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Cashew Tree facts

While investigating facts about Cashew Tree Bali and Cashew Tree Fruit, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The biggest cashew tree in the world covers an area of about 80,000 square feet and produces over 60,000 fruits each year. The tree gets its size from two genetic issues, which allow branches to grow outwards instead of upwards, taking new roots when touching the ground.

how to grow cashew tree?

The largest cashew tree in the world was planted by a fisherman in Brazil, genetic anomalies made the branches grow sideways, it now spans 7500 square meters and financially supports upwards of 1500 people.

What does a cashew tree look like?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does a cashew nut tree look like. Here are 28 of the best facts about Cashew Tree Image and Cashew Tree Information I managed to collect.

what's cashew tree?

  1. Cashew trees are in the same family as poison ivy and poison sumac. They are usually sold shelled and roasted because if not, the shell oil may cause a skin reaction similar to poison ivy.

  2. Cashews actually grow on 20 feet (6 meters) tall evergreen trees, the nut we eat is part of a larger fruit called a cashew apple, and the exterior of an un-shelled cashew has the same toxins as poison ivy.

  3. Cashew tree produces flowers arranged in multi-branched inflorescence called panicle. Tree produces three types of flowers: male, female and mixed (flowers that contain both type of reproductive organs). Flowers are initially green, but they become red after some time. Bats and insects are main pollinators of flowers.

  4. Cashew tree is tropical evergreen plant that can reach 20 to 46 feet in height.

  5. Cashew nuts are rich source of the vitamins of the B group and minerals such as magnesium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus and copper. They also contain high level of monounsaturated-fatty acids, which are beneficial for the human health.

  6. The greatest producer of cashew nuts in the world is Nigeria. It produces more than 1.9 metric tons of cashew nuts annually.

  7. Cashew nuts are commercially available without shell because it contains compound (anacardic acid) which induces skin irritation.

  8. Anacardic acid, isolated from the shell of cashew nuts, has application in the chemical industry for the production of insecticides and varnishes.

  9. Cashew nuts, like many other types of nuts, may trigger severe allergic reaction in sensitive persons.

cashew tree facts
What do cashew trees look like?

Why cashew nuts are bad for you?

You can easily fact check why cashew nuts are good for you by examining the linked well-known sources.

Cashew tree has green, elliptical, leathery leaves that are spirally arranged on the branches.

According to the latest medical studies, cashew nuts can prevent development of gallstones and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They act beneficially in people diagnosed with diabetes.

Hard shell of cashew nuts is used in treatment of snakebites in some parts of the world.

Cashew nuts are the "true" fruit of the cashew trees. They are located on the bottom of the "false" fruit called cashew apple. Cashew nuts are protected with hard shell. Nuts are bean-shaped and one inch long.

Cashew tree is able to live and produce nuts more than 30 years.

How and when to plant cashew tree?

Cajueiro de Pirangi, a cashew tree in Brazil that is 1600 feet in circumference and covers about 2 acres in area.

How many cashew trees per acre?

Due to high content of fat, cashew nuts easily become rancid at a room temperature. That's why they should be stored in the fridge.

Cashews grow in a shell that’s attached to a “cashew apple” which is attached to the branch of the tree.

Cashew apples are also edible. They are mostly consumed in the South America, where people eat them raw or in the form of delicious drinks.

Cashews are technically a fruit, not a nut. They're grown on the cashew tree, which produces the cashew apple. Cashew 'nuts' are actually the seed of the cashew apple.

When dream of cashew tree?

Cashew nuts are usually consumed raw as a snack, or in the form of butter. Besides that, cashew nuts are integral part of different sweet and salty dishes in Indian, Chinese and Thailand cuisine.

A cashew nut tree is actually an cashew apple tree

The world's largest Cashew tree occupies an area of 8,000 square meters

Cashews grow on apple like fruits from a tree

The cashew nut is actually a seed that grows out the bottom of a cashew apple on the caju tree native to Brazil, and it looks like this.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cashew Tree. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cashew Tree so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor