the linked well-known sources.
Venus comes closer to Earth than any other planet, the closest at 38.2 million km.
The closest known potentially habitable Planet is 13 Light-Years away - source
The massive fluctuation in temperature is due to the fact that Mercury has an almost zero atmosphere, and therefore has no ability to retain heat, despite the fact that it is the closest planet to the sun.
The closest planet to Earth is Venus, not Mars
The closest star to our Sun, Proxima Centurai, has a potentially habitable planet in its orbit: Proxima B - source
The brightness of a planet increases when the planet is closest to earth?
Our closest planet to the sun, Mercury, can get as cold as -290°F (-180°C) at night time due to not having an atmosphere to retain heat.
How far is the closest planet to earth?
The closest planet to Earth, on average, is Mercury.
The apparent path of the planet Venus as observed from Earth is called the Pentagram of Venus because is has 5 symmetrical 'lobes' at the points of closest approach that form an almost perfect pentagram
The order of the dwarf planets from closest to the Sun outwards is Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and then Eres, which is the furthest from the Sun.
Although Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, it still gets to low temperatures of -173 Celcius.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding the existence of Epsilon Eridani's Planet b, the potentially closest planet to us outside of our own solar system