Orbit Sun facts
While investigating facts about Orbit Sunmate and Orbit Sun City Bagha Purana, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Gravity moves at the Speed of Light and is not Instantaneous. If the Sun were to disappear, we would continue our elliptical orbit for an additional 8 minutes and 20 seconds, the same time it would take us to stop seeing the light (according to General Relativity).
how long does it take for the earth to orbit the sun?
Jupiter is so large that it and the Sun mutually orbit a point outside of the Sun itself.
What keeps the planets in orbit around the sun?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what keeps earth in orbit around the sun. Here are 50 of the best facts about Orbit Suncity and Orbit Sun Lounger I managed to collect.
what does the sun orbit?
The Greeks had proposed heliocentrism 2000 years before Copernicus: Aristarchus arranged the planets in order of distance from the Sun, concluding that it could not be in orbit around the Earth because a body that large could not orbit a body so small.
It takes the Earth (and the Sun) 226 million years to orbit around the Milky Way Galaxy. Which means Earth has made the orbit around our galaxy about 20 times since the planet is 4.5 billion years old.
Jupiter is so massive that rather than orbiting the Sun, they both orbit a point in space between them.
Pluto is so far away, that not only has it still not completed a full orbit around the sun since its discovery in 1930, it's barely completed a third of its orbit. It won't complete its first full orbit until 2178.
The earth does not actually orbit around the sun, but rather around the solar system's center of mass, which is constantly moving, and is currently several hundred thousand kilometers away from the sun.
Pluto didn’t get to make one whole orbit of the sun in the time between its discovery and demotion.
There is a dwarf planet in our solar system that is 8 billion miles away and takes 10,000 years to complete one orbit around the Sun.
Earth is being shadowed by a minor planet called 2010 TK7, a 300 meter diameter trojan asteroid that orbits the sun in a spiral pattern every 365.3 days, 60° ahead of Earth's track through space. It has a gravitational force 1/20000 that of Earth and was only discovered in 2010.
The largest known star in existence UY Scuti, is so big, that if it swapped positions with our sun, it would easily engulf the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Jupiter.
On July 11th, 2011, Neptune completed its first full orbit around the sun since its discovery in 1846
Orbit Sun data charts
For your convenience take a look at Orbit Sun figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why does the earth orbit the sun?
You can easily fact check why planets orbit the sun by examining the linked well-known sources.
J002E3, originally thought to be an asteroid orbiting the Earth, is actually part of the Apollo 12 mission that returned to Earth orbit after 31 years of orbiting the Sun
Since the planet Neptune was first discovered in 1846 it has only orbited the Sun once, due to the fact its orbit is about 165 years. - source
Since it was discovered 170 years ago, Neptune has completed just 1.04 orbits of the sun. - source
The fastest man made object ever made (at 157,078 mph) is Helios 2, a spacecraft launched in 1976, currently orbiting the Sun.
The biggest known star is 1540 times the size of the Sun, and if it was placed in our Solar System it's surface would engulf the orbit of Saturn. - source
When a planet in its orbit is closer to the sun it?
Caltech researchers found evidence of a ninth planet which orbits the Sun 20 times farther than Neptune where one full orbit takes between 10,000 to 20,000 years to complete.
How long does it take pluto to orbit the sun?
Because Pluto’s orbit is so elliptical, it is actually closer to the sun than Neptune for 20 years every 248 years
The star Betelgeuse, in the constellation Orion, is 500 times bigger and emits 16,000 times more visible light than the Sun. If it were in our solar system, its surface would extend to the orbit of Jupiter.
Earth has several other companions additional to our moon, such as Cruithne and the trojan asteroid 2010 TK7, which is about 300 meters large, and revolve the sun coupled to earth's orbit.
The Apollo 10 lunar module was jettisoned and is currently in orbit around the sun. It's exact location is unknown but a group of amateur astronomers have been looking for it since 2011.
If the Earth would begin falling towards the Sun, the whole journey would take about 65 days. It would take 41 days to cross the orbit of Venus, and on day 57, we'd cross the orbit of Mercury.