Orbits Earth facts
While investigating facts about Orbits Earth Transmitting Data and Orbits Earth Transmitting Data Codycross, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There is an official world record for time traveling. It's held by cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev, who has spent 803 days total in orbit around Earth. According to Einstein's theories of relativity, this would mean Sergei effectively has travelled about 0.02 seconds forward in time.
how the moon orbits the earth?
There's a place in the Pacific Ocean called Point Nemo. It s so far from land, the nearest humans are often astronauts. The ISS orbits the Earth at a maximum of 258 miles (416km). Meanwhile the nearest inhabited landmass to Point Nemo is over 1,670 miles (2,700km) away.
When earth orbits the sun what is the centripetal force?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what scientific law explains why the moon orbits the earth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Orbits Earth Sun Moon and Orbits Earth And The Sun I managed to collect.
what orbits around the earth?
Astronomers discovered a bizarre rogue planet wandering the Milky Way. The free-range planet, which is nearly 13 times the mass of Jupiter and does not orbit a star, also displays stunningly bright auroras that are generated by a magnetic field 4 million times stronger than Earth's.
Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space on 16 June 1963, where she spent three days orbiting the Earth 48 times, and is the only woman to have completed a solo space mission
John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth, spotted a cloud of strange glowing "fireflies" on his second orbit. Later NASA confirmed that the fireflies were simply droplets of his own urine that had been expelled from his craft during his previous orbit.
African-American physicist and mathematician Katherine Johnson calculated the trajectory for Alan Shepard's first space flight by hand. When NASA used computers for the first time to calculate John Glenn's orbit around Earth, officials called on Johnson to verify its numbers.
Project Thor which explored using large projectiles from 1,000+ miles above the Earth. The "rods from god" idea was a bundle of telephone-pole-size tungsten rods, dropped from orbit, reaching up to 10 times the speed of sound. The explosion would be on par with a nuke - but no fallout.
John Glenn flew combat missions in WWII and Korea, became the first American to orbit the Earth, was present for the assassination of Robert Kennedy, served as Senator from Ohio, and, while still a senator, became the oldest person to fly in space at age 77.
Vladimir Komarov. When the Soyouz Spacecraft catastrophically failed in orbit, he impossibly managed to manually pilot the craft to re-enter Earth's orbit, only to perish because both the main AND backup parachutes failed. He died "cursing those who had put him inside a botched spaceship".
Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev launched into space as a Soviet citizen, but returned to earth as a Russian citizen - he was in orbit when the Soviet Union dissolved on December 26, 1991.
NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson calculated the trajectory for the space flight of Alan Shepard by hand, and was called on by NASA officials to verify the computer's calculations of John Glenn's orbit around Earth.
In 1993, A company called "Space advertising inc." attempted to launch a giant billboard into low earth orbit. From earth the billboard would look almost as big as a full moon. After the project was canceled, a bill was introduced that banned any further space advertising.
Orbits Earth data charts
For your convenience take a look at Orbits Earth figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why the earth orbits the sun?
You can easily fact check which of the following best describes why the moon orbits earth by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is a satellite orbiting Earth that is predicted to re-enter the atmosphere in 8.4 million years, carrying a message addressed to the beings/humans and civilizations of the future.
Astronauts on Skylab 4 staged a mutiny after feeling that they were being worked and pushed too hard. They reportedly spent their day off relaxing and taking in the panoramic views of Earth from orbit. - source
The most isolated human being ever was Al Worden, command module pilot of Apollo 15, who in lunar orbit was at a maximum distance of 2,235 miles from his fellow astronauts on the surface. While on the other side of the Moon, no communication with Earth or his comrades was possible. - source
About Apophis (Egyptian god of death and darkness), an asteroid that will pass earth closer than our own satellites orbit on Friday 13th, 2029. It will touch our atmosphere, and we will be able to see it wiz overhead. There is a debated chance of it impacting Earth when it returns in 2036.
There's a probe orbiting Venus with a secondary mission: to find life on Earth. From Venus’s point of view, Earth is practically a pixel, which is exactly what exoplanets across the galaxy look like from Earth. - source
When earth orbits the sun what is the centripetal force?
The Greeks had proposed heliocentrism 2000 years before Copernicus: Aristarchus arranged the planets in order of distance from the Sun, concluding that it could not be in orbit around the Earth because a body that large could not orbit a body so small.
How the earth orbits the sun?
It takes the Earth (and the Sun) 226 million years to orbit around the Milky Way Galaxy. Which means Earth has made the orbit around our galaxy about 20 times since the planet is 4.5 billion years old.
Since 1965, a nuclear reactor has been orbiting the Earth. It's broken now but will continue its orbit for another 4000 years
Humans usually get the urge to pee when the bladder is just 1/3 full. But in zero gravity, the urge doesn't kick in till the bladder is almost completely full. When John Glenn orbited the Earth, his only urination was 27 ounces, seven ounces more than the capacity of the avg human bladder.
Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star trek, flew 89 combat missions in the Army Air Forces during World War II, and worked as a commercial pilot after the war. Also,Roddenberry was one of the first humans to have his ashes carried into earth orbit.
The earth does not actually orbit around the sun, but rather around the solar system's center of mass, which is constantly moving, and is currently several hundred thousand kilometers away from the sun.
Orbits earth infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Orbits Earth numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Periodic Orbits about Lagrange Points in the Earth-Moon System