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Christmas Presents facts

While investigating facts about Christmas Presents For Him and Christmas Presents For Her, I found out little known, but curios details like:

An Icelandic tradition called Jólabókaflóð exists, where books are exchanged as Christmas Eve presents and the rest of the night is spent reading them and eating chocolate.

how to wrap christmas presents?

For Christmas, Catalan children "feed" a hollowed-out log with a painted face, then later sing a song and beat the log with a stick until it defecates presents. The first line of the song is "Shit, log!"

When do you open presents at christmas?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering why do we get presents at christmas. Here are 50 of the best facts about Christmas Presents For Mum and Christmas Presents 2019 I managed to collect.

why do we give presents at christmas?

  1. In the famous Christmas song 'Twelve days of Christmas' all the gifts total up to 364 presents, nearly one for every day of the year.

  2. The Paddington Bear stuffed toy was created by a business run by Shirley and Eddie Clarkson, Jeremy Clarkson's parents. Jeremy and his sister were given prototypes as Christmas presents. Jeremy later became a salesman for his parents' business, selling the stuffed toys.

  3. The illustrator of Animorphs cover didn't read the books when he was working on them and has never contacted the author although she sent him Christmas presents with candy. Publishers discourage illustrators from developing relations with authors

  4. Operation Christmas Drop, a training exercise where the US Air Force drops presents and supplies in Micronesia, is the longest running humanitarian air lift in the world. Supplies and presents have been dropped every Christmas since 1952.

  5. Hitler admired Disney cartoons. He was delighted when Joseph Goebbels gifted him eighteen Mickey Mouse films as a Christmas present in 1937.

  6. On Dec 26th the aristocracy distributed presents (boxes) to servants and employees, who returned home, opened their boxes and had a second Christmas on what became known as "Boxing Day."

  7. Christmas for children in Medieval England meant getting extra beatings so as to 'remind them of Herod's cruelty' instead of getting presents

  8. After the release of Gayla Peevey's "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" (1953) a campaign was launched to give her a hippopotamus for Christmas. The campaign succeeded & she was presented with an actual hippopotamus, which she donated to the city zoo. The hippopotamus lived for nearly 50 years

  9. There is a Catalan cmad tradition of giving children a "Shitting log" a couple weeks before Xmas. They have to "feed" it and keep it warm so it will deficate their presents on Christmas eve by beating it with sticks.

christmas presents facts
What christmas presents to buy?

Why do we give presents at christmas?

You can easily fact check why do we get presents on christmas by examining the linked well-known sources.

British woman Joyce Carol Vincent, who died alone in her bedsit in 2003 but wasn't discovered until 2006. She was found with the television still on and surrounded with wrapped Christmas presents.

A 2-to-4 hour long uninterrupted transmission of a burning log has been broadcasted every Christmas by WPIX, from 1966 to 1989 and from 2001 to the present. - source

British woman Joyce Vincent, who died alone in her bedsit in 2003 but wasn't discovered until 2006. She was found with the television still on and surrounded with wrapped Christmas presents. - source

When christmas presents open?

'Operation Christmas Drop' is the longest running United States Department of Defense mission in full operation, and the longest running humanitarian airlift in the world. Every year since 1952, the Air Force drops aid and Christmas presents over Micronesia.

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On Christmas in 1914 German and Allied Troops had a truce and sang songs together, gave presents to each other, and played soccer.

Santa moves fast. In order to deliver presents to every child around the world on Christmas Eve he visits 5,000 houses a second. That's why kids never see him. He's too fast.

On Christmas 1914, during World War I, British and German soldiers stopped fighting unofficially. The men exchanged presents of cigarettes and plum puddings and sang carols. A match of soccer was also played by the opposing sides.

Boris Karloff a.k.a. William Pratt, who played Frankenstein’s monster in the original 1930’s Frankenstein trilogy dressed up as Father Christmas every Christmas beginning in 1940 and distributed presents to the physically disabled kids of a Baltimore hospital.

When do you open christmas presents?

A tradition that involves a pickle ornament. The finder of the Christmas Pickle ornament on Christmas morning, gets an extra present from Santa Claus and will have a lucky year!

Irving Berlin is the only Academy Award presenter to open the envelope and read their own name. He won for "White Christmas" for Best Original Song.

Despite always portraying a villain, Boris Karloff was known for being a very kind man. He gave generously to children's charities and dressed up as Santa every Christmas to hand out presents to disabled children.

After capturing Savannah during the Civil War, General Sherman telegraphed Lincoln stating "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the City of Savannah, with one hundred and fifty guns and plenty of ammunition, also about twenty-five thousand bales of cotton". Lincoln replied with many thanks.

Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, is so named from the old custom of giving presents (Christmas boxes) to tradesmen and servants on that day.

How to draw christmas presents?

Santa has to deliver presents to almost 22 million kids an hour, every hour, on the night before Christmas. That's about 365,000 kids a minute; about 6,100 a second.

In Catalonia (Spain), a widespread tradition exists in which a smiley-faced piece of wood called "Shitting Log" poops out presents on Christmas.

General Sherman gave President Lincoln the city of Savannah as a Christmas present

Father Christmas would need to travel at 10,703,437.5km/hour to deliver every present in time for Christmas day.

Despite Tim Burton's huge involvement with the creation and being the producer of The Nightmare Before Christmas, he was only present about 8 to 10 days of its production during its two year production cycle.

Boxing Day, celebrated in Commonwealth countries on December 26, gets its name from "Christmas boxes" of money, presents, and leftover food given to the poor after Christmas. December 26 was also when when servants were usually released to visit their families.

The Covina Massacre. On Christmas Eve of 2008 a man dressed, in a santa suit, showed up at his ex-wife's house. He brought a single present, which contained a homemade flamethrower. He shot up the house, and then lit it on fire, killing 9 people.

Germans get their presents on the evening of Christmas eve instead of Christmas morning

Boxing Day may have gotten its name from the British who would give their servants presents, or "boxes," the day after Christmas. The servants returned home, opened their boxes and had a second Christmas on what became known as Boxing Day.

It's Possible For An Gnome To Wrap Presents on Christmas...On Cocaine, LSD, and Ketamine

The WW1 Christmas Truce in 1914, when opposing French and German soldiers in the trenches ceased fire, then went into No Man's Land to meet with each other, exchange presents, and even play football, among other things.

The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future are Not the Only X-Mas Ghosts - Turns Out It's Quite an Active Time for the Dearly Departed to Swing By

Giving back to homeless people is the best Christmas present I received this year. GoPro footage

Every year, NORAD has a fun thing where it tracks Santa's flight as he delivers presents every Christmas night.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Christmas Presents. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Christmas Presents so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor