Incredible and fun facts to explore

Wrapping Paper facts

While investigating facts about Wrapping Paper Storage and Wrapping Paper Cutter, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When famed jeweler Harry Winston donated the 45 carat Hope Diamond, valued at $200 to $250 million USD, to the Smithsonian, he simply shipped it via the US Postal Service in a box wrapped in brown paper.

how to make a bag out of wrapping paper?

Bubble wrap was originally designed to be a three-dimensional wall paper.

What wrapping paper can be recycled?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what wrapping paper can you recycle. Here are 22 of the best facts about Wrapping Paper Rolls and Wrapping Paper Christmas I managed to collect.

what wrapping paper is recyclable?

  1. The little piece of paper wrapped with a Hershey's Kiss is called a NigglyWiggly.

  2. Over 2,000 historic Armenian sites were purposely destroyed by the Turkish state between 1923 and 1974; this happened during Turkey's so-called "secular" era. In addition, a lot of literature was lost: Turks used paper from science books to wrap cheese and dates in the bazaars.

  3. Wrapping a bottle in a wet paper towel before putting it in the freezer does NOT help it get cold faster. In fact, it actually impedes the cooling by acting as a jacket.

  4. The Nazis produced their own range of Christmas decorations and wrapping paper, featuring swastikas and Iron Crosses

  5. Hitler once tried to kill Sir Winston Churchill with a lethal chocolate bomb disguised in dark chocolate and wrapped in expensive looking black and gold paper which was luckily discovered by British spies.

  6. In the 80s McDonald's was pressured by environmental groups into switching from paper packaging to styrofoam, then from CFC-styrofoam to non-CFC-styrofoam, and then back to a "quilt wrap" paper form of packaging.

  7. When the 45.52 carat Hope Diamond was delivered to The Smithsonian, it was sent via registered mail in a plain brown paper-wrapped box, insured for $1 million

  8. In 1891, Seth Wheeler's Perforated Wrapping Paper Company patented the toilet paper roll. The diagram of the toilet paper roll given to the patent office shows it in the "over" position. He also patented perforated toilet paper in 1871.

  9. There's a company that will create gift wrapping paper with your face on the wrapper

  10. Paper was first used in China not for writing, but for wrapping up delicate objects, particularly medicines.

wrapping paper facts
What's wrapping paper for animal crossing?

Why can't wrapping paper be recycled?

You can easily fact check why can't christmas wrapping paper be recycled by examining the linked well-known sources.

A theory about the origin of tacos is that it is named after pieces of paper that Mexican silver miners would wrap around gunpowder and use to excavate ore.

A Union Corporal discovered an envelope with three cigars wrapped in a piece of paper lying in the grass at a campground that a Confederate division had just vacated. This envelope contained troop movements that ended up helping the North win the American Civil War. - source

US currency outside of the $100 bill is delivered to the BEP in brown paper-wrapped loads of 20,000 sheets. - source

There's a bookstore in Australia where books are wrapped in paper with short descriptions so no one can "judge a book by it's cover."

The word taco originates from the silver mines in Mexico in the 18th century, and referred to the paper wrapped gunpowder that workers used to extract the ore. - source

When wrapping paper is too small?

When Harry Winston donated the Hope Diamond to the Smithsonian in 1958, he wrapped it in brown paper and sent it via US Mail for $145, which covered the gem's 1 million dollar value.

How to make a gift bag out of wrapping paper?

How Christmas Gift Wrapping Paper Is Printed

In the 1870's the manuscript score of one of the most important pieces of Baroque music was almost used to wrap vegetables by a greengrocer. Luckily the customer was a choirmaster that recognized those papers as something more than newsprint and saved the work from being lost forever.

During the American Civil War there was a severe paper shortage. Evidence shows that mummies were imported & stripped of their linen wraps which were made into brown paper called “mummy paper” for grocers and butchers to wrap food in when sold.

When the Hope Diamond was sent to the Smithsonian, it was sent through U.S. Mail in a box wrapped in brown paper as simple registered mail with $2.44 postage.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Wrapping Paper. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Wrapping Paper so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor