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Christmas Decorations facts

While investigating facts about Christmas Decorations Sale and Christmas Decorations Ideas, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A popular Christmas decoration in the Nordics, the Yule Goat, is a tradition going back to pre-Christian days. A popular prank was to place a goat made of straw in your neighbour's house without them noticing, and the victim would then repeat the act

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The Nazis produced their own range of Christmas decorations and wrapping paper, featuring swastikas and Iron Crosses

Christmas decorations at the white house?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering when are christmas decorations at disney world. Here are 36 of the best facts about Christmas Decorations 2019 and Christmas Decorations Uk I managed to collect.

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  1. Poinsettia is used for the Christmas decoration in churches for centuries.

  2. Pines are best known as Christmas trees, and cones are often used in decorative purposes during the holiday season. Other than that, pines are cultivated in the gardens and parks because of their ornamental morphology.

  3. At Christmas time approximately 15,000 strings of lights are used, as well as 100 evergreen trees, and 41 indoor trees to decorate.

  4. Between the 1930s to 50s, asbestos was boxed and sold as fake snow for Christmas decorations

  5. Branches of mistletoe (hanged on the doors) were used against the witches and ghosts during the middle ages. Today, mistletoe represent inevitable part of Christmas decorations, especially in the USA. Romantic custom to kiss person caught under imela is few centuries old tradition which still lives in the USA.

  6. At Christmas there are more than 1500 trees decorated to celebrate the season.

  7. In Maine there was a hearsay law that Christmas decorations must be removed by January 14th or accept a fine

  8. 60 % of the World's Christmas decorations come from Yiwu in China

  9. Asbestos was used as a Christmas decoration in the 1940s

  10. When the Colombian military decorated trees in FARC guerrilla territory with Christmas lights in an effort to encourage soldiers to come home, 331 guerrillas returned home, a 30% increase from last year.

christmas decorations facts
Christmas decorations at the white house 2018?

Why do christmas decorations come down?

You can easily fact check why should you take down christmas decorations by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 2004, Martha Stewart competed in a Christmas decorating contest while serving her 5 month jail stint....and lost

Tinsel (the sparkly string decoration that we hang on christmas trees in the west) was invented in 1610, in Nuremberg Germany to emulate icicles and was originally made of shredded silver. - source

Christmas decorations that are popular today include Christmas trees, Christmas lights, wreaths, garland, holly, mistletoe, and nativity scenes.

There are two trains covered in Christmas decorations that travel across Canada and part of the US just before Christmas Time to collect donations for food banks.

Evergreen leaves of Christmas fern can be found all year round, including the period of Christmas. They are often used in decorative purposes, especially for the production of Christmas wreaths, hence the name - "Christmas fern".

When christmas decorations down?

In many countries, it is customary to leave Christmas decorations up until February 2 - Candlemas

How to make christmas decorations out of paper?

A cluster of factories in the city of Yiwu, China produce over 60% of the worlds Christmas decorations.

The Christmas tree was first put on display in Tallinn. It was put up in 1441 in the Town Hall Square by a fraternity of bachelors. After drinking, singing, and decorating, they ended the party by burning the tree.

Malls throughout the Middle East are annually decorated with Christmas Trees and some of these locations have special traditions unique to their region.


People make furniture and decorations, including Christmas trees, from antlers.

When christmas decorations new york?

People hang Christmas trees upside down as decoration based on an old European tradition

At Disney's Fort Wilderness Campground, people decorate their RVs for Christmas like we do with our houses

The first decorated Christmas tree didn't emerge until the 19th century, and poinsettias aren't poisonous to pets

The bible prohibits decorating christmas trees

Spiders and spider webs are a traditional Christmas tree decoration in Ukraine.

How to make paper christmas decorations?

There's an ancient Christmas tradition called the Tió de Nadal, otherwise known as "The Shitting Log." Children decorate a small log, offer it food every day, and on Christmas Eve they beat it with sticks and order it to defecate presents.

A Catalan Christmas tradition called the Shitting Log, where a log is decorated and beaten with sticks while singing the Shitting Log song to make it "shit out" presents.

In 2007 there was a man wanted for the theft of a woman's wallet who had a CCTV photo published in a newspaper. Nobody realised until after the newspaper was published that a photo of the same man putting up Christmas decorations was featured on the same page.

The Twelve Days of Christmas starts on Dec 25th and ends Jan 5. Here's to seeing trees and decorations up since thanksgiving thrown out on the 26th.

The cost to end homelessness in the US is less than the amount spent on Christmas decorations.

The Colombian government used Ad campaigns such as decorating trees in the jungle with Christmas lights and floating illuminated spheres down rivers to cause thousands of guerrillas to demobilze

The Nazis fully embraced Christmas and used it to promote national unity. Storm troopers sang Christmas carols, children ate chocolate SS men, and Christmas trees decorated with swastikas were set up in city squares. At home, families made cookies in the shape of the SS's thunderbolt Sig-rune.

The first Christmas Tree was decorated c. 1419

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Christmas Decorations. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Christmas Decorations so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor