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Dressed Santa facts

While investigating facts about Dressed Santa Barbara and Dressed Santa Fe Nm, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A former President of Equatorial Guinea celebrated the Christmas of 1975 by having 150 of his opponents executed in a soccer stadium by soldiers dressed as Santa Claus.

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John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile, spends his Christmas morning dressed up as Santa and visits his call center employees handing out gifts and thanking them. Coincidentally he also has a 96% "employees approve of CEO" rating on glass door

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do you call a woman who dressed in drag. Here are 30 of the best facts about Well Dressed Santa and Get Dressed Santa I managed to collect.

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  1. In 2008 a man dressed up as Santa and used a homemade flamethrower and several guns to terrorize his ex-wife's family as revenge for their divorce

  2. In 2009 a man dressed as Santa robbed a Tennessee bank claiming he needed the money to "pay his elves"

  3. There was a guy in downtown Toronto who did 2000-3000 pushups a day for 12 years dressed in only shorts, boots, and a Santa hat.

  4. On Christmas, 1975 the first president of Equatorial Guinea had 150 of his opponents killed; Soldiers dressed up in Santa Clause outfits and executed them in a football stadium while amplifiers played "Those Were the Days"

  5. A former President of Equatorial Guinea celebrated the Christmas of 1975 by having 150 of his opponents executed in a soccer stadium by soldiers dressed as Santa Claus.

  6. A post man who dressed as Santa every year was asked to stop after a coworker complained.

  7. Mr. T dressed up as Santa to hand out presents at the White House in 1983. Nancy Reagan even sat on his lap as he presented her with a Mr. T action figure.

  8. Ranch dressing originated from a dude ranch in 1950 Santa Barbara, California

  9. In 2009 a man dressed as Santa robbed a Tennessee bank claiming he needed the money to "pay his elves"

dressed santa facts
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Why is santa dressed in red and white?

You can easily fact check why is everyone dressed like santa in nyc by examining the linked well-known sources.

Despite always portraying a villain, Boris Karloff was known for being a very kind man. He gave generously to children's charities and dressed up as Santa every Christmas to hand out presents to disabled children.

An American man wanted to donate his penis to the Icelandic Phallological Museum for display. He sent in photos of his penis dressed up as Santa Claus and Abraham Lincoln, as well as tatooed the stars & stripes on his penis to make it look more appealing. - source

On Christmas 1969 Francisco Macias Nguema executed 150 people with soldiers dressed as Santa Clause while "Those Were the Days, My Friend" by Mary Hopkin played in the background. - source

Spuds McKenzie dressed as Santa was illegal in Ohio. Santa can't be used to advertise alcohol.

About the "Gävle Goat" - a straw goat erected anually in Gävle, Sweden. Since the start in 1966 it has been destroyed 36 of 51 times. In 2005 it was burnt down by two vandals dressed as Santa and the gingerbread man, by shooting a flaming arrow at the goat. - source

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The Covina Massacre. On Christmas Eve of 2008 a man dressed, in a santa suit, showed up at his ex-wife's house. He brought a single present, which contained a homemade flamethrower. He shot up the house, and then lit it on fire, killing 9 people.

The Canadian Supreme Court dress like Santa

On Christmas day the president of Equitorial Guinea executed 150 political opponents in a football stadium. The executioners were dressed as Santa Claus and the pa played Those Were The Days

On Christmas Day 1975 the dictator of Equatorial Guinea ordered 150 of his opponents killed. Soldiers dressed up in Santa Claus costumes executed them by shooting at the football stadium in Malabo, while amplifiers were playing Mary Hopkin's "Those Were the Days".

A 2003 New York Islanders NHL hockey "come dressed as Santa" promotion devolved into a six minute on-ice brawl after two of the santas opened their shirts to reveal Rangers jerseys (which Islanders fans, er, forcibly removed).

Interesting facts about dressed santa

Former dictator of Equatorial Guinea, Francisco Macías Nguema, had 150 of his opponents executed in a football stadium. Soldiers dressed in Santa Claus costumes committed the murders while speakers played Mary Hopkin's "Those Were the Days."

On Christmas 1975, the President of Equatorial Guinea, Francisco Macías Nguema, had 150 alleged coup plotters executed by soldiers dressed in Santa Claus costumes while Mary Hopkins cover of "Those Were the Days" was played over the PA system.

Canadian Supreme Court judges dress like Santa Claus for special occasions

On first Friday in November, every year, People dress up as blue Santa Clauses in Denmark and goes bar to bar to give ut free Christmas beers.

Canada's Supreme Court Judges dress like adorable Santas.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dressed Santa. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dressed Santa so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor